What's everybody doing today?

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Morbidly Inclined
HCL Supporter
Dec 5, 2017
To quote Genevieve
What is everyone doing today? I was just wondering :D

Today was our monthly trip to Costco. Normally we do it on the weekend but I told K I'd do it so we didn't have to run out there this past weekend.

I stopped at the bank then Lowes to pick up a space heater on the way to Costco which opened at 10am. I was still 20 minutes early.

Now I just have to run out this week when I get a chance for cat litter, nuts, carrots and green beans.

When I go I'll make a stop at Hobby Lobby for paint and supplies for more crafty things I enjoy doing. ;)
I spent most of the day at work, other than the 2 hours I spent watching a couple plumbers install a new hot water heater. Then after that it was all what my wife calls house husband duty. I made dinner, fed everyone, did dishes and got the younger kids bathed, read to and tucked in.
Up early as usual...see what you guys are doing...husband breakfast, pack husband a lunch, feed the animals....start laundry, do dishes...all that regular daily stuff. Full day at work (and it's Christmas break, so more children today including the older ones). Finished chores for the day after coming home, and sat down to fill out a huge lot of Christmas cards to send out while making dinner. The twins have dinner dishes clean up tonight. Am catching up and also "babysitting" our son and girlfriends little dog "Izzy". She is half chihuaha and yorkie and funny looking. But I love her dearly. They went out to dinner, and the trailer gets cold, so she's inside the house with me. Husband's leg is hurting, and needs a leg rub. Then off to bed.
Started off the morning with stain removing some clothing with our homemade stain remover and then putting a load on in the washing machine and hanging it on the clothes line. We then went into town and picked up a new popcorn maker as our bit the dust, some underwear I found on a good special and a litre bottle of vodka for making pure vanilla extract out of and some citrus fertiliser for the new fruit trees we purchased.

This afternoon I took the load of washing in from the clothes line and we harvested all of our garlic, spring onions and brown onions from the gardens and the garlic we put on wire racks to dry in the garage along with the onions. Also found a couple of ripe capsicums which we will chop up these and the spring onions for advanced stocks in the freezer.

Then on to DH washing the dishes and cleaning the benches and myself putting them away and I swept the kitchen floor as it was rather crunchy underfoot again.
When I go I'll make a stop at Hobby Lobby for paint and supplies for more crafty things I enjoy doing. ;)

Hobby Lobby....
I am thinking about buying a Popup camper , and leaving it in the parking lot at our Hobby Lobby...
Yep, she(wife) could just live there...OMG...she keeps them in business.

I like the store ok,
but its horrible trying to check out..so outdated,
Takes forever..
I refuse, until they move into the 20th century with their checkout system.:eyeballs:

Today I need to hang a door in my basement bathroom and get some stuff done outside, it is supposed to snow tomorrow. Also need to look into getting my elbow looked at, I have a bad case of tendinitis or tennis elbow that has only gotten worse the last couple months.
I ran some of my pre-Christmas errands.

I stopped in Hobby Lobby after taking Roo to school. Got craft paint, scrapbook paper and some small floral items to cheer up the girls' rooms. I also picked up some of the 24-pks of holiday pencils and goody-bag junk. Not for this year but for down the road.

Then I ran across the street to Walmart. I got the cat litter, butter and krispie treat fixings. I also got some cheap cord winders for the Christmas tree lights. I also grabbed some craft items like spray glue.

I have one errand left- go to the market for green beans carrots and broccoli for Christmas dinner.
I don't know if I should be boycotting Hobby Lobby or buying stock in that place. My wife seems to go there at least once a week and throws cash at them.

They are my go-to craft store for 2 big reasons- they are openly Christian (They are closed on Sunday) AND their prices! They also use the 40% off coupon on your most expensive regularly priced item in your order! FYI for the hubbies whose wives are Hobby Lobby addicts, have the wife download their app. That way she always has their 40% off coupon on her when she goes.
I don't know if I should be boycotting Hobby Lobby or buying stock in that place. My wife seems to go there at least once a week and throws cash at them.
I haven't boycotted them, and most of my crafting friends haven't either. I do know that several people I know were outraged about what happened, but I know they are a Christian organization, so I continue to shop there as well. They also have items that I have not been able to find anywhere else.
I haven't boycotted them, and most of my crafting friends haven't either. I do know that several people I know were outraged about what happened, but I know they are a Christian organization, so I continue to shop there as well. They also have items that I have not been able to find anywhere else.

I am not sure about "what happened", my boycott was based solely on me not seeing my wife as much because of them.
Although their status as a Christian organization is probably 99% of the reason she does shop there.
Removing Japanese or Mexican Petunias'forgot name' from garden bed. Too invasive. Baking a hen taking out dressing we froze last month, making giblet gravy, hosing down front forch, transplanting GH plants. Washing clothes. It has been a busy day, thank God still able to do it.

" whatever thou doest, do with all hty might, there is plenty of time to rest in the grave where thou will go ." Paraphrase. This always helps to get me going .
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Well, I meant to stop at Hobby Lobby to see if I could get a really good deal on a a big gold garland for next year, but I didn't make it that far. Since when has stopping at 3 or 4 grocery type stores just wiped me out? I almost hate shopping any more! Guess I will get there next time out, maybe.
Replacing the home computer on Vista with a iMac. Internet research on how to move Outlook contacts to the iMac, doesn't sound too bad.

I'll have both PC running side by side until I'm confident the wife has actually told me everything she wanted moved to the iMac. Then I'll destroy the HD from the Vista machine and throw the rest in the dumpster. Flat screen I'll save for?
Got my daughter to school, spent a little time at the coffee shop, then the me mechanic called and said I could get the car. $213 and a new wheel bearing later the noise is gone but still has a weird vibration over 65 mph. That killed the morning. Booked my tickets to Ontario, CA airport for January. Went to the pawn shop, nothing interesting except a Winchester pump .22 for $1400! So I left there, LGS was closed, so went to Wally World for odds and ends. And now I'm wondering what to make for supper...
we set a jar up at the store where i work for military families overseas. he is one of our customers when he is home. folks have been putting their change in it . we had 62 dollars to give to a military family. they just had a baby and he is statined on a ship somefer where near japan . i prefer to give money locally.hopefully we will have more by the first of the year.

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