Abandon all hope. You're a fool if hope is part of your reality.

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Mar 17, 2018
I am totally serious, abandon all hope and plan for a reality we can't comprehend. It is over for the American Empire.......OVER. The dominos will cascade rapidly now. There truly is no hope. The best you can do is try to save those you love, that are looking to you to guide them through the long dark future. There is no hope, only the passion to survive. No matter what.
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It is over for the American Empire.......OVER. The dominos will cascade rapidly now. There truly is no hope.
I refuse to live in paranoia reading all the crap on the web :(.
I actually go out and look around, and everything is normal.:thumbs:
No signs of "The downfall of the American Empire".
We survived 8 years of Obama, for Pete's sake:oops: and came out just fine.
Am I prepared? Yes.
...Losing sleep worrying about it? No.
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I am totally serious, abandon all hope and plan for a reality we can't comprehend. It is over for the American Empire.......OVER. The dominos will cascade rapidly now. There truly is no hope. The best you can do is try to save those you love, that are looking to you to guide them through the long dark future. There is no hope, only the passion to survive. No matter what.

What a refreshing and uplifting post.

Was this serious, or sarcasm about what has been posted on the internet?
This thing going on in Gaza is very likely going to get us into WWIII, Obama and Biden have been poking the Bear and parking nuclear weapons within striking distance of Russia and Putin has warned us not to do that, so do you think he was just kidding?
What would be the point exactly of giving up hope?

Yes, things look bad and I am concerned.....but realistically I can't do a thing about it. I can make local contributions, and I do. I can also keep things as steady as I can at home, and I do. I can pray, and I do. I can only do what I can do.......but I won't lose hope or faith in the meantime nor will I live in fear.

If tomorrow is my last day, then so be it. I am ready to join the Lord in his kingdom. I don't fear death and it most certainly isn't the worst thing that could possibly happen. I'd gladly sacrifice my life for those I love if it ever came to that. My life isn't the most important thing to me. My faith in the Lord is. That said, I don't have to live my life in constant fear and anxiety, nor will I. What would be the point of living life if you can't actually live it with some joy?
What would be the point exactly of giving up hope?
"NOT" giving up on life.

Refocusing on a viable survival plan. Think of it as a positive, like when you realize the company you work for is soon going bankrupt, and it is prudent for your family's survival to abandon wasting time on a sinking ship and choose a new realistic course.

Personal and family's survival often requires letting go of a cherish dream.

I was born in America just after end of WW-II, I have always loved and cherished America. But reality is that people die, loved ones die, countries die.

We have to let go of what dies and move on with living. I grieve for America, but my survival is dependent on forging a new life. This is always very hard.
"NOT" giving up on life.
You have come to the conclusion that America is toast. I have come to the opposite conclusion. Not that it matters. Both of us are just speculating. e have no idea of what's actually going to happen. We're just guessing. This makes for fun discussions, but silly arguments. Nobody should think "they have the answer" to something like this.

Anyway, for the sake of a fun discussion (no arguments!) - where do you think you'd go? In my opinion, you are already in one of the best places I think you could be. Sure, there are downsides for living kind of in the middle of nowhere, but you're in a beautiful middle of nowhere, and if you want to get away from it all - you're already there. I can't think of any other place in the US that would top where you are. Some places may equal it, but probably not top it. Canada? That's not for me. Although I can understand how some might consider it better than the US. Central America? Africa? For me, maybe a fun visit sometime, but a big "no" to living there. South America? A few countries are possibilities, but I would say remote possibilities. For me, only to be considered if the US really goes to hell as you predict. And it would have to be a bad hell. A normal hell - like Biden being reelected - would not trigger me to move there.

Australia? New Zealand? Those are places that I dream might be really good. But I honestly don't know enough about them to really know anything. Thinking of The Shire, as filmed in the movies, is not really a sound reason to want to relocate to the other side of the planet. Some places in Europe might be OK. Norway, Finland or something. But in my mind, Europe is sliding downhill maybe even faster than the US. Asia is just too different from what I'm used to to sound appealing to me. That opinion could change.

