analog Man in a Digital World.

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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH
Analog Man in a Digital World, or, A realistic Man in a Virtual World.

I heard an interview with Joe Walsh, you know, Rocky Mountain Way, the Eagles etc.........
He said, "I'm an analog man in a digital world", and the song "analog man" really says it all.
We sit in a chair in a digital world, which really isn't there waiting for our brains to come back to us.
Waiting for our brains to start working as they use to. To think for ourselves instead of having the screen
in front of us create this "Digital" world and think for us. This un-realistic world is now driving us and thinking for us and our brains aren't working to their capacity.
I saw on TV a commercial and it's title was "how to work smarter and easier" with a technologically advanced trimmer for your yard. Is it proper to limit our abilities and create something that will lesson our abilities to be physical? Do we need to be less physical or more physical? Again, we are getting away from being human as we were meant to be.
This digital world is taking the analog out of us. It's making us more dependent on the virtual world rather than the realistic world. We are not thinking for ourselves. Our microwaves, coffeemakers, cars and just about everything most of us use today are doing the thinking for us.
I am of a dying breed. I gained my intellegence because I had to begin using my brain when I was just 10. Thats when I started to really use my brain because I started to have this very strong desire to find out what made this thing work. I had to use my brain to first figure out how to take it apart and once I had it apart I had to study it to determine just how it worked. That may have taken weeks but eventually I had a very good understanding of how this thing worked. My next challenge was to put it all back together. For this I really had to use my brain and eventually I had it all back together and 97% of the time it worked.
Today not alot of people know how to do this. They are led through their day by technology. Their automated alarm clock wakes them up and since they have high-tech coffeemakers their coffee is already made and waiting for them. When they are at the table they don't grab a newspaper and use their brains to read it, they pop open a window on their virtual reality machine, the PC. They don't call people and talk with them about what they need to do today, all that information is on another high tech machine.
It's 34 degrees outside but no worries, they have a smart car so they don't have to go out in the cold, start their car and warm it
up. By the time they finish being told what to do today and drinking their ready made coffee their car is warmed up and ready to go.
I'm so glad i'm an analog man. I wake up in the morning and not with an alarm clock. Remember when our bodies could wake us when we needed to be awaken? That's how it still works for me. when I get up nothing is on, or cooked and ready for me, i have to do it myself. While i'm cooking what I need to eat i'm on the phone talking to real people. (Yes, I do have a cel phone but thats because it was cheaper than a land-line phone and much less of a head-ache), but my phone isn't one of those fancy phones with all the bells and whistles, or internet, it's a pre-paid go-phone filp style and the sales person swore that I could not get a new style service on it because it was too "antique", I insisted and got my way. So I'm on this phone talking to real people and i'm not checking messages i'm using my brain to schedule my day as to where I need to go and what I need to do.
When i'm done eating and done talking I put on my winter coat and grab my keys to head out in the cold and get my '91 4 runner started up. 91's are computerized but the air-flow sensor and the throttle position sensor are not so good these days so for 6-8 minutes I have to feather the throttle until it's warm enough to stay running on it's own. All this time i'm fogging up the window because of my breath that I can see i front of my face because it's downright cold in here. Another few minutes and I can pull out of the drive-way and start my day.
Most of us don't give a second thought to the things that go on with us in our daily lives. We don't think of how we are being affected by all this technology and when we do finally realize what has happened to us it will most likely be too late.
I guess it's a two sided coin. On one side you can resist technology and insist on being an analog person which will lead to you falling behind in this fast advancing digital world. On the other side you can embrace all this digital technology and if your young you can become an amazing digital person in this virtual realty world.
Myself, I am extremely happy to have to do everything for myself, to be physical when I need to and to not rely on things that think for me.
Me, I'm an analog man in a digital world, but I'm happy.

