Aftermath Market

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May 6, 2014
How cool would it be to start a market place after when the s.h.t.f . Like a place to trade and buy things including a place like cookers ally were people trade cooked food for items.
plus the matter of setting up said market in the best and and safest location possible..and to me that includes a open area,where a person can see a long distance from the marketplace out to at least a certain distance..and like myrrph and drhenley pointed out.the like of safety going to and from the marketplace as well as the marketplace as well..then there's the saying,there's safety in numbers.but yet.that might not apply in a situation like that..because of that.i wouldn't try a marketplace within the first 5 to 10 years after tshtf happened
There will be markets, but security will be a big problem. The most dangerous thing will actually be travelling to and from the market not the market itself.

This much is true. Read a few survival stories about folks who lived through civil wars, etc. and they'll agree to the above.

The idea of being a trading post is actually part of my long-term prep plan, should something ever happen. The idea being to specialize in providing renewable resources and services in exchange for manufactured, made ones. That way, better to leave us be and still have a place to resupply, vs. a one-time raid. Of course, defense is a major component to such a plan too. Mind you, this is only AFTER things have settled down. The first months after a SHTF event are going to be hell.
Gaz, that is an interesting idea. If I ever get to that level I may have to take that in to consideration.
probably knick knacks of stuff I've stored that I can spare and stuff I can grow.

Dried chillis, fresh vegetables, fish from the river i live next to, soap, fishing hooks...
If the was some sort of trade market out there, what would you consider selling.

Assuming this is after my 5 year plan, and all is in place, including a few others who are joining us here...

Our planned goods/services

Grown/home-canned food (from the gardens and fruit trees)
Chicken/Rabbit (either meat or actual animal, as we'll be breeding/keeping them)
Snake/Wild Pig/Fowl/Frogs/Fish/Squirrel/Possum/Racoon/Armadillos (hunting and fishing will provide these)
Water (from well and rain collection)
Medicine (from medical herb garden)
Medical Services (one of our group is an EMT and will be cross-training)
Leather Goods/Tack (we have a tack shop (horse gear) onsite, and can do some leatherworking)
Repairs (I have a pretty well-stocked tool garage)
Battery Charging (solar battery chargers)
Tobacco and other smoked plants (we plan to grow it/process it, post SHTF)
Alcohol (plan to distill it for fuel use also, so why not moonshine?, post SHTF of course)
Blacksmithing (hoping to get into this, just getting my feet wet so far)
Biofuel (maybe a dream, but plan to grow some corn eventually, and give this a go, but closer to the end of the 5 yr plan)

Things we'd trade for:

Manufactured Goods (stuff from before the SHTF)
Canned Foods
Modern Medicine
Medical Supplies
Spare parts (to any vehicles, devices we are using)
Labor, of course. If someone came to us without anything to trade, could always have them do some chores to work it off.
Cleaners, Cleaning Supplies
Food Staples (flour, sugar, etc.)
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All that presuming that post SHTF there is electricity and Internet, or any means to contact people???
too dangerous immediately post SHTF, any trading will be a long way down the line once the dust has settled, most likely will be years not months.
This much is true. Read a few survival stories about folks who lived through civil wars, etc. and they'll agree to the above.

The idea of being a trading post is actually part of my long-term prep plan, should something ever happen. The idea being to specialize in providing renewable resources and services in exchange for manufactured, made ones. That way, better to leave us be and still have a place to resupply, vs. a one-time raid. Of course, defense is a major component to such a plan too. Mind you, this is only AFTER things have settled down. The first months after a SHTF event are going to be hell.
I agree, after a period of time it should somewhat stabilize. Either the gangs will be in charge, or regular people will get out and start getting rid of the troublemakers. Human nature is pretty predictable as we seem to keep making the same mistakes over and over. Just look at history to predict what it will be like. Unfortunately, you might not like learning what people are capable of doing to each other.
either stock up what you need or learn to repair and make new ones, or like me aim to have a more basic lifestyle and if you cant do these things learn to live without them. I'm not going to put my survival in the hands of other people and hope to trade for what I might need, its not the event that will decide who lives and who dies, its other people, trust them at your own peril.
I'm not going to put my survival in the hands of other people and hope to trade for what I might need

Nor I. But, since I plan to have some things to trade, I have to consider what I would trade FOR.

Guns, ammo, manufactured medicine, medical supplies, comfort items, books, parts, batteries, etc. are all things hard to make for example, so we'd certainly be interested in trading FOR them...
home made medicnes and herbs i'd trade.even then,id make sure that they cant start their own herbs with what they get from me.on account i want them to be dependent on me for that...books i'd trade..but only if their books that I really dont need for my self,or someone else within my for trading batteries goes.only if their not the rechargable type..and if i did trade some recharable batteries for want them to have to come to me for rechargeing them.and tell them i want this and/or that for doing so..and i wont trade any weapons of any kind much less ammo.nor would trade a knife for some thing..
at some point, EVERYTHING is going to run out, what then?
at some point, EVERYTHING is going to run out, what then?
I'm not too worried about some point. At 51, I don't think I'll ever see when scavenged stuff isn't available. Hopefully by that point people will be making some stuff again anyways.
depends!!! if a fast collapse, large die off, lots of stuff will be left lying around for a small number of survivors to use, not so bad, but if a slow collapse, more survivors to use the stuff up faster, then it might not last as long as one thinks. besides I am not going to put my chances of survival on what is or what isn't left lying about.
just like everyone else here.i stock up on what i can,and when i can.but yet im sure i wont be prepared as much i should be..and because of that,i'll most and likely will have to go out on a salvage hunt..and only go out a certain distance to salvage things of value.
salvaging stuff post SHTF makes sense, but not to be relied on to be there, its an EXTRA bonus in addition to what we already have.
at some point, EVERYTHING is going to run out, what then?

Well, post SHTF, we might not ever see new CDs for example, but that won't keep me from desiring those that are out there. The key needs (food, water, clothing, weapons, etc.) can be cultivated and made. Our forefathers did it for thousands of years after all.
at some point, EVERYTHING is going to run out, what then?

hopefully (we'll) all be with other like minded ppl.who have children.and in turn.they'll have children.and if we teach our children what we can,when it comes to making/building newable resources.then we and our children will have constant resources..
only if those resources are still available, a lot is being mined out as we speak and are not renewable, only renewable sources will sustain any population. any population numbers will be determined by the resources available.

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