Another bridge collapse

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The main diesel engine is what actually moves the ship. They have auxiliary diesel generators separate from the main engine and are supposed to have emergency generators for such things as loss of the main engine. Just enough power to run the steering gear and communicateions. Bad fuel will cause problems but the back up generators have a separate fuel system to prevent such things. JMHO.

Why would the Feds be paying for this? Perhaps to take control of it and stop the questioning of how it happened??
I think it's time to ditch all this electronic crap and go back to relying on mechanical hardware and experience. No more computers. Computers take the skill out of everything and add too many potential problems. Have backups and ensure they are independent of the mains. From engine problems to computer problems, something that takes out a main system should not be capable of taking out the backup. And accident or not, the timing of the failure is mighty suspicious.

It looks like after they lost power and it came back on that they may have dropped it into reverse and gave her the onions with all the black smoke coming out. Maybe that is what caused the change in direction, reversing so hard. I don't know the currents in that area, but going full reverse will make a boat turn. But why did it lose power again? And isn't the tiller hydraulics on a separate generator? I think someone needs to have a "sit down" with the electrician. If something kills the power, it should blow a fuse, and when the backup comes on, the failed circuit should be left off until diagnosed. Losing power twice means they tried giving power to a bad system twice. Why? What was that system? It will be interesting to see what the report says.

Here's a simple plan... Every ship over a certain mass has a 3-tug escort through the channel just in case someone needs a little push.

Another question I have is do these anchors have brakes or does the entire chain need to be released? I have heard that it is the weight of the chain on the sea floor that does most of the braking, so maybe they didn't have enough room for the anchor chain to get a firm grip on the bottom.
All I am going to say, when MSM starts out blasting the “conspiracy theorists”. When the conspiracy theorists point out that Baltimore is the largest coal exporting port.
I think the conspiracy theorists are 37-0 after the past 4 years.
At the end, when we will not think about the tragic situation for the victims and their relatives for an moment, it shows how extremly sensitive our life and "civilisation" became with this "everything must go electric" movement.
One vessel is enough to damage not only Baltimores economy for months...
This about cements it for me that the Feds are behind the bridge destruction.

“Biden Last Month Issued Executive Order To Bolster Cybersecurity at U.S. Ports​


America’s prosperity is directly linked to maritime trade and the integrated network of ports, terminals, vessels, waterways, and land-side connections that constitute the Nation’s Marine Transportation System (MTS). This complex system supports $5.4 trillion worth of economic activity each year, contributes to the employment of more than 31 million Americans, and supports nearly 95% of cargo entering the U.S…”
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Everything, but really everything Joe does does NOT serve the interest of the USA, Joe only works for his own agenda and does everything to destroy your country.

Well honestly, he has probably already destroyed too much, another 4 years of Joe Biden as president, the USA will be so broken that it will be the equivalent of Klaus Schwab's Great Reset.

You can look at Germany, thousands of companies are closing down and moving abroad, hundreds of thousands of people are losing their jobs and the government thinks it's a good thing and says it's a great contribution to environmental protection if Germany is actively deindustrialized. 🤮
Of course there is 2 minutes of data missing.

The engines were shut down so the VRD data from the engine would show
Data Field = Nil

you cant record data from a device that is shut down !

If you are really really pushing the limits you might be able to shut down a ships engine , put it in reverse and restart it in 2 minutes but under normal circumstances it takes 3 - 4 minutes.

They dont have Pinto engines in those things ....

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I'm a former sailor and certified master helmsman. I give a breakdown of the Key bridge incident in Baltimore harbor using professional ship simulation software.

thanks for posting the simulation from nautis , I have seen other sites raising the subject of prop walk , can the Sim' include that phenomenon to explain the stern movement ?

I had never heard of Prop walk until yesterday , its the phenomenon which occurs when a ship with a single prop is put in reverse and the prop blade pushes the ship's stern in the opposite direction in reaction to the blade pitch at the bottom half of its rotation in the water.

counter rotating twin props are likely to cancel out the issue.
the prop blade pushes the ship's stern in the opposite direction in reaction to the blade pitch at the bottom half of its rotation in the water.
Yes, but we do not yet know how fully (or not) she was loaded...the prop walk only occurs if she is so light that a portion (to half) of the prop is not even in the water and actually helping to propell or slow the ship...
We still need more info towards that.
No matter what, there is still years of problems with the bridge in the water, unless they clear the main canal of depth so as that other ships can get thru till the rest of the bridge is cleared and maybe re-built...
I would get the bridge cut into small piece of 10 - 15 tons, chain them to tugs and drag them somewhere (anywhere) to clear the path needed to get other ships moving thru the harbor...or even pick them up with barge cranes and get them completely out of the harbor.
Yes, but we do not yet know how fully (or not) she was loaded...the prop walk only occurs if she is so light that a portion (to half) of the prop is not even in the water and actually helping to propell or slow the ship...
We still need more info towards that.
No matter what, there is still years of problems with the bridge in the water, unless they clear the main canal of depth so as that other ships can get thru till the rest of the bridge is cleared and maybe re-built...
I would get the bridge cut into small piece of 10 - 15 tons, chain them to tugs and drag them somewhere (anywhere) to clear the path needed to get other ships moving thru the harbor...or even pick them up with barge cranes and get them completely out of the harbor.
if they get at least 3 large cranes of 1000 - 3000 tonne they could pick out the biggest pieces in chunks of 200 - 300 tonne.
remember a crane rating is at "zero metres" (20m) from slew center.
If they get divers to pull rope under the sections in 3 - 4 places and tie them off they could pull diamond wire through and cut the sections up from bottom to top with the diamond wire , do it from an anchored barge and keep humans well away from the danger zone.

another option is flotation bags to lift the sections half out of the water and tow them to shallow water as you mentioned.

I wont be surprised if there are engineers already designing a new bridge to be built next to the old one as full demolition could take 12 months even on an accelerated plan.
if they get at least 3 large cranes of 1000 - 3000 tonne they could pick out the biggest pieces in chunks of 200 - 300 tonne.
remember a crane rating is at "zero metres" (20m) from slew center.
If they get divers to pull rope under the sections in 3 - 4 places and tie them off they could pull diamond wire through and cut the sections up from bottom to top with the diamond wire , do it from an anchored barge and keep humans well away from the danger zone.

another option is flotation bags to lift the sections half out of the water and tow them to shallow water as you mentioned.

I wont be surprised if there are engineers already designing a new bridge to be built next to the old one as full demolition could take 12 months even on an accelerated plan.
I like the flotation idea.

By coincidence ( cough ), President Trump will be in Pa today.

26 Barges break loose on Ohio River, force closing of West End Bridge. 23 of the barges were loaded with coal and 3 were empty when they broke loose.

11 were located & pinned against the river bank by a towboat.
God bless tugs!

14 continued down the river and 6

BREAKING: Barge Collides with Galveston Bridge, Causing Partial Collapse and Oil Spill (VIDEO)​


A barge collided with the Pelican Island Bridge in Galveston, Texas on Wednesday morning.

The collision resulted in a partial collapse and oil spill.

No injuries have been reported so far.

It is unclear what caused the collision. “

Is this an accident or cyber attack or biden Regime stopping oil?

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