Another Civil War?

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Do you think in the coming years that we will be in a civil war

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Awesome Friend
Mar 20, 2013
Our Department of Homeland Security has recently purchased 1.6 billion rounds of hollow points, which have been made illegal by the Geneva Convention, 3,000 armored vehicles. They have been practicing large scale Martial Law drills, and for what? The liberal government has been attacking our 2nd Amendment rights, drone strikes on Americans. U.S. Soldiers being tested to see if they would fire upon American citizens. (Ret.) Capt. Terry Hastilow said "They will attack YOU and ME. Anyone that stands in the way of their Marxist Government. Anyone who stands for the Constitution.
I think as American Citizens we have an obligation to defend the Constitution. I think we should prepare for the issues now. To go to war!
While i agree, you better look into more than the Mosin Nagant. While I love mine all I can find is surplus ammo or really expensive ammo for it. Sorry, forgot about the king O. and the ammo shortage. Hell, it may be one of the only ones you can still find on the shelf.
I worry about another civil war as well. My husband isn't into the prepping thing and im a stay at home mom so i've been raining my own $ to stockpile but only have low caliber rifles as far as Guns go.
While i agree, you better look into more than the Mosin Nagant. While I love mine all I can find is surplus ammo or really expensive ammo for it. Sorry, forgot about the king O. and the ammo shortage. Hell, it may be one of the only ones you can still find on the shelf.
there is a shortage of 7.65 ammo too
if you paint a rock camo then you can't see it till it hits you rite? You may be onto something.
I'll get all hillbilly ninja on yer ass!
I shudder to think about a war here, but unfortunately it may be necessary. The gap between the two sides is growing too far.
My little Podunk town requested funds to purchase an "armored rv" it's a 6 wheel drive with 4" plate steel armor, flame thrower and all kinds of military type bells and whistles. They have purchased $10000 of ammunition recently and have over 10 crates of grenades and explosives in an underground shelter in a location out of city limits. Officers are being trained in pacification which seems to boil down to shoot first if any aggression is shown. Also building a civilian militia. Question is why? Answer. Guess we will find out soon enough but I don't believe we will like it.
My little Podunk town requested funds to purchase an "armored rv" it's a 6 wheel drive with 4" plate steel armor, flame thrower and all kinds of military type bells and whistles. They have purchased $10000 of ammunition recently and have over 10 crates of grenades and explosives in an underground shelter in a location out of city limits. Officers are being trained in pacification which seems to boil down to shoot first if any aggression is shown. Also building a civilian militia. Question is why? Answer. Guess we will find out soon enough but I don't believe we will like it.
Wow, who is spearheading this? the mayor? It gives one that butt puckering feeling when even the political elite are prepping. Wonder if they are gonna share when instructed to do so by DHS
Hearing things like this just makes me want to pull things in closer and lock the gates to the outside. Hell, our little town doesn't even have a cop.
I dont know, if it came down to the real civil war being between the 2 major political parties, I think the republicans got it. The city slicker democrats would die off purrty quick if all the republican areas surrounding them cut them off. Plus, most of the people mooching off of entitlements havent done a single productive thing, so a civil war seems a little out of their reach. And as far as our big brother goes, I dont think that they can get away with anything too outrageous, the Nuremberg trials showed that "just following orders" doesnt pardon crime, and i think our soldiers know the difference between right and wrong. If the feds tried anything completely rediculous, i dont think the sane soldiers would follow them into a civil war against their own country. Just my 2 cents :USA:
It'll get ugly and innocent people will be paying the price of the regime's arrogance. I'm not saying the welfare wandas, gangbangers, and scammers are innocents, but the kids, elderly, and disabled are.
I think this should be more akin to a "civil rights" movement and protest before the war phase. This new era of civil rights is for the rights of everyone, blacks, whites, Jews, Hispanics, Asians, old and young.
I almost started it yesterday at the Auto Club 400 in Fontucky, CA yesterday.
1st, goofing on the mariachi crap that was played on the main stage.
2nd, at lap 180 3 abundant 'No Hablas' decide it was a good idea to seat hop
and plant their fat arses in front of me, I ask them to sit, I tell them to sit, finally
a litany of 4 letter words in both English ans Spanish were uttered by myself.

There was almost a riot, Los Dirt Bags were escorted out and threatened to do GBH to me.
No problem being that some of My Amigos from 40th ID were part of the security team.
End of problem

My little Podunk town requested funds to purchase an "armored rv" it's a 6 wheel drive with 4" plate steel armor, flame thrower and all kinds of military type bells and whistles. They have purchased ....

What is your local newspapers saying about this? It sure seems odd for a small town.........
I think this should be more akin to a "civil rights" movement and protest before the war phase. This new era of civil rights is for the rights of everyone, blacks, whites, Jews, Hispanics, Asians, old and young.

We pretty much enjoy civil rights here that people lack in other countries. Where I lived in Queens NY there were people from all over the world. There were very few problems. My old neighborhood is now mostly Asian. Sadly it is also a high crime area now, but not because of the Asians.
Here's a story that happened to my friend. He has his concealed carry license and works as caretaker for some city municipalities. He got a call from the police and they asked him to go to a domestic disturbance call near his house. Reason being all available officers were tied up with other matters. He says ok and when he arrives on the couple camping the woman has obviously been beaten and her boyfriend has a gun to her head. My friend draws his weapon and they have a standoff for a moment and the guy realizes he is about to be shot and surrenders. With no handcuffs he had to hog tie the guy until an officer could arrive. After all this they pressed charges on my friend for excessive force. They eventually dropped the charges and told him he should have just shot the guy and it wouldn't have been an issue. They asked him to join their civilian militia. Reason is civilians can do things uniformed officers cannot like shoot first ask questions later.
When politicians talk like this (recently);

Bloomberg: "Sometimes government does know best. And in those cases, Americans should just cede their rights."

Bloomberg: "Government has right to ‘infringe on your freedom’"

It doesn't take long for people to start saying 'WTHeck' then add DHS ammo purchases, it puts a bad feeling in my gut the same kind of feeling I had in africa and south america years ago.

It would never become a civil war unless there is serious backing from states, without the states there is no resources! the timothy mcveigh's need not apply. My belly is plum full of war and blood, the civilians wannabe worrier itching for a fight doesn't have a clue, it ain't Hollywood. With that said, my Oath still stands.

Link to Bloomberg statement:
They asked him to join their civilian militia. Reason is civilians can do things uniformed officers cannot like shoot first ask questions later.

Which can get you a life sentence. Look at that Neighborhood Watch guy in FL last year who shot that black kid walking through the gated community. He pushed the issue, the kid talked back and he shot the unarmed young man dead. The boy had a candy bar in his hand. The shooter is in a heap of trouble.
Totally different situation He is a city employee and the police department called him and basically authorized him to fill in because they were covered up and couldn't respond to the call.

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