I apologize for the wall of text I didn't realize how large it had become....
Hello I've seen the writing on the wall for quite awhile I can't say I have done much to prep I own a few books and a bunch of knowledge in my head but not so much in the funds department. I see the decline of our society and the way the world is going so I expect society to collapse at some point. I don't know when or by what cause but it's coming maybe even in my lifetime but there is no telling until it happens.
My project, after looking for various information because I constantly wonder about how things work how to make stuff and just random facts, believe me it gets annoying, I have noticed there really isn't one place to get all of the information I think would be necessary to both survive as well as rebuild society once the dust settles. Once things calm down and the dead are buried or rot there really isn't any kind of detailed guide of everyday living and any kind of advancement to what we once had.
What I want to do is get together a full guide, it's going to be big maybe even span several volumes and will take me years to complete of at least some basic prepping and supply list, scavenging / foraging lists as a start, the prepping part is mostly readily available I would add some things to it but people before me have been pretty thorough. it's after it happens that I find large whole in knowledge. If it gets to a point where I think it could be published I was also thinking that it should be done on water proof/resistant paper
In my project what I'm thinking if people think it needs to be done is likely breaking it apart into either different sections or volumes dedicated to a specific topic so far I haven't started gathering anything yet aside from a few books of who's material wasn't readily available via google search. So I'm at the brain storming faze as for topics this is what I have tell me if you think I'm missing something.
Immediate survival:
Prepping bugout bag
Prepping for Bases Bunkers and cabins...
Scavenging and thinking about the future. What can you find that might not be worth much now but may be useful in making/fixing something or in trade later.
The weeks and months after
Likely by then there will be no power and internet to look up information so gathering and making a physical copy before anything happens will be important for yourself and people as a whole.
Avoiding people and mobs looking to kill you and take what you have as people get desperate.
When to venture back
Making water safe
Farming and getting food
How too grow different plants, not sure was thinking about being region specific on the farming stuff
Dealing with pests
Foraging for food/herbs This is one of the huge information gaps I noticed especially herbal medicine definitely region specific also want identification especially for mushrooms and some berries. Herbal medicine guide
finding/identifying/preparation/use (modern medicine will be cleaned out in days first by buying then by looting and it will be used up in weeks/months then no medicine except what people
know or can find in a book which are already starting to become scarce thanks to online and regulations. *This section will need a disclaimer as well as legal research I especially want to look at poppies
Knots/Trapping/Tracking/Hunting small/large game not sure about the large game part most of this is outside of my knowledge and skill set
Up to this point not too terrible except maybe the herbal medicine stuff after this point it gets tough, if anyone is an anime fan think stone world but not that extreme. prior to this it has been about preparing for the worst and what to do if it happens and becoming stable if you live through it. The next part is essentially taking what will then be a civilization of the 1700's in some respects and propelling it to the 1950's or even more modern, I want to cram 2 to 300 years of technical advancements into it to make it possible to get back to somewhat normal in 50 years or less.
I would really like to get together a repository of technical information stuff that would be too bulky and cumbersome to put in a book. After talking about a faraday cage and prepping a laptop (maybe put together an advanced prepping section) and someway to power it and several sources of backup medium to hold the repository. This would be for knowledge and development of what we might consider old but more modern technology ie... ic chips early processors as well as early methods of making them and maybe some guidance and rough idea how the progressed and were developed. very technical.
Along with the repository I don't know how much education will suffer it really depends on how long it takes to get out of the survival and stabilization faze so I would like to include a volume dedicated to education strictly reading writing math and science minus the social nonsense that divides people which I believe will play a large role in the collapse.
once education is covered things that will need detail guides a lot of the old dying skills forging, smelting, geology, glass making, pottery I know there is alot more but I'm drawing a blank this is the first time writing all of this down even though I have thought about it in great detail and I'm constantly thinking up more topics.
then comes the more modern skills metallurgy, chemistry, more modern medicine the first will be early modern medicine and how to make simple medicines some of which they knew how to make then some of which were discovered much later but the knowledge and techniques were known and it could have been made. After comes more modern medicine. Part of medicine will be chemistry which will be a great deal of work to gather some of which I know needs to be gathered some of which I don't know about at all will need to be gathered. There will be a lot here that need a lot precursor information both for techniques and chemical precursors. In this category I only know what is needed for the end result I will need to work backwards from there and a lot of this is out of my knowledge and skill base.
