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'Tiny homes' is big here but not all are trailers, I have seen a few here up in the hills on foundations. I like the concept of the tiny homes! Reading the comments to the article I think many people have the wrong ideas on why people do it, affordability, a since of ownership and a since of nomadic freedom with the comforts of a home is the primary reasons. I wonder how many that gave the article negative comments owned their homes Vs renting homes/apartment (flats) wonder if they think the same of the snowbirds that go from Washington to Arizona during the winter? Washington 'SnowBirds' are retired folks that take their motor homes/trailers to warmer climates in the winter months (generally to Arizona)

"A significant portion of the snowbird community is made up of recreational vehicle users. Many own a motorhome for the sole purpose of traveling south in the winter. Often they go to the same location every year and consider the other RVers that do the same a "second family". Many RV parks label themselves "snowbird friendly" and get the majority of their income from the influx of RVing snowbirds. There are places like Quartzsite, Arizona, that have been labeled "white cities" because from a bird's-eye view all the motorhomes cover the landscape in white and then in the summer are gone. While historically Florida has been the number one RV snowbird location, other southern U.S. states are experiencing a boom from snowbirds enjoying the southern climate "without the hurricane threat". For example, the university town of Starkville, Mississippi, has become a destination for thousands of out-of-town RVers coming to enjoy the mild winter climate and the low cost of living"
I guess snowbirders can also avoid local and state property taxes as well. We call em Full Timers over here they spend the winter in southern Spain and Portugal and the Summer in Northern Europe.
I'd like one of those tiny houses myself but I don't think the Mrs will go for it she says our house is small enough without going any smaller, but if I had a bit of land to put it on I might use it as a BOL.
I'm a huge fan of tiny homes. My goal here is to rent my 3/2 house of 1700 sq ft for retirement income, and build a tiny cabin over the hill back by the rear creek. I think it will be 14 or 16wide by 36. I allready have most of the building supplies for it. I've been collecting stuff for a few years now. One thing that will help with size is I plan to put it on top of a basement with a poured roof, doubling the size of usable space and instant shelter/root cellar. I have done too much work on the property to just start over, so putting another home on it just makes sense to me. With the kids grown, who needs all this space to heat and cool?
OK that should be fixed now, there was a box unticked? dunno why.
I hate when my son or wife touches this iPad. They both seem to need to change settings! I have no desire to explore on computers, I'm just greatfull when the darn things work. Yes I'm a little technologically challenged!
Me too when my last PC died my son demanded we got an Apple I pad, could I hell use it !!
I won this thing at work. I was really excited until I opened the box. The darn thing came with no instructions! They just want you to turn it on and start exploring. What morons! Don't they know that not all of us are teenagers!
Seriously, it's an awesome toy, and pretty easy to figure out. I wasn't joking about being technologically challenged though!
I gave my son the I pad he likes it, I ended up buying a Laptop running Win 8, it lasted 3 weeks before I put my boot knife through it, what a stupid operating system, I liked Win 7 but cannot get them now. Anyway Microthief obviously realised older folks liked the start menu and brought it back for win 8.1 that's what I'm using now.
I guess snowbirders can also avoid local and state property taxes as well.

Depends. My wife's aunt and uncle live in CT for about half the year, and own a house there (and pay taxes, etc.), but the rest of the time, they RV around, following the NASCAR circuit. They typically stay with us for a couple of weeks (just parking the RV on the ranch), right after the holidays (we have a power hookup for them). They aren't big on the CT winters, hehe.... Relatives house-sit for them while they are gone.
We've been "snowbirding" in a way since 2001, trouble is we travel so slow that we can't outrun the seasons :) I **** you not. We tend to camp for 4-6 weeks in a place then move on, do that a few times and the season has gone.

We've dropped anchor for the time being on our land in a place where the season hardly matters, the only difference between winter and summer is that in winter I'm more inclined to wear a shirt.

I'm also a big fan of tiny homes, but to be practical if you are the type of person that does stuff and needs tools etc I think you about 1000 sq ft (including workshop). The house part of my container house is about 650sq ft, but that includes a large semi-outdoor patio area. So I guess it doesn't really qualify as a tiny house, the truck we live in is 193 sq ft, that does.

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