Yeah from what i've read canning will keep for years. I remember being at my great grandparents and eating food they had canned 5 years before. I really need to start doing it myself . Most "pro" websites (ie someone who could be sued?) say a year but read some of the comments on this page
i just started saveing the recipes to word pad..then im gonna save them to cd..then i'll print a label for which i 'll name canning recipes.this way i'll have um.and be able to print out if needed
There are literally thousands of canning recipes on the internet. Just Google what you are looking for, that's how I learned to can up hotdogs to (sorta) taste like Vienna Sausages. If you are new to canning, I would stick to more traditional sites like the one suggested above or That's a link to Ball Canning Recipes. They have recipes for the freezer, water-bath canning and also pressure cooker recipes. They also have a search for whatever your main ingredient is that will bring up different things to do with it