Plus there should be a section of early electronics pre transistor in the tube era plus electrical components and electronics a lot of which will come from ham sources and how to get from there which is relatively easy to get to to more modern things and really how to make early components so that the later ones can be made
I need a section on machines and machining, welders and welding the non forge type, and anything that is a precursor to developing other things.
And last but not least and the section I dread most politics and society our development mainly what we did wrong (don't get your hopes up if you are into wokism, political correctness, radical environmentalism, or are super left or super right as this is not about being a soapbox, megaphone, or social media platform it's about rebuilding society in a way that it doesn't collapse again or takes a lot longer before it happens again) there will be mention of slavery as well as being at least awareness of our environment but these will be kept to a minimum for a couple of reasons mainly because I do not want a fight over this kind of stuff secondary to avoid the same mistakes as our early history. I mainly want to get government right the first time and then make it extremely difficult to change unless there is at least 80% willingness to change to make it near impossible to chip away at how the government is supposed to work like it has been done and devolve into a two party system hell bent on division and divisiveness to stay in power forever. It's going to be pretty lengthy I want to go through every thing that people on both sides of the isle can agree is broken and how I would go about fixing it and believe me it will not be politicly correct as that is a large part of what is causing problems. Things I want to include in this are the benefits but mostly the negatives of political parties, special interest groups, unions i know I'm going to catch flack for this but I'm mostly referring to public sector unions not private sector, the fact that neither pure capitalism or pure socialism work the benefits and pitfalls of both and how to reign them in. There are more topics but I'm running out of steam for this post I think you get my drift.
If you have ideas for this project let me know this is by no means a complete list from what I've typed here
I also set up a poll for 30 days (hope I set it up right) before I decide whether or not there is enough interest for me to engage in this monumental undertaking and really I will need support from a vast number of people and sources of all sorts of skill sets and knowledge bases to include everything I think this project needs, a lot of which I haven't typed here because of just how much there is.
I am probably mental for even considering doing this but I believe beyond the before and maybe the first few weeks after there is a large gap in knowledge that needs to be filled and unless it is filled and distributed in physical form it will take us almost as long to get back to where we are as it took to get here in the first place and we are likely to make many of the same mistakes again.
Hello I've seen the writing on the wall for quite awhile I can't say I have done much to prep I own a few books and a bunch of knowledge in my head but not so much in the funds department. I see the decline of our society and the way the world is going so I expect society to collapse at some point. I don't know when or by what cause but it's coming maybe even in my lifetime but there is no telling until it happens.
My project, after looking for various information because I constantly wonder about how things work how to make stuff and just random facts, believe me it gets annoying, I have noticed there really isn't one place to get all of the information I think would be necessary to both survive as well as rebuild society once the dust settles. Once things calm down and the dead are buried or rot there really isn't any kind of detailed guide of everyday living and any kind of advancement to what we once had.
What I want to do is get together a full guide, it's going to be big maybe even span several volumes and will take me years to complete of at least some basic prepping and supply list, scavenging / foraging lists as a start, the prepping part is mostly readily available I would add some things to it but people before me have been pretty thorough. it's after it happens that I find large whole in knowledge. If it gets to a point where I think it could be published I was also thinking that it should be done on water proof/resistant paper
In my project what I'm thinking if people think it needs to be done is likely breaking it apart into either different sections or volumes dedicated to a specific topic so far I haven't started gathering anything yet aside from a few books of who's material wasn't readily available via google search. So I'm at the brain storming faze as for topics this is what I have tell me if you think I'm missing something.
Immediate survival:
Prepping bugout bag
Prepping for Bases Bunkers and cabins...
Scavenging and thinking about the future. What can you find that might not be worth much now but may be useful in making/fixing something or in trade later.
The weeks and months after
Likely by then there will be no power and internet to look up information so gathering and making a physical copy before anything happens will be important for yourself and people as a whole.
Avoiding people and mobs looking to kill you and take what you have as people get desperate.
