Sticky A new Civil War has begun, who's side are you on?

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Talk is cheap. I don't think many people have the backbone to put up any kind of fight now days. When our country went socialist, nobody fought back. We're going communist now and nobody is fighting back. I personally think we need a civil war, or another revolution in this country. Unfortunately we have no leaders, and since we live in a police state, we have no way to organize. A few geezers running around the woods playing GI Joe isn't going to be any help.
When Americans were truthfully stating that the 2A was drafted in order to allow American citizens to protect themselves from potentially tyrannical governments, Joe Biden had the audacity to state that the government has F-16’s, what good would guns do against that type of equipment.

That statement alone should have completely shown, even liberals, that if a sick, demented, tyrannical leader, (regardless of who it is) whether by their own idea or if they’re pushed into by others, is dangerous enough to even mention the potential use of military action against his own nations citizens, something has gone off the rails. So, if you have no means of defense, it would seem that your choices are either become a slave to the state or die.

I’m not confident that there would be enough patriots alive that would be willing to sacrifice what the men and women did to build this nation. But I know one thing, the circumstances we live under today seem eerily similar to the circumstances that America was founded under. That king certainly used the weapons of war he had on his own citizens. That’s why the 2A was and is so important, the men and women founding this land had just lived through actually standing up to a tyrannical leader, it’s not about hunting and it’s not about sport shooting. Those are soft sells.

So, someone tell me, what kind of sacrifice does it take to defend freedom, American founding fathers knew.

What was it Patrick Henry said. Oh, yeah, I remember, “Give me liberty or give me death.”

How about the man that drafted our founding documents. “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Thomas Jefferson

Very few that have experienced it typically want armed conflict, but if we’re not willing to sacrifice something very sacred, we may not enjoy the freedoms we currently take so for granted and are losing little by little. Anyone see any frogs?

I personally would prefer secession to any type of armed conflict. But I think liberals would never support this because they know that their ideas would fail without actual hard working, freedom living, people for them to steal money from. They know they would end up living in the disgusting mire, in just about every major urban, democratic infested enclave we see today. I would prefer setting up two or even three independent sovereign nations and give every legitimate citizen the choice which one they want to be a part of and be given support to get them there. I will choose the one that will honor god, allow you to work for what you have and have only what you work for and finally, allow you to protect yourself, your family and your property. No attempts to limit those freedoms would be acceptable. Then set sovereign boundaries that will be vigorously defended.
I was loving your comment but this part I don't get.
French people?
One of the 10 plagues?
Knitting term?

Can someone explain it to me? 😆
I’m sorry, the frog will sit in the pot of water if you warm it up little by little until it’s too late and the boiling water will end his life.

We’re in the pot with the frog, not realizing the water has gotten much hotter and just waiting for the water to boil and take us out instead of jumping out of the pot completely.
I’m sorry, the frog will sit in the pot of water if you warm it up little by little until it’s too late and the boiling water will end his life.

We’re in the pot with the frog, not realizing the water has gotten much hotter and just waiting for the water to boil and take us out instead of jumping out of the pot completely.
Oh. Wow. I was way off!
No, I'm just dense!

I agree, though. It has been happening all my life.
Yes, that’s the only way they can get it done, over a lifetime, little by little. If they stepped up and said we’re taking control immediately, you would see the civil war this thread is referring to.

If it weren’t for the fact that most younger people never use cash, digital currency would never be a thing. But mark this, if the government gets complete control of your digital wallet, your days of freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom period will be subject to government approval. If they can control access to your finances, they have you.

The 2A won’t matter if there is central control of our currency. Think you’d be able to buy a firearm if the government has control of your digital wallet. The transaction would come back “declined” and you’re done.
I've heard of French people being called frogs. Not sure why, they really don't look like frogs, and frogs don't have hairy legs and pits.
Yes, that’s the only way they can get it done, over a lifetime, little by little. If they stepped up and said we’re taking control immediately, you would see the civil war this thread is referring to.

If it weren’t for the fact that most younger people never use cash, digital currency would never be a thing. But mark this, if the government gets complete control of your digital wallet, your days of freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom period will be subject to government approval. If they can control access to your finances, they have you.

The 2A won’t matter if there is central control of our currency. Think you’d be able to buy a firearm if the government has control of your digital wallet. The transaction would come back “declined” and you’re done.
I think you are preaching to the choir here. Most that will have prepared themselves, have. Your are referring to what normies would have to do.
2A will have a lot to do with s SHTF economy. Bullets. lead will be the new gold.
When they can’t get total gun control, they will go after ammo. Sorry, dont see 2A protecting that in the short or long run on this aspect. . Those who have it will be able to use their 2A rights.

