Abandon all hope. You're a fool if hope is part of your reality.

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I agree, and I don't dwell on it. Because I did something to mitigate that. And that is the point. People can do something.

Don't live in an unsafe location.

Have four to seven years of food stored.

Have at least six top secret places to get pure fresh water that only you know about and are in close walking distance.

Provide for your own safety, note that could require more the firearms.

Most important be living a post SHTF lifestyle one year earlier the others.
You know what i been doing and reasons why...yes its been tons of fun and very hard..but it also by going to places from very large tracts of public and private lands to various local villages and towns i have expanded my mental data base of ..lets call it raw resources.

I have broadened by knowledge of infrastructure that i knew about but i now have more 'details'.

Also have kindled and rekindled relationships with friends and more.

When i keep expanding my current 'fun time' its going to ad hugely on so many levels in future both if nothing happens or its major chaos event.

Gearing up for my 60's and retirement is only adding to my long term survivability in major chaos event.

EDIT..one thing is its just reinforced how important packs are..of various size,shapes and purpose driven one.one eye opening thing is theres a small amount of population i see using packs from out in the woods to places in concrete jungle.one thing to is i have practiced blending in by not looking out of place. certain shirts,packs etc. help you blend in. i seen a few who stand way out and noticed others reaction to them.

blah blah blah..ramble ramble
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I am totally serious, abandon all hope and plan for a reality we can't comprehend. It is over for the American Empire.......OVER. The dominos will cascade rapidly now. There truly is no hope. The best you can do is try to save those you love, that are looking to you to guide them through the long dark future. There is no hope, only the passion to survive. No matter what.

To live without Hope is to Cease to live. Fyodor Dostoevsky

Hope springs eternal in the human breast. Alexander Pope

Hope is the pillar that holds up the world. Pliny the Elder

When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God. Charles L. Allen (pretty sure God laughs)

And my favorite...

Every day begins with an act of courage and hope: getting out of bed. Mason Cooley

I reject the hopelessness in which you live. A man without hope is already dead. And change is no cause for hopelessness. The world changes every second of everyday, long before i was born and will continue after I'm gone. Is this a valid reason for hopelessness? No!
I would like to clarify what I suspect is a flawed assumption. That is based on consistent feedback I notice on forums (especially this forum).

I get the feeling members think I am depressed about the future, frightened and fearful of the future, that I am confused about the future. That because I post a lot about ratchetting up prepping, I must be missing the joy of everyday.

I'll admit that was hundred percent true 54 years ago. That ended the last week of December 1969.

There is nothing to fear about the future, if you are prepared for the future. Don't confuse my encouraging people to live in a safe secure location, where there is abundant free food and pure fresh water.
I'm right on with what you are saying!! There will be so many who will be SURPRISED when the SHTF!! It's America, it will never happen!! OH YES IT WILL!!
During and after WWII, Germany was not the most powerful nation on Earth, the USA was.

During and after WWII, Japan was not the most powerful nation on Earth, the USA was.

Germany and Japan rose from the ashes of WWII because the USA decided to make it so.......

Simple question then:

If/When the USA goes down the drain, then who could or will help it to rise again from the ashes?
I reject the hopelessness in which you live.
"WRONG-WRONG-WRONG" I do not live in hopelessness.

I live in the most beautiful peaceful ten-mile-long majestic valley, in wilderness Alaska with (8) EIGHT other humans. I have hundreds of thousands of dollars setting in the banks. I have lived a life of adventure few men even know exists. I am ecstatic when I awake in the morning and at peace when I crawl into my sleeping bag.

My life is not hopeless, The Empire known as America is an illusion. At best it is a pleasant memory.

