...and now they consider blowing up Yellowstone

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Awesome Friend
Mar 5, 2022
The power of an atomic weapon is nothing compared to the power unleashed by a volcano.

Unless the explosion were to occur at some highly critical point, I doubt it would do anything. Further, I also doubt there is a highly critical point that could trigger the earth's mechanisms to begin volcanic activity or that anyone could even get to it without a massive effort.

Lots of mass in the form of under-pressure magma must already be in place before the event can begin. A bomb isn't going to attract pressurized magma.

To me it seems that the "scientific" community believes a lot of their own crap.
I think it's all just speculation, wishful thinking and scare tactics. Nothing more. The volcano will blow when it wants to. California will fall in the ocean when it's ready. I doubt if any of us will live long enough to see either happen. On a geological time lime, all of human history barely makes a spec in time.

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