The cylinder, hoses and pump are identical to the brute 30 ton splitter
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Having been lightly involved in making some parts for several home made splitters.. It seems to work best in planning components to work backward... That is... Take the cylinder you want to use, find what rate of flow will give you an acceptable cycle time, this will determine pump size, pump size will determine horse power needed for the system... System pressure seems the least relevant to the info mix... Most pumps run about the same pressure.. In the 2500 psi or so range..
Unfortunately... This info is where it seems many people who want to run a splitter off the flow of there small compact tractors get into trouble and are not happy with the results.. Most hydrostatic, small compact tractors do not have excess gallons per minute of flow to make a splitter work well..
My 5 cents of experience...
Zoomzoom... Great idea for a table... Legs to span the bottom flange of the I beam with bolt on clips to hold in place is a great next step modification... I will be doing some design thinking in my "good ideas" note book... Thanks for the pictures...