So I see a lot of talk about antimicrobials// antibiotics and where to find them.
So now you/we have them how and when do they get used? Do you know which drug, how, when, how much/ length of course, 1, 2,3, or 4 times a day, for how many days. What about anaphylaxis, this could kill the person or love one your trying to help. Is this a virius or a bacterial infection if medical, or trauma bacterial from an infected wound, then is it gran negative or gram positive. If from trauma can we clean and or debris the wound and use honey and keep the wound in an anaerobic state to promote healing ! ? Could we use maggots the do the work for us? When maggots get in a wound they only eat the dead flesh, there excretion has antibodies and helps the wound heal faster. Researchers have been working with the chronic wounds from diabetes patients. The FDA now has medical maggots, why because of MERSA, why do we have MERSA? Because as a whole our society has used antibiotics to liberally to combat every thing sort of like the shotgun on a squirrel, when a .22 would work. Enough of the rumblings.
So you think someone has an UTI! How can you tell? No pain! Dark strong smelling urine. Could this be from dehydration. They may have cloudy urine, more likely, an UTI, also could be strong smell. Some people when they have an UTI become altered. Here are the common signs and symptoms
* burns when you urinate
* feel like you have to urinate often, but only a little comes out
* belly feels tender and heave
* urine cloudy and or smells bed
* pain under ribs in back on one side, this is where your kidneys are
* fever chills
* nausea and vomiting.
You also could have a $10.00, UTI test strip kit, 3 strips
What about, Strep Throat? S/S are.
* sore throat that comes on fast
* hurts when you swallow
* fever (101°+)
You could use a rapid Strep Test for $80 for 25 strips
What about bronchitis? S/S are.
* cough
* fever <(101°)
* chest pain
* usually after a upper respiratory infection, flu, chest cold
* whistling noise {wheezing} usually after exertion
* hoarseness
Pneumonia S/S are .
* fever usually over (101°)
* cough and or productive cough with rusty, brown, yellow/green, or blood tinged mucus
* nausea/vomiting
* diarrhea
* shortness of breath
* fatigue and weakness
* may hear a wheezing that sounds wet {rhonchi}
Folks get some good education and or good books
No SOF MEDIC would go into the field with out several books, some of these books are.
* Special Operations Force Medical Handbook
* The San Ford Guide To Antimicrobial Therapy
* AHA Cardiac Algorithms
Please don't get me wrong they don't hump these on every trip to the field. However bet your butt they have them back at base.
Just some food for thought. There is more to drugs than just having them.
So now you/we have them how and when do they get used? Do you know which drug, how, when, how much/ length of course, 1, 2,3, or 4 times a day, for how many days. What about anaphylaxis, this could kill the person or love one your trying to help. Is this a virius or a bacterial infection if medical, or trauma bacterial from an infected wound, then is it gran negative or gram positive. If from trauma can we clean and or debris the wound and use honey and keep the wound in an anaerobic state to promote healing ! ? Could we use maggots the do the work for us? When maggots get in a wound they only eat the dead flesh, there excretion has antibodies and helps the wound heal faster. Researchers have been working with the chronic wounds from diabetes patients. The FDA now has medical maggots, why because of MERSA, why do we have MERSA? Because as a whole our society has used antibiotics to liberally to combat every thing sort of like the shotgun on a squirrel, when a .22 would work. Enough of the rumblings.
So you think someone has an UTI! How can you tell? No pain! Dark strong smelling urine. Could this be from dehydration. They may have cloudy urine, more likely, an UTI, also could be strong smell. Some people when they have an UTI become altered. Here are the common signs and symptoms
* burns when you urinate
* feel like you have to urinate often, but only a little comes out
* belly feels tender and heave
* urine cloudy and or smells bed
* pain under ribs in back on one side, this is where your kidneys are
* fever chills
* nausea and vomiting.
You also could have a $10.00, UTI test strip kit, 3 strips
What about, Strep Throat? S/S are.
* sore throat that comes on fast
* hurts when you swallow
* fever (101°+)
You could use a rapid Strep Test for $80 for 25 strips
What about bronchitis? S/S are.
* cough
* fever <(101°)
* chest pain
* usually after a upper respiratory infection, flu, chest cold
* whistling noise {wheezing} usually after exertion
* hoarseness
Pneumonia S/S are .
* fever usually over (101°)
* cough and or productive cough with rusty, brown, yellow/green, or blood tinged mucus
* nausea/vomiting
* diarrhea
* shortness of breath
* fatigue and weakness
* may hear a wheezing that sounds wet {rhonchi}
Folks get some good education and or good books
No SOF MEDIC would go into the field with out several books, some of these books are.
* Special Operations Force Medical Handbook
* The San Ford Guide To Antimicrobial Therapy
* AHA Cardiac Algorithms
Please don't get me wrong they don't hump these on every trip to the field. However bet your butt they have them back at base.
Just some food for thought. There is more to drugs than just having them.