He did not accomplish anything that would bring us back to a constitutional government. Much of what you mentioned is even in the authority of the federal government given to it in the constitution. He never balanced a budget, and he left us deeper in debt. But you are welcome to your opinion and so am I. Oh, and he is a liar. But I already established that.President Trump accomplished a lot, even without having much help in the legislature. He opened an embassy in Jerusalem in record time and under budget. At the same time he got peace agreements signed in the Middle East. Both things were proclaimed as impossible by all previous administrations. Nobody moved the embassy to Jerusalem because it would hurt peace. He accomplished both.
President Reagan granted amnesty to millions of illegals with the agreement that we would get a wall. The democrats never held up their side of the bargain. they blocked the wall at every turn. President Trump built hundreds of miles of wall and had he gained a second term He'd have finished it.
Trump reduced taxes. He reduced governmental control and regulations. He brought jobs back form overseas. He built the economy. He put the hurt on China. He finished wars and is the only president, at least in recent history, to never start a war. He left the military in better shape when he left office than when he arrived. That is just a start. Were that the end of the list he would have been a successful president.
Saying that he didn't accomplish anything in not only unfair, it is just plain WRONG. With him and others you seem to think that anything less than 100% is a failure. That just ain't so.