You have come to the conclusion that America is toast. I have come to the opposite conclusion. Not that it matters. Both of us are just speculating. e have no idea of what's actually going to happen. We're just guessing. This makes for fun discussions, but silly arguments. Nobody should think "they have the answer" to something like this.
Anyway, for the sake of a fun discussion (no arguments!) - where do you think you'd go? In my opinion, you are already in one of the best places I think you could be. Sure, there are downsides for living kind of in the middle of nowhere, but you're in a beautiful middle of nowhere, and if you want to get away from it all - you're already there. I can't think of any other place in the US that would top where you are. Some places may equal it, but probably not top it. Canada? That's not for me. Although I can understand how some might consider it better than the US. Central America? Africa? For me, maybe a fun visit sometime, but a big "no" to living there. South America? A few countries are possibilities, but I would say remote possibilities. For me, only to be considered if the US really goes to hell as you predict. And it would have to be a bad hell. A normal hell - like Biden being reelected - would not trigger me to move there.
Australia? New Zealand? Those are places that I dream might be really good. But I honestly don't know enough about them to really know anything. Thinking of The Shire, as filmed in the movies, is not really a sound reason to want to relocate to the other side of the planet. Some places in Europe might be OK. Norway, Finland or something. But in my mind, Europe is sliding downhill maybe even faster than the US. Asia is just too different from what I'm used to to sound appealing to me. That opinion could change.
That pretty much covers the world, except for Antarctica. Unless they really discover the lush underground lost societies there (like you read about in science fiction), nah, too cold. So where could you (or I) go that would be better? I think I could improve on my current home here in Colorado. Maybe by moving to Alaska, next to you. But I honestly think that would be too much work for me, far more than I am used too.