These lists always kinda make me laugh. The standard American diet is sugar/grain based. Vegetarianism is promoted as healthy as grain crops are so heavily subsidized by the gov. Hubby and I don't eat (or seldom eat) most of the items on the list. If there is a situation where one's stockpile is a matter of survival, proper nourishment will be key over "comfort" or "junk" food. (My opinion) more folks should eat in such a way now even though not necessary. The sky-rocketing obesity rate and associated health issues (heart, diabetes, etc) that go along with are a huge indicator of the lack of value in regards to health. "We" as a nation like easy even if it means being sick. (And yes, I consider obesity an illness.) In a SHTF scenario, I think many people would have a rude awakening. We were created to eat a certain way. If you think about it, nobody is allergic to meat/animal fat and vegies. Diabetics can't have sugar/carbs. Many people are allergic to milk, shellfish, or nuts. These are things we probably shouldn't be eating even if we don't have physical adversities to them.
It might sound pretty Hard A** of me but let me assure you. I drink coffee every morning, am working on losing about 5 lbs., and my favorite food in the world is peanutbutter. I would feel it if the situation arose. This is all my 2 c. - feel free to disregard.
It might sound pretty Hard A** of me but let me assure you. I drink coffee every morning, am working on losing about 5 lbs., and my favorite food in the world is peanutbutter. I would feel it if the situation arose. This is all my 2 c. - feel free to disregard.