That pretty much covers the world, except for Antarctica. Unless they really discover the lush underground lost societies there (like you read about in science fiction), nah, too cold. So where could you (or I) go that would be better? I think I could improve on my current home here in Colorado. Maybe by moving to Alaska, next to you. But I honestly think that would be too much work for me, far more than I am used too.
NO.......There is none so blind as he who chooses to not see.

Fools will suffer extremely for being in denial.

La-La land is bliss........till reality shows up.
At the very least, people should recognize that the practice of printing huge amounts of new cash, just to pay recurrent expenses, must end with a collapse. It has in every case in the past and there is no precedent for it not ending that way.

The MSM in the world outside the US regularly discusses "what will come after the US dominance of the world". I notice that started to happen about five years ago.

The writing is on the wall for the US.
NO.......There is none so blind as he who chooses to not see.
I do admit that I need to schedule an appointment with the optometrist. My prescription is out of date and I just haven't done anything about it recently.

But I don't dive off the deep end in panic because someone tells me I'm a fool if I don't. People have been predicting the end of the world forever. I think I've survived it several dozen times now. I'm still a little woozy after recovering from my death following the covid vaccine. We have ups and downs all the time. Some folks go into a panic at every downward trend. I look at that downward trend trying to decide if it marks the best time to invest, so I can buy low and sell high. Downwards trends do not last forever (well, maybe for the dinosaurs). Look at Germany and Japan after WWII, and where they are now. In not too many years, we might all be vacationing at The Hilton Resort In Gaza. Things cycle, they are not never ending trends in a single direction. No need to panic or give up hope. Prepare, but don't panic and give up.

[edit] corrected typos [/edit]
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The US is good enough for me. I will probably go down with the ship if it goes down.

If I win the lottery, I will prepare an enclave to which to retreat in the Southern Hemisphere. If Iran and US, or China and US go at it, or Russia and NATO...we will all want a place in the Southern Hemisphere, since much of the effects of a nuclear exchange would likely stay north of the Equator.

But, I haven't won the lottery. And, I have no current plans to move permanently to a country in which I must trust my security to the local gendarmes. At least here, my final level of security is in my home, not a 30 minute response time away.

So, I guess I must trust in the self-preservation instincts of those more powerful than myself...and hope my survival is important to their lifestyle, and so I am under their umbrella.

I have to say, though...the anti-Israel protests have made me think we have lost this country. Very depressing. We welcomed our own destruction by letting half of them into our country, and by mis-educating the rest.
We have ups and downs all the time. Some folks go into a panic at every downward trend. I look at that downward trend trying to decide if it marks the best time to invest, so I can buy low and sell high. Downwards trends to not last forever (well, maybe for the dinosaurs). Look at Germany and Japan after WWII, and where they are now. In not too many years, we might all be vacationing at The Hilton Resort In Gaza. Things cycle, they are not never ending trends in a single direction. No need to panic or give up hope. Prepare, but don't panic and give up.
Me too.
Everyone was forecasting a severe recession and pondering how long it would last.
They were absolutely certain
They promised me. :thumbs:
I'm pist:(.
Nothing happened. 😡
When things actually went into the toilet at the end of 2008, I made bank:).
Today.... nothing.:(
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NO.......There is none so blind as he who chooses to not see.

Fools will suffer extremely for being in denial.

La-La land is bliss........till reality shows up.

I don't think anyone knows what, if anything is coming
All we know for sure is we are all without a doubt going to die some day. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, maybe 20 years from now. You don't know, and there is nothing you can do to prevent it

So , there is no point on dwelling on all the bad stuff that can and will happen. There isn't anything you can do about it

but just out of curiosity, what exactly do you think will happen?
........... Look at Germany and Japan after WWII, ...........
Yes...please do........millions of civilians dead, absence of a functioning economy, leveled cities, destroyed factories, no say in their future, 100% reliance upon the kindness of outsiders.

What if no aid had come from the outside? What if their collapse had cascaded into the collapse of the world around them?

