About Our Local Charles Manson Gang in Yellowknife (where you live to)

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The Man

Super Friend
Oct 25, 2017
Northern Canada, Yellowknife
Amateur Radio Call Sign
I hope this is the right place to post this. It is pretty important. Admin, just email me back if your do not want me to post on this site please.

First of all, my name is George Collins. I am homeless, and living at the Salvation Army, and go to the local drop-in across from the newspaper here in Yellowknife. You probably know my story and it does not bear repeating right now. Well if you live in Yellowknife anyway. I am not a street person drug addict/alcoholic, willing to do anything for my booze and drugs. Like get you, or your loved ones hooked on drugs. Like crack or heroin, to support that person’s drug addiction, and partying, at other people lives expense. I have no interest in booze and drugs personally.

For them. It is all about having fun. Like partying, or being bored, so, let’s have some fun, etc. By destroying someone’s life for their fun. That is what they do. They are literally our local Charles Manson gang who is willing to kill people, so they can continue partying. Or make someone as good as dead. Like become a prostitute eventually or drug dealer. Or they end up going to jail and prison.

Some steal, others try to pawn. You have your street thug enforcers, etc. When you see them fight each other, sometimes that is to train you, to move quickly by. Your loved one could be behind the corner having something happen to them. You would not even know. Depending on how brutal and traumatizing it is, you may never find out. Other than they will be different. Probably eventually end up on the street and / or heavily medicated. As there true under lying trauma issue is not being addressed.

There new best friends. If they go to any type of group therapy will be drug addicts and alcoholics. May be street people, or just above, being a street person. (Barely functional in society). Building maintenance and construction worker type people, seem to be heavily populated with drug addicts. Not just white people either of any age, like 60 years old, as I have meet, and had to deal with.

They have one or more, serious mental disorders, like fetal alcohol syndrome. FAS literally destroys the moral part of their brain. They literally have no morals. They are extreme examples of FAS.

They will literally get their own family members involved in drugs, and hooked on serious drugs, and into prostitution and such. I have seen them do this. That is the people around you, and yours, waiting and doing.

Street people. You know. Convicted sex offenders, people convicted of other serious and/or violent crimes. (Construction workers to I guess). People waiting to go to court, that do everything they can, to prolong their court date, and people willing to do anything, for there booze and drugs (crack, heroin, etc.) Anything to party and have fun.

A good example of their mental disorder manifesting itself when younger. Is how they start acting in schools, towards someone they victimize? There is always someone they victimize. They like hurting people for fun to. That makes them easy to spot.

They will bully a person in school, to the point, that they commit suicide, or try to. Then the victim goes to the psych ward, and no one cares about that person, as they get older, and even more abused. Because now it is even easier to abuse your family member. He/she is just a crazy person after all now.

If something happens to you, or a loved one to traumatize them. Like a dead family member, or a breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend. They are waiting to take advantage of that situation and on purpose. To get that person hooked on drugs. Your loved one. It does not matter if you think what happened is traumatizing. It matters if your family member finds it traumatizing.

Young people especially, do not know how to handle stress. So, they seem to want to self-medicate and party, to have fun and feel happier, I guess.

In todays world that is extremely dangerous to do. Hear in Yellowknife anyway they are everywhere waiting. They are in the schools (kids and teenagers), in the malls, in the coffee shops, in the bars, on the street corners, in other buildings.

They are easy to spot. They like hurting people any way they can. These types of peoples. Involved in the drug trade or not. I am starting to realize, many seem to actually be involved in some way in the drug trade. They have drug additions that need daily feeding. Crack, heroin, whatever they can get, when it comes to it.

I have seen recently, small groups of white women prostitutes. Several groups coming around, and their pimp being there with them, or showing up before they leave. I assume there are child prostitutes too. There are minors who are prostitutes. May not be minors now. Under 18.

So, an example of dealing with these people. Let’s say you let a prostitute male or female into your church. All that person really cares about is booze and drugs. All you are doing is giving them access to your loved ones and you. That is, it. It is just another scam by a street person and/or drug addict.