When one awakens in paradise, there is only bliss.
Now you're getting in the spirit! :thumbs:
"Abandon all hope"
I believe the 7-million immigrants were sent here to save us because they know how to farm... unlike our 70-million Tic-Tock users.:rolleyes:
And they like being slaves. Ever since the Blacks wised up, whites are too rebellious, and Asians are just too clever, they need a slave population in the interim until they get AI going, then they'll kill us off.
I do not prep for myself. I am content with my life. I live for my sons and grandkids. My only hope is it does not hit the fan before I can get them protected and living in a BOL that is safe, secure and survivable. I spend hours per day designing a secure homestead. I spend hours per day researching locations for their future BOL. The preps I continue to develop are to buy me the time needed to make their lives more secure. Yes the "S" will hit the fan someday. America will suffer a drastic change. The survivors will be the people that have prepared and can think outside the box. These people will be the future leaders of America. They are going to be leaner, meaner and more determined to make America what is could and should have been.
Here in the north of the south, we have several large towns that are IDEAL to settle in if you already have a bit of cash to start with, say ten grand+Land costs, the economy is actually decent still and there are MANY job opportunities and supply sources all within a 30 minute drive. I'm just outside Dalton. Notice the ease of access to the interstate and untamed areas.
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When you give up hope you give up the desire to exist
You are admitting defeat with out a fight
I have not "desired" to exist in a very long time, however just rolling over and dying would make too many I hate happy, so the B*tards can wait. By the time I leave the meat suit, they will be the only ones at my funeral. and don't be surprised if I don't raise up out of the box with an M-60!
"WRONG-WRONG-WRONG" I do not live in hopelessness.

I live in the most beautiful peaceful ten-mile-long majestic valley, in wilderness Alaska with (8) EIGHT other humans. I have hundreds of thousands of dollars setting in the banks. I have lived a life of adventure few men even know exists. I am ecstatic when I awake in the morning and at peace when I crawl into my sleeping bag.

My life is not hopeless, The Empire known as America is an illusion. At best it is a pleasant memory.

When one awakens in paradise, there is only bliss.
Thats strangely comforting to read- sometimes things get lost in the typing, and I was wondering where you were going with all of this. I think if you can accept the 'no hope' scenario and yet still be happy, you've achieved a state of mind that many others cannot.
I also love Slades comment 'I'm old enough to do what I want' that's where I am, and why I went to college there years ago. Because I wanted to. I had so many people (with a bit of wealth behind them) say, oh I'd love to do that. And when I said, you should, they went oh no. I couldn't. Too afraid, and if you're afraid of what people may think, or afraid of being a little poorer, well then you've missed the point of being happy.
I don't believe in ever giving up, or ever losing hope. Where I live, and the people who I interact with, things look pretty good. The problem is, the people in the highly populated blue states have been taken over with their brand of socialism/communism. And the Republicans are spineless cowards who appear to be happy with just being losers.
I have hope that someday my state, and a few others will split off from the US and form our own country.
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I have hope that someday my state, and a few others will split off from the US and form our own country.
You know what I think, we here on this list are in the minority. It would be a very small country....
Even out here in beautiful nature where we live there are crazy crackheads that want to kill people, and personally I don't want to live in frozen Alaska miles from nothing. Not my thing
I have lived in the US most of my life but do have another culture or 2 to realistically compare it to. I am not sure US culture was ever that great, sorry. Too many problems from the start ( slaves, religious crazies, rich people controlling everything, civil war etc)
Personally I think cultures that are not so diverse work better
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I can find a water table, maybe then drill.
Ground water / aquafers are being depleted by the big cities. Some wells in Tucson are over 400 feet deep and have stopped producing. Survivability in Arizona will require being close to a river water source that does not get tapped / depleted by the big cities. There are many other considerations but without water, it is a no-go option.
There are at least two kinds of hope.

There is the hope, that even very severe crises are survivable provided you are well enough prepared.

Then there is the hope you won't need to be prepared..........and then the decision to not prepare....and even to aggressively argue against the need to do so.


  1. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst
  2. Hope for the best and.........be ready for that outcome only!
Some people need hope more than others. For some, their instinct to survive is enough to carry them, without the need for daydreams about happy endings.

But for some, hope and self-delusion are inseparable from one another.
Ground water / aquafers are being depleted by the big cities. Some wells in Tucson are over 400 feet deep and have stopped producing. Survivability in Arizona will require being close to a river water source that does not get tapped / depleted by the big cities. There are many other considerations but without water, it is a no-go option.
Swamp life it is then. pity the Mississippi is drying up. I always wanted a houseboat pontoon. Just cruise up and down the river, fish and run around on a scooter.