A group "FORMED" post-SHTF for survival will need Exactly what skills to survive.

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HCL Supporter
Mar 17, 2018
So, there was NO group pre SHTF, just a few neighbors that know each other enough to politely wave.

Please: this is not a thread for bragging about your pre-SHTF, well-organized group.

There are 40 to 60 people in the group one week after the event, with more showing up begging for help. You maintain a very low profile, you help, but you say nothing. You constantly observe the group dynamics. You start thinking of leaving, which shifts your attention to who you would invite to go with you, and also who you sure as hell don't want in your new break-away group.

From what you have observed, what have you learned about what is ultra-important.
I started this same thread on a different forum. It quickly went to 119 posts. The most interesting thing to me was as it evolved it got more and more real/authentic. So much of prepping forums totally avoids the ugly truth about survival and human behavior.

I have spent decades studying Wolves and Bears, the single most shocking thing is how in a flash they can turn on each other with viciousness that is stunning.
With a group the size you are describing, you need a clear leader. Nothing will tear a group apart faster than political infighting.
If we assume that likely 70% of the group will be adult males, and of those 60% consider themself "Alpha-males". I also envision this thrown-together group to be a residential neighborhood where they only know each other enough to wave. How do you choose a leader....???
I would likely weed out the KIAs "know it alls". Naturally work your way through the others likely to get you killed, liars, thieves, cowards, weak ( physically or mentally) etc. That should leave a pretty short list. Heck maybe I wouldn't make my list.
If we assume that likely 70% of the group will be adult males, and of those 60% consider themself "Alpha-males". I also envision this thrown-together group to be a residential neighborhood where they only know each other enough to wave. How do you choose a leader....???
OMG, I will NOT follow the male ego or a large group! Nice thread for those who.....
If we assume that likely 70% of the group will be adult males, and of those 60% consider themself "Alpha-males". I also envision this thrown-together group to be a residential neighborhood where they only know each other enough to wave. How do you choose a leader....???
You can keep throwing up different scenarios but the fact remains that without a leader your group is non functional. The best group will have a leader, and an organization, prior to D Day.

Additions will either accept the status quo or they move on. They will also provide something to support themselves or a needed skill.
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With the situation you described, I would definitely have in my gut an urgency to di di mau. From the scenario you give in the OP, we basically know nothing about anyone. My question to solve quickly is do I take the risk of waiting around to find out who would be a candidate and who wouldn’t. My assumption is I wouldn’t wait around. In just a matter of days DNBI will start taking its toll, let alone violence.
The ugly side of people will quickly destroy any group.
I want nothing to do with an impromptu group.
You'll end up with one king, his henchmen, and a bunch of slaves.
Better off without that that and try to keep it just family and close friends.
Valid, but remember there are likely many in the group who eat breakfast-lunch-dinner in restaurants. Likely have one or two days food at home. Many are likely already hungry.
Well, starting a group afterwards of 60 people in a subdivision would be ridiculous. The obvious...being in a subdivision, and then also sharing all your supplies with 60 people when they were only intended for your family. I would not be there in the first place.
You might be visiting someone when SHTF.

I remember the last time (thirty-some years ago) I visited my sister. The first morning I got up before anyone; and went to the kitchen to look for food. Essentially there was "NONE". The first person up walked into the kitchen and asked me, "Where do you want to go for breakfast".
You will need the same people in the group that you have in your neighborhood now.
Leader, a 2nd sub leader, a police force, a builder/repairman, a husbandry for animals, a gardener for plants, a herbalist for meds & spices.
A nurse/ doctor, teacher would be helpful, all others would work for the different sub groups as needed.
You will need the same people in the group that you have in your neighborhood now.
Leader, a 2nd sub leader, a police force, a builder/repairman, a husbandry for animals, a gardener for plants, a herbalist for meds & spices.
A nurse/ doctor, teacher would be helpful, all others would work for the different sub groups as needed.
OK......but where does the food and water and housing come from....?? Remember this is "after" TSHTF.
You will have to build, if your BOL was destroyed.
You will need skilled persons in your group, but why must you start from nothing, many SHTF left many people in homes, on farms after the passing.
The Great depression, the dust bowl, civil war, many people have tools after the Fall, not all are ship wrecked on a sand island with nothing.
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A couple things strike me from the OP. First, am I solo, or have my wife or family with me?
If I have family, I am likely to watch and learn for a very few days saying or sharing nearly nothing but some labor. See what happens, who steps up, who curls up. KITAs, know it alls, will be avoided at all cost. I'm lookin for doers, people that use their brains and hands. 60 some odd people is a large group from a pool that likely contains just a handful of skilled people. Some others may be smart enough to learn fast, others will die fast.

