And you thought this was the land of the free...?

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I guess it's time for ongoing thread of
This nonsense ?

As well as some music from some folks
Who can string poetry together better
Than myself
Check out this video on YouTube:

If offended by 4 letter words?
Take cover at 4:23 of track

We just keep following the trail left behind by the Communists of earlier generations. The **** bucket in the white house is not going to be happy until every American is worshiping his sorry ass.
We just keep following the trail left behind by the Communists of earlier generations. The **** bucket in the white house is not going to be happy until every American is worshiping his sorry ass.
And why do most do this?! . . . I don't understand. Just look at the Jews outcome with Hitler in charge. Wake up people before it is too late. I realize I am preaching to the choir.
My youth pastor was telling me something about the armed forces removing religeon from the military. I was in a crowd of people and couldn't understand what he was saying. Something about the chaplains won't be needed and no christian comments. I don't know maybe you could tell me what he was talking about. He was so upset he s resigning from the military.
What I don't understand is if you think my belief is wrong can it be offensive
... If you tell me UFO s are landing in Dallas I m probably not going to get too hysterical.. I don't believe in alien invasions. If I'm wrong what did it cost you. Might have cost me. Now ....why would I be offended at you because you disagree? Simple answer... deep inside ...I agree with you and just wanting to live in denial. I never have felt that God if he is God needed me to run out to defend his honor. What kind of god is it that needs a mans help to protect his good name
In today's political climate if you disagree with the Ministry of propaganda
You are a bigot a racist you're homophobic your misogynist
you hate women you generally hate people

It doesn't matter what your opinion is on gays in the military gay marriage or abortion if you disagree
with them you are wrong

People are afraid to stand up and say **** you to the establishment
I couldn't really care if two men want to get married
Not my business. If you disagree with my opinion that's your business that's your opinion
In today's society where the trophy child has grown up to be a trophy daddy
Or mommy. Most are afraid to say no to the establishment

As far as religion goes I am a dogmatic dyslexic insomniac

I stay awake all night wondering if there really is a dog?

This Bob Marley song can take on dual meanings

There is the obvious in which the song was written

Then why can it not be for those people
who disagree with the establishment ?

Thhhats good stuff man..
If I'm an idiot in my beliefs.....let me be a happy idiot living in LA LA land sucking twinkies till I die. Seems my number one right to pursue happiness should be for me to choose my faith. I don't care what your faith is. You alone are responsible for your actions. As long as I don't do anything to impede your rights ....who cares if I enjoy jumping out of trees. Unless your the guy in the shade
I think that for every mosque that opens here in the US, we need to open a bar on either side and bbq rib joint across the street from it. Maybe a Hooter's down the street. Let's see how tolerant they are of everyone else's culture, wait, we already know the answer to that one.
I don't care what people's beliefs are as long as no one tries to push it off on me. I'm not going to shove my religion down anyone's throat and I appreciate the same courtesy. I'll discuss things with people, but only if it can stay a discussion and not a pissing contest on who's religion is the one true religion. The same goes with vegetarians, bunny huggers, and just about any other group out there. As long as the conversation can stay intelligent and not turn into a vitriolic diatribe, then you do your thing and I'll do mine. We can each think the other is an idiot on our own time.

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