Just my thoughts about this digital world that is for the most part being forced upon us.
Amen. Every time I go into town I am reminded how lazy the human race has become. Frozen peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, frozen mashed potatoes, individually wrapped potatoes for baking, sliced pats of butter for cooking, diced onions, and the list goes on. I keep waiting to find a pre-chewed product or literally feces in a can that you just dump in the toilet and flush all the work done for you.
I guess I grew up lucky to have grandmothers who "cooked" things which was passed on to my mother who did the same. Now I have been blessed with a new lady in my life who maintains those traditions of cooking everything from scratch. My son's wife relies on the microwave mostly. She can't even bake biscuits that have the dough pre-made, the ones you smack and they pop open then you place the dough on a cookie sheet and bake em. Heck, I can make meatloaf from scratch and I still cook with pans and a fire, it's best that way especially when you did all the work, you appreciate it more.
Thats what I mean about people not thinking of the consequences when they see a new product on the shelf. Wow some say, this will be easier, all I have to do is stick it in the micro. What about tradition and being able to do for yourself? What about what they are teaching their kids? It's a new world coming and as for feeling sorry for my kids that there is so much great stuff they will never eperience. myself I'm kinda glad that I'm 57 and will not have to live too long in such a world. For now i'll just enjoy old traditions with my lady who is also a traditionalist and keep enjoying the good old stuff I grew up with.
Long live old traditions and god bless those who refuse to eat off the microwave menu.
Realistic man, obviously.............I never mind paying more for handcrafted or homemade, or doing it myself ( a job worth doing well )......... I love that the coffee is ready when I get up, cell phone is a necessity in this world (at this time) microwave in daily use (enjoy your modern conveniences for now) its the younger generations that will really suffer when they are gone................ Jack of all trades , master of none, thats me...... How many 20-30 year olds have to hire plumbers , electricians, etc. even for the most simple of jobs. All men used to be handy, now they have to hire a handyman. Hell , they dont even know what an allen wrench , dont be in a hurry to leave 57 yr. old dude , someone has to show them how to boil coffee on an open fire..... knock the dust off that percolator sometime.
Thanks for the kind words realisticdude, I am the same. Jack of all trades and master of none. I got it from my dad I guess. I've moved through life excelling in every job i've had because to me it was so easy. Kinda like common sense to me. Ran a concrete pipe machine, drove all sorts of heavy equipment and trucks, welded arc, mig, tig, even built computers from 97 to present and obtained an MCSE with a degree in hardware/software and had a business building solid pine products, mostly furniture and household cabinets. I've tried to pass on this to my son and he cannot grasp any of it even when I've made him watch and with patience instructed him well and he still cannot get it. I worked for GM 18 years putting that gift where it counts and I am amazed that there are so many young ones who, like you said don't know what an allen wrench is.
Even being I feel an analog man some technology you just have to used to your benefit no matter how you feel about it. Take getting payed these days, it's all about a credit or debit card and you cannot refuse this, thats just how it is.
I know it's true that thru the years it has always been the same for the younger generation and the older going out. The elder generation complain that things should stay the same and the younger welcome most new changes and get on with their lives.
I can fix just about anything and do love when the situation arrises to pass my knowledge onto younger people with patience so hopefully at least one person will retain what i've taught them and pass it on to someone else.
Thats the most important thing is that it's learned and passed on, especially the patience in teaching. You have to tolerate and understand those who don't have that gift and take extra time and patience to teach them the right stuff. Thats how I remember appreciating someone taking the time to stop what they were doing to teach me with patience, and what a difference it made.
My 1st wife, 2nd wife and now this new lady in my life and soon to be the 3rd and final have been amazed sometimes at what I know how to do. This new lady, wow, I can only imagine how she feels when I have changed 4 spark plugs and the air filter in less than 10 minutes on her Scion. she tells me her "x" couldn't figure out where the plugs were and why it didn't have plug wires. Then replaced a bad light switch, got the toilet to stop dripping, put in a new kitchen faucet and a hole lot more. She tells me I know everything, I told her I don't, I couldn't be an astronuat or a scientist.
I have been flight simming for 10 years + and 2 years ago I decided after belonging to a helicopter site and flying sim helicopetrs all this time that I wanted to give it a real try. I went to a local airport which had what they called a "discovery flight". You pay $100 for an hour in a chopper with an instructor. It was a robinson R-22 but I've always flown a Bell 205 or a Eurocopter AS-350. Microsoft Flight Simulator comes with an R-22 so I started flying it from the walk-around to pre-flight checklists and startup. I flew this helo for about 6 weeks til I felt good about what I knew. I went to Chandler Muni, payed my $100 and when I got out to the tarmac and met with the instructor he asked me what experience I had if any. I told him I'd been flying helo's online for over 10 years. The look on his face said "another one of these guys". I told him I wanted to do it all. He ask me "do it all?"
I said yes, from walk-around to start up. He said go right ahead and he had this smirk on his face. I started my pre-flight walk around and tail rotor, check, check, check, anyway we ended up getting through everything and I did my pre-flight and start-up checklist and got it started and just before lift off he asked me where I had worked and who I flew for. I told him really, this is my first time in a real chopper. your not nervous, no. he said I was the 1st person to ever be not nervous. We lifted to 5 feet off the ground and I started hovering. I did not have white knuckles which wasn't normal for someones first flight. I told him I owe everything to MS flight simulator and the 10 years of simming. To some it's a game but it can be as serious as you want it to be and just as realistic as you want it to be as well.
Anyway, this instructor was so cool. I did all the talking while we were in flight and we flew from chandler east over fresno to the foothills then south and west and returned to the airport. "Chandler, November 228 with charlie, inbound to land, downwind leg, runway 27 left", I payed attention to ATC more than most because in my game it's as close to real is better.
I really had a dream several years ago to own and fly a bell 205 for our Dept with a registered pad on my property. At 50 or so it costs alot of money for the helo and to maintain it. If I were 25 then it would be proper to start a carreer as a helo pilot. For me now, I have to stick to the sim and enjoy it as I do.