Solo will be similar, but I'm likely to not stick in a large group as long. I may find a good OP and observe from a distance for a longer period. But basically being in a subdivision resources will be very thin.

Folks I'm looking for will be, food producers, hopefully one or more being herbalist. Also outdoors folks, hunters, fishers, gardeners, farmers, craftsmen. People that can think on their feet, outside the box if you will, find solutions to problems. Medically trained folks as well. EMTs, nurses, etc. Security type folks as well.
Good post for the OP. I need to think thru this more to improve my answers.
I'd adopt the rules that God laid out in Deuteronomy as step 1. You steel, lie, cheat .. Anything out of line and you are put 6 feet under. I own the land and thus God made me the leader of any tribe on this land thus anyone that challenges that is put 6 feet under. And .. back to Deuteronomy .. that pretty much lays out all other rules.
There's so much to comment on here!
This is a recurring conversation between ourselves and a few close friends with a similar mindset. As a family, my only concern would be to get the two that would be the furthest away from home, and it's only two hours from their college so doable if we were on the ball. We will hunker down here and like Backpacker see what happens. I've always said I want to see what the world is like before I choose to stay in it. I need to see hope before I choose.
I don't want to build a group. I spend my time avoiding most people! I believe it's better not to rely on other people, I'm already annoyed that because of a condition I've developed my own fitness is limited, so am reliant on the men in my family for wood chopping etc.
I've noticed that recently more are saying they want to go in the first wave but that could be an age thing.
Joel is right- many of us would be starting from a stronger place- in the Depression etc folks didn't have stashes to trade or live off.
Slade's comment on dying is a powerful statement. I think just walking into one of the many lakes is my best option.
I agree with what has been mentioned previously. I would cautiously observe and evaluate. I am thinking three categories: People I like, people I could tolerate, and people I would have nothing to do with. I would stay on the fringe and see how the initial group interacts. The group dynamics will be apparent in a few days, and the personalities will show.

Skills are important. There is no doubt, but I would be looking for personalty traits as well. Who is willing to get along and adapt? Who will never quit or give up? Who will listen to other points of view, and work toward the best solution? IMHO the cohesiveness of the group would be a key factor in its success. There is no "I" in team.
I think in the area that I live in now, the same amish type group rules would be in effect. Which are that each family is the boss of their family, but each family answers to who is in charge in their district. We have three districts here, with about 650 people total. Since there are so many amish here, I doubt that they would take an english neighbor saying that they were the boss of their 60 person area. It would be a lot of miles to collect the 60 people. We already know who raises what food, who grows what food, and most have their home canned harvest in their basement for the winter. Transportation isn't a problem, because horse and buggy is still used. I suspect our little town and surrounding farms would pretty much close off to the bigger city that is not amish. The one with the Walmart. But, you know, it wouldn't take those city people too long to try to raid ours. 15 to 20 miles is not that far to walk if their cars aren't working. And the amish are pretty non violent. Not completely, but pretty much. That being said, most everyone here is armed. At least for hunting. Word does travel fast, very fast around here. Everyone knows everyone's business and needs pretty quickly.
Not a chance in Hades I would ever be a part of something so random, especially in the first 90 days. I don't live where it would be possible anyways, so it is a moot point.

Why is there such a desire for groups ruled by someone? Seems like it will just perpetuate an age old problem. Nope, no such group for me. I am Sasquatch.

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