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Super Friend
Jan 5, 2018
Amite, Louisiana
Hi everyone I did not do a fly by night wacko! Well I am a bit eccentric! When I introduced myself I stated