appreciate your kind words realisticdude, and i'm really not in a big hurry to leave just yet. There will be plenty for me to pass on and with the patience I've been blessed with the years I have left will be the best.

Cheers to you buddy...............
Good on you for doing that savageagle, sounds like a blast.

There are things in today's world that I am incapable of doing. Ask me to set up the voice mail on my cell phone and it's just not going to happen. Ask me to text someone and you may as well of asked me to fly the space shuttle. I'm not programmed to do it.

Now ask me to shear a sheep, spin that wool into yarn, weave that yarn into fabric and then make a shirt and I'm on it like white on rice. Not a problem. My girls are living in both worlds and seem to be blending well, it's a good thing to see.
Thats funny about the voice mail...............I've had this new service with my old "go" phone flip style for about 5 months now I cannot get all the way through setting up the message service. I don't know what i'm doing wrong but I cannot ever finish it where it works. It's the same with my ham radios. My old ones are easy but I have 2 new mobiles, one as a base and 2 new handhelds and these are so complicated to setup. I did finally get them programmed but when it comes to adding a new frequency or just changing something on it I have to go back and re-read the entire manual to understand anything.
I prefer the older ones where you had a dial, you turn it to the frequency you wanted to talk on and flip a couple of switches to set the offset and tone and that was it.
I even gave my home phone answering machine to my daughter because it was too complicated to setup.
Good your daughters are living both sides and using whats good of the new but still in touch with the old, great deal.
You are one up on me, I may be able to shear a sheep but after that i'd be lost....and shirtless. I can though shoot a deer, skin it and prep it up good, start a fire with 2 sticks and make some great main dishes you'd really enjoy.
Its what I call microwave math. There has never been a society with so many time saving devices as us.we got cell phones microwaves t v remotes fast food on demand movies and on and on. But we work all the overtime we can get to pay for the next timesaver to come along. We don t have time for our kids our neighbors or even our spouse. I would venture to say theres never been a society with less time. Wonderful article. I hope there is a lot more people like yall out there. Kinda gives me hope for the human race.
Its what I call microwave math. There has never been a society with so many time saving devices as us.we got cell phones microwaves t v remotes fast food on demand movies and on and on. But we work all the overtime we can get to pay for the next timesaver to come along. We don t have time for our kids our neighbors or even our spouse. I would venture to say theres never been a society with less time. Wonderful article. I hope there is a lot more people like yall out there. Kinda gives me hope for the human race.
Bill your correct but it should read never has a society been so dependent on so many devices. If a switch was flipped and electricity was gone there would be sheeple that would rather die than live without electric. No cell phones, ipads, microwaves, refrigerators or "modern" conveniences they might as well be zombies.
In all this worldy confusion and the out-of-control technical advancements, I welcome being knocked backwards a bit where there is no power, or all the convieneinces we have today and, I betcha a whole lotta people would love to be there with me because we'd be alot happier and our days would be filled with productive and positive duties so we could eat and live and everyone in this community would be getting along. We would all be packen something that goes "bang" and I betcha there wouldn't be any crime..

My kinda place.

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