When to venture back
Making water safe
Farming and getting food
How too grow different plants, not sure was thinking about being region specific on the farming stuff
Dealing with pests
Foraging for food/herbs This is one of the huge information gaps I noticed especially herbal medicine definitely region specific also want identification especially for mushrooms and some berries. Herbal medicine guide
finding/identifying/preparation/use (modern medicine will be cleaned out in days first by buying then by looting and it will be used up in weeks/months then no medicine except what people
know or can find in a book which are already starting to become scarce thanks to online and regulations. *This section will need a disclaimer as well as legal research I especially want to look at poppies
Knots/Trapping/Tracking/Hunting small/large game not sure about the large game part most of this is outside of my knowledge and skill set
Up to this point not too terrible except maybe the herbal medicine stuff after this point it gets tough, if anyone is an anime fan think stone world but not that extreme. prior to this it has been about preparing for the worst and what to do if it happens and becoming stable if you live through it. The next part is essentially taking what will then be a civilization of the 1700's in some respects and propelling it to the 1950's or even more modern, I want to cram 2 to 300 years of technical advancements into it to make it possible to get back to somewhat normal in 50 years or less.
I would really like to get together a repository of technical information stuff that would be too bulky and cumbersome to put in a book. After talking about a faraday cage and prepping a laptop (maybe put together an advanced prepping section) and someway to power it and several sources of backup medium to hold the repository. This would be for knowledge and development of what we might consider old but more modern technology ie... ic chips early processors as well as early methods of making them and maybe some guidance and rough idea how the progressed and were developed. very technical.
Along with the repository I don't know how much education will suffer it really depends on how long it takes to get out of the survival and stabilization faze so I would like to include a volume dedicated to education strictly reading writing math and science minus the social nonsense that divides people which I believe will play a large role in the collapse.
once education is covered things that will need detail guides a lot of the old dying skills forging, smelting, geology, glass making, pottery I know there is alot more but I'm drawing a blank this is the first time writing all of this down even though I have thought about it in great detail and I'm constantly thinking up more topics.
then comes the more modern skills metallurgy, chemistry, more modern medicine the first will be early modern medicine and how to make simple medicines some of which they knew how to make then some of which were discovered much later but the knowledge and techniques were known and it could have been made. After comes more modern medicine. Part of medicine will be chemistry which will be a great deal of work to gather some of which I know needs to be gathered some of which I don't know about at all will need to be gathered. There will be a lot here that need a lot precursor information both for techniques and chemical precursors. In this category I only know what is needed for the end result I will need to work backwards from there and a lot of this is out of my knowledge and skill base.
Plus there should be a section of early electronics pre transistor in the tube era plus electrical components and electronics a lot of which will come from ham sources and how to get from there which is relatively easy to get to to more modern things and really how to make early components so that the later ones can be made
I need a section on machines and machining, welders and welding the non forge type, and anything that is a precursor to developing other things.
And last but not least and the section I dread most politics and society our development mainly what we did wrong (don't get your hopes up if you are into wokism, political correctness, radical environmentalism, or are super left or super right as this is not about being a soapbox, megaphone, or social media platform it's about rebuilding society in a way that it doesn't collapse again or takes a lot longer before it happens again) there will be mention of slavery as well as being at least awareness of our environment but these will be kept to a minimum for a couple of reasons mainly because I do not want a fight over this kind of stuff secondary to avoid the same mistakes as our early history. I mainly want to get government right the first time and then make it extremely difficult to change unless there is at least 80% willingness to change to make it near impossible to chip away at how the government is supposed to work like it has been done and devolve into a two party system hell bent on division and divisiveness to stay in power forever. It's going to be pretty lengthy I want to go through every thing that people on both sides of the isle can agree is broken and how I would go about fixing it and believe me it will not be politicly correct as that is a large part of what is causing problems. Things I want to include in this are the benefits but mostly the negatives of political parties, special interest groups, unions i know I'm going to catch flack for this but I'm mostly referring to public sector unions not private sector, the fact that neither pure capitalism or pure socialism work the benefits and pitfalls of both and how to reign them in. There are more topics but I'm running out of steam for this post I think you get my drift.
If you have ideas for this project let me know this is by no means a complete list from what I've typed here
I also set up a poll for 30 days (hope I set it up right) before I decide whether or not there is enough interest for me to engage in this monumental undertaking and really I will need support from a vast number of people and sources of all sorts of skill sets and knowledge bases to include everything I think this project needs, a lot of which I haven't typed here because of just how much there is.
I am probably mental for even considering doing this but I believe beyond the before and maybe the first few weeks after there is a large gap in knowledge that needs to be filled and unless it is filled and distributed in physical form it will take us almost as long to get back to where we are as it took to get here in the first place and we are likely to make many of the same mistakes again.