You know what i been doing and reasons why...yes its been tons of fun and very hard..but it also by going to places from very large tracts of public and private lands to various local villages and towns i have expanded my mental data base of ..lets call it raw resources.I agree, and I don't dwell on it. Because I did something to mitigate that. And that is the point. People can do something.
Don't live in an unsafe location.
Have four to seven years of food stored.
Have at least six top secret places to get pure fresh water that only you know about and are in close walking distance.
Provide for your own safety, note that could require more the firearms.
Most important be living a post SHTF lifestyle one year earlier the others.
I have broadened by knowledge of infrastructure that i knew about but i now have more 'details'.
Also have kindled and rekindled relationships with friends and more.
When i keep expanding my current 'fun time' its going to ad hugely on so many levels in future both if nothing happens or its major chaos event.
Gearing up for my 60's and retirement is only adding to my long term survivability in major chaos event. thing is its just reinforced how important packs are..of various size,shapes and purpose driven eye opening thing is theres a small amount of population i see using packs from out in the woods to places in concrete thing to is i have practiced blending in by not looking out of place. certain shirts,packs etc. help you blend in. i seen a few who stand way out and noticed others reaction to them.
blah blah blah..ramble ramble
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