Sounds peachy.

Looks like a poor analogy to me.

As many of us say, the key challenges of big crises are surviving the transition from one type of world to the next. Inability to make that transition has and will kill millions......but disproportionately, the people with normalcy bias.
Admitting things are FUBAR out of your control.
I do not "HOPE" Hope is the last prayer of a fool who has said there is no god.
I can not speak of Jehovah, but my gods only help when it is completely out of my ability, and then I don't have to ask. they are good parents and expect their little ones to imitate and not worship.to go, do, and be. For this I defend Christians, despite what we believe, we are family.
If things are out of my control, I gear up for flight or fight, I look to see how I can cut my losses, and if ALL else has been exhausted and no plan untried, I also follow the words of
the Biker Philosopher:
If'n you can't fix it, f**k it.

Right, I got that out of my system.
The America we knew and loved is DEAD! it is NOT coming back, but it's seeds and its memory live in our hearts and souls and minds, the LAST places the b*tards can't get to unless we invite them in. One day, we will plant those seeds again, if not us, our children. it WILL return, refreshed in the blood of patriots and tyrants alike.
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Yes...please do........millions of civilians dead, absence of a functioning economy, leveled cities, destroyed factories, no say in their future, 100% reliance upon the kindness of outsiders.

What if no aid had come from the outside? What if their collapse had cascaded into the collapse of the world around them?

I presented a case that DID happen. They came from "millions of civilians dead, absence of a functioning economy, leveled cities, destroyed factories, no say in their future, 100% reliance upon the kindness of outsiders" and are in very good positions now. Arguably better than the current US position.

You presented WHAT-IF'S that DID NOT happen.

Sounds peachy.

Looks like a poor analogy to me.

I presented a case illustrating that things change - they go up and down. And I presented two examples of this. You presented a case of never ending downturn. Which did not happen.

I don't know why you are claiming superiority for your predictions. You're the one who got it wrong.
I would like to clarify what I suspect is a flawed assumption. That is based on consistent feedback I notice on forums (especially this forum).

I get the feeling members think I am depressed about the future, frightened and fearful of the future, that I am confused about the future. That because I post a lot about ratchetting up prepping, I must be missing the joy of everyday.

I'll admit that was hundred percent true 54 years ago. That ended the last week of December 1969.

There is nothing to fear about the future, if you are prepared for the future. Don't confuse my encouraging people to live in a safe secure location, where there is abundant free food and pure fresh water.
You presented WHAT-IF'S that DID NOT happen.
During and after WWII, Germany was not the most powerful nation on Earth, the USA was.

During and after WWII, Japan was not the most powerful nation on Earth, the USA was.

Germany and Japan rose from the ashes of WWII because the USA decided to make it so.......

Simple question then:

If/When the USA goes down the drain, then who could or will help it to rise again from the ashes?
So , there is no point on dwelling on all the bad stuff that can and will happen. There isn't anything you can do about it

I agree, and I don't dwell on it. Because I did something to mitigate that. And that is the point. People can do something.

Don't live in an unsafe location.

Have four to seven years of food stored.

Have at least six top secret places to get pure fresh water that only you know about and are in close walking distance.

Provide for your own safety, note that could require more the firearms.

Most important be living a post SHTF lifestyle one year earlier the others.
Seven years from now I'll be needing things that I wouldn't think to stash away today. Canes, walkers, Metamucil, Depends, an ear horn ...
Yes...........I stored those things 12 years ago when I turned 65 y/o.
Store everything you will need till you are 101 years old.
That is what prepping is.
If/When the USA goes down the drain, then who could or will help it to rise again from the ashes?
The world that hated us and oversaw our demise will burn in the hell they richly deserve, those who sold us out will feed the crows, likely their supporters as well. We will rebuild bigger, stronger and MEANER! We will no longer feed those who hate us and will likely crush them at the first opportunity! What the rest of the world has forgotten is that IF we unite with common purpose, DO NOT purpose to get in our way, we will bulldoze you into history and put strip malls on your grave!