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The Shaman of suburbia.
HCL Supporter
Dec 13, 2017
Look behind you in that dark corner.
Name ten books besides the bible you need for a total SHTF situation:
The poor man's James Bond, the big one, not the into-three-books version by Kurt Saxon.
Ditch medicine.
Grandad's big book of chemistry by Kurt Saxon.
Man trapping. Ragnar Benson.
The anarchist's cookbook.
Euel Gibbons stalking trilogy.
Bradford Angier's Staying alive in the woods.
The SAS survival handbook.
The humane gardener. a 4H book.
Jonathan Nash's Prepper's water purification survival bible.
Pretty much anything on methane production and bottling.
Mantrapping by ragnar benson is a brilliant little book and a great read. The author is so articulate and concise I feel it is the perfect primer for someone who would like to learn any kind of trapping.

I should note that some of the traps mentioned are almost outlandish and highly contextual- but the core concept is there. It's a good book to get you thinking- but it's not going to give you the experience or knowledge to really start building and playong with some of these dangerous contraptions.

I've been experimenting with my own alot recently specifically 2 stage triggers. Most recently on my own variation of a pendulum spike trap where a figure 4 drops a log and pulls the trigger stick of an inverted paiute deadfall trigger which suspended the load.

Here's a free pdf download of the book.