Better have that figured out before digital wallet.
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I personally would prefer secession to any type of armed conflict. But I think liberals would never support this because they know that their ideas would fail without actual hard working, freedom living, people for them to steal money from.
Absolutely agree. Look what happened to Yugoslavia, Syria, Lebanon, Lybia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Vietnam, Korea, Georgia, Chechenia, Venezuzela and NOW UKRAINE...Every time SOMEBODY starts a shooting contest just to get their wishes/ideas/wants/desires/ideals/religion/woke bologna---
they DESTROY the nation/land/water/hospitals/schools/fields/forests/family and churches....
FOR WHAT??? Because a few *******s decide to tell the rest of the nation which direction everything is gonna go.
Now we have to watch out for China/Taiwan...Canada...Moldavien...Poland and America getting their **** into the wrong governing hands and have to beware of them sending millions of refugees again into all the other nations nearby to feed/house/medical and psychology support from the only people who just make it along with hard work/taxes/motivation/love of nation and faith......the rich stay rich, the poor stay poor and the taxpayers
KEEP PAYING TAXES FOR THE LAZY/LYING/DRUGGIES/WOKE/LIBERAL/USELESS trash who are POSING as human beings but are only human parasites.
Nobody is gonna start a Civil War in America, everybody NEEDS TO be a part of a civilised war in America. The Left/woke/liberals pay no attention to the rules of fairness, but if the right/conservative/Godly start to do the same thing??? Who will decide (and with WHAT RIGHT to do so) which side is the correct side to fight ON OR FOR???
Beware of false flags/black swan/planned lies to get you to do the right thing at the wrong time and get another good person locked up like J6 victims....think more than you talk, read carefully and find your own answers to every declaration of "who knows who really wrote this story" and never forget how many lies the A- b- c- companies have already fed us in the last 150 free, Gary
Losing our freedoms little by little until they’re all gone and we’re standing there asking ourselves, how the heck did we get here?
The sword of time does not hurt as it begins, but is does pierce our skin until we too late realise that it happened.
That is the moment we all ask ourselves--where did the time fly? You purchase each day of your life with whatever you did in the last 24 hours...was it a good investment for the future or your loved ones-or a wasted day?
Invest wisely and live free.
Jan 6 should have made it abundantly clear that the enemy has spies everywhere.
Good point. But I'll probably have plenty of disagreement with this opinion: I think it was a poor choice for those who went that day. We had multiple warnings that Jan 6 was going to be a problem and to stay home. I'm not saying those who went deserve what happened. I just think we need to be "wise as serpents and innocent as doves."

But you do make a good point that anything can be infiltrated. It's nice that people like O'Keefe are infiltrating their side, too, but they're a little better at checking people out before sharing information.
While I owe you zero explanations- I'll suffice to say that I am content with the differences I have made for my communities and state. You wouldn't know that, of course, because you don't know me.

There are a lot of assumptions in your reaponse. I clearly am not on a public forum encouraging anyone to invade a governors house. That is idiotic and, frankly, silly to assume that's what I meant.

"Plans" are needed for even things as simple who is running for an office. What information we have, what our plans are, which laws will be challenged and the strategy for doing so, those are all things we need to hold closely until it is necessaryto reveal them. Thus far, our attempts at winning back our government from those who are clearly willing to break laws and scheme has not been successful because we are treating it as if they follow the rules. They don't. You can't tell the opposition every detail of your plans if the opposition will use whatever information they have to undermine you.

Any national headway must be communicated in some way. Yes, there are plenty of ways to be involved in a grassroots movement, but national changes require national coordination.

Even responses to national problems like BLM riots could use some national coordination. As of now, the opposition owns all communication. There is no way to communicate how to deal with a riot, for example, without using their means of communication.

Arrogance always gets my hackles up, so of you didn't intend to sound as condescending as you did, I hope you'll understand. If you are confused about something I comment, ask. My life is short and I have no time for argumentative folks who just want to get into a pissing contest.
OUR forefathers that built this country had the guts to stand up to idiots like we have in Washington now!!
I think you are preaching to the choir here. Most that will have prepared themselves, have. Your are referring to what normies would have to do.
2A will have a lot to do with s SHTF economy. Bullets. lead will be the new gold.
When they can’t get total gun control, they will go after ammo. Sorry, dont see 2A protecting that in the short or long run on this aspect. . Those who have it will be able to use their 2A rights.

Better have that figured out before digital wallet.

Black markets for ammo will spring up everywhere! Even the cartels will be dealing it on the street corners. Never doubt the greed of humans to traffic anything that is dearly wanted!
Good point. But I'll probably have plenty of disagreement with this opinion: I think it was a poor choice for those who went that day. We had multiple warnings that Jan 6 was going to be a problem and to stay home.

No disagreement here. I thought about going for about a few seconds. Then it hit me how very dangerous it is to walk into satan’s city.
I rest my case. It’s already starting. Not even the Kommunist Republik.
I don't see how that could work. If the serial number was on the outside, all you need is a dremel to take it off. (I don't know how the weaker spot in the casing would affect its accuracy, so somebody comment on that, please, if you engineering minded.) If it was on the inside, you could just take it apart and reload.

Speaking of which, plenty of folks hang on to their casings to reload. Anyone who enjoys shooting probably has half a dozen coffee cans full of casings in their basements/garages.

And how could they even prosecute if you had ammo that didn't have a serial number? No way red states would do this anytime soon, so if you buy ammo online or move it across borders, are they going to lock you up?

Such a silly bill and one that would just create chaos if it were passed. But they thrive on chaos.