Having recently re-evaluated my top 10 I'd have to go with the following for the following reasons:
10. A metal bottle of water. Why? Because you can boil water in it, it can stay warmer or colder longer than plastic and chemicals don't leech into the water after long periods of storage. It has to draw back of not being able to fold down like a plastics bottle or quiet the same level of creative camp crafts (like using a plastic bottle to catch minnows) but it is less likely to brake. My fall back for this is a water bladder as it folds down really small while still being easy to pack away when full.
9. A good knife. While not higher on the list I feel like a knife is a very important item to keep with you at all times (due to the fact that I'm at an international school I can't carry one with me 24/7) what can't you do with a knife in a survival situation. I have multiple folding knives as I feel that the way that they fold down is important for cutting down on space. (Just noticed the pun
) I feel that if I could only have 1 knife though that a solid, full tang fixed blade is best.
8. Food. Food keeps us alive. Simple. I like to stay way from commercially made MREs and canned goods for my bags (although I have a lot of canned food it simply weighs too much) so I make simple food bags that contain everything I need for that meal. These range from beef jerky with crackers (nice little sandwiches, but they are a nit tough) to soups to smoked fish. Anything that lasts long and has the nutrients to keep me going is good.
7. Good boots. 2 pair is a must. When 1 pair is soaked what do you do? I like to switch it up for different tasks. Long distance boots over work boots. I have both pairs broken in and they are great. They don't look like they are brand new or that a model will wear them coming down the run way but they are amazing at what they do. I also store an extra pair of dry socks in each boot as it cuts down on space required and it gives me the chance to surprise myself with dry socks.
6. A good back pack for this all to go into. I know that the tittle is "10 must have items for a bug out bag" but the bag is just as important. I like to use school back packs as it looks like I just tossed my school stuff out and now I'm ready to kick some @$$ during SHTF. I can always find a use for old things and my old school bags were no exception. Hiking bags are good but I find they look out of place in a city or even where I am so I think that a school bag looks the best, feels good and can take quiet a beating.
5. Defensive weapons. I had to add this on there. I never what to be caught without some for of weapon on me. Ranging from my bow to my nerve stick, I have something on me at all times. My bow is a sorta takedown model so it folds down into 2 parts and it isn't the heaviest draw but they don't know that. I also have martial arts weapons that I can use to defend myself but I find that they loom out of place more than the bow would.
4. A good pair of gloves. Working gloves. Blister on you hands suck. I hate having to work when i get them and the gloves will help with that. They should be worn at all times SHTF because you never know when you may have to break your way through a door that is full of splinters or that you need to go through bushes. Also they can be those reinforced military ones with the cover over strategic parts for fighting but I find they don't give good support to your handsand punching with those on really hurts. These gloves can be for winter also if you love in a colder environment or water proof it you see your self in a wet region.
3. A good book. The Hobbit. The end. In all honesty and book will do. Reading takes your mind off SHTF problems and reminds you of a character. It relaxes you. Any book will do, nation/ reckless are amazing books and they don't take up much space. Worse case scenario you can burn the pages to give you a fire. Also cards work good here also as it gives you some thing to do. You don't want to be bored do you?
2. Medical kit. People get hurt, what can I say? A fully stocked EMT medical kit with the latest pain killers is wonderful but I can't get that. Lots of bandages and gauze. Band-aids and what not are great. A tube of super glue to close up wounds is also great to have.Disinfectants, I like hydrogen peroxide because it can be used in wounds and to clean up tools. Now it doesn't have to be fancy but you have to know how to use that stuff in there.
1. Made it my top thing to bring. My top must have. Truth is, I don't have a top of the list thing, there is some many items that are situational (like snowshoes or a padlock with chain) and there are many things that I wouldn't want to leave behind. I could have said something like knowledge or guidance but I'm sure you can toss that in a bag. (Unless you are saying that is a boom then look at #3) I feel that there is no 100% always bring.
That is my newer top ten list. Any questions? Ask away