You need to watch your children and the people you care about like a hawk. Ever Friday night you need to remind them of the dangers out there. You especially need to watch them like a hawk after something traumatizing happens to them, and for years. Until they learn to deal with the issue. They are waiting and doing. What does a convicted sex offender do to traumatize a person?

Around hear anyway they are our local Charles Manson gang. Willing to do anything for there booze and drugs. It is like having the bloods or the crypts after you in some ways. They are actually one big gang, pretending not to be one big gang, of organized crime.

Among themselves, one old kindly acting street person, may have dozens of years or experience hurting and harming people, to feed their drug addictions. All together they have thousands of years of experience hurting people, to get what they want. How does a young person have a chance against that? Especially if parents do not understand what is going on. Death and despair, surrounds your family, when they are around, or have any type of access, to them.

These Charles Manson types must do things to people, to feed their drug addictions. So, they do. That is what they do. They use intimidation and violence to get what they want. They are also compulsive liars to. They get good clothing from thrift stores and play Mr. Dress up.

Pretending to be a police detective, a millionaire, a high-level bureaucrat, someone who thinks you are crazy, stupid, etc. Some anyway. Lots of people who should be locked away and heavily medicated. They are literal menaces to society and unreformable. Judges are supposed to throw the book at them. That is best for society.

You need to tell people, and people outside your local community, and or town or city. This frees up the R.C.M.P.s and courts hands. Also, the medical communities’ hands. They rely on your silence, and your child’s, to do what they do, so tell people.

Usually when they have one severe mental disorder, they have more, and seem to. They have other serious mental disorders.

Some ones who compulsively lies to the R.C.M.P. and does things to deliberately destroy a person’s life. A street person or not. Like try to get you or family, a criminal record on purpose. So, you are stuck there with them even more now, now they have even greater access to you or family.

Since they have daily access to me. They never stop doing things to me. To try to elder abuse me, and well, other things. Every single day basically. So, when they get access to you or someone you care about, they do things to your loved ones to abuse them. Weather you realize it or not. It is all they think about and care about. So, they can have fun in various ways. Like partying. All they care about is getting the next crack rock or next puff.

If your loved ones does something, like buy some drugs off them. They can no longer interact with law enforcement, in a proper manner. So, they get further and further into trouble with these people, as more and more, gets done to them. Once they realize they can get away with intimidating your loved one. They get worst and worst. Or abusing them in any other ways. Like bleed them dry of money. If they are lucky. That is all that will happen to them.

That is done on purpose. If they think they can use you, as a cash cow, and you buy them drugs every day, they will let you do that. If they have access to you, or a loved one, and think they can make more money off you, by getting you into prostitution. They will.

They are always looking for new prostitutes for example. They will tell you to your face that you will be our prostitute and I have seen others become prostitutes. Including their own family members.

We all know what happens in a regular family. When a teenager becomes addicted to drugs. What happens, if it is the parent, that gets hooked on drugs, and has children. Especially if it is a single parent family. That you do not get shown on TV. When children are in danger and at their most vulnerable. Well, you kind of do get shown. That person in just one more person, who is involved in drugs right. That is what we are taught? So, stay away right? Do not care right?

Update March 19 2019

Started having construction people coming around with their kid(s) at local library. Using that kid(s) to get just one more crack rock or puff, I guess. So, they are using their kids to get more drugs. That was a white man who looked to be in the construction industry.

After I realized that. I realized other times, with other people, not just white people either. Let’s say 5 or 6-year old children, or older, and already involved with drugs. (In training). So, mommy or daddy can have just one more puff of crack, or whatever. Also, people pissed off their drug scams, hurting and using people, are now harder to do. Because I am talking.

They have a drug addicts to feed daily. So, they will get even worst to people they can do this too. Who are the most venerable is society? Woman and children, and people with official mental disorders, officially anyway. So, they will get even more brutal to them.

Around here we have something called housing first. Administered by the women center (society). Will probably get a new name soon. They have official former drug addicts working there (street person). Who are supposedly better? That is not true. I have experience with them. It is just more scams by street people, given a job, scams in a different way, for a different purpose now.

They have access to women and children, who have already been victimized. Whatever they claim, with the perfection, they imply, they have there in that. Everything else though is not enough. Show up unexpected, and see if they are dressed shabby then, for the press to see.

So, when kids these days, are doing things to intentionally hurt other kids. It is almost a certainly, that it involves drugs. Insuring other income streams are available, in the future (your children) and practicing on people to become even better. All they care about all day long is how am I going to get more drugs. Just one more crack rock. That is all they think about.

Maintenance people to. Seem to be heavily involved in the drug trade. Use to be a PSA on TV showing a former street person, a drug addict mopping the floors. A maintenance person with all kinds of keys and maintenance access to hidden areas.

Key knowledge. A drug addict does not use the bathroom, without permission from there drug dealer basically. Remember that. When you see or interact with a drug dealer. That person will and wants to put your children in contact with serious drug dealers. Why is that person a drug dealer? They have a drug habit to feed daily also. Most likely. Do you want to take the chance?

Key knowledge. Who are the drug dealers? The ones outside and/or around people. They give access to the drug dealers. It makes no difference to your family’s safety, if that person is an official drug dealer or not. It makes no difference, both are equally dangerous. For all practical purposes, both are drug addicts, and drug dealers and equally dangerous. Arrest 20 in some sting, and other street people, and others, will just take over.

I have realized lately that the staff at the local library are drugs addicts themselves. Some anyway. Once I realized that, it explains many things that have, and do still goes on here, at the library, and outside the library, still involving staff. Why still the local library here is still a sess-pit. A capital city library in Canada.

The staff themselves do the same things drug addicts do to me, and have in front of me, done things, to let me know, that they want other drug addicts to start doing something new to me, and then that new things happens, with the street level drug addicts. Then the street level drug addicts, start doing that new thing to me.

Things get done to others, here in the library, or has in the past, and at other places to, of course, like in schools. Done by the teenagers, that come around the library, and involve themselves in drugs. Well and even younger people, and street people.

I thought about legalizing all drugs and I realized. One drug formly illegal, is now legal in Canada. I have realized that by making that drug legal it has made it much harder for drug addicts, to get their daily drug fix taken care of. We are starting to have robberies around here now. They have no choice, but to commit more crimes, and more serious crimes, to feed their drug habits now. All their solutions involve threats of violence and actual acts of violence. They are not being dealt with properly. Let’s hope, not too many more people, like children, die in the meantime, or become as good as dead. How many, right now, are praying to god for death?

If all street drugs are made legal. There drug dealer becomes the local store. They still must pay for there drugs, and it is even harder for them to feed their drug habit. I will make a prediction. They will get worst and more violent. Who are the easiest people to take advantage of (abuse)? Women and children, and people like me with official mental disorders. True or not, it makes no difference. So, they will get more violent, by just having one drug legalized.

What is the easiest way to prove someone is crazy? Why you drive them crazy. Remember that next time you see some person with mental health issues being arrested out-of-hand by law enforcement on TV. That person who is pissed off, in some cases anyway, of the injustices being done to them, or is really crazy now, because of what was done on purpose to them.

Drug addicts will turn their own family members into drug addicts and such. Or maybe drive them crazy on purpose in some cases anyway. Then they turn to drugs to feel happier. Maybe.

A drug addict will do anything to anyone they can.

The TV is teaching you what to think about these people. There is training online called non-violent intervention training. All it does really, is teach bad people, how to tell, if what they are doing, is effective, in driving that person to the point where they can call the police on them. Then it is an open and shut case for arrest and conviction, and that person’s life is destroyed, and becomes predictable in outcome. One more homeless street person eventually, or as good as. Surrounded by drug addicts and such.

Eternal Vigilance, is the price of happiness and freedom for you and your family. By the family for the family. No one else really cares in the end, for there happiness and freedom. They just pretend to.

George Collins
A Human Rights Activist
I do not think people understand something. When you hear them talk about kicking someones teeth in and think it is funny. They really do think it is funny ans entertaining. They are also intimidating that person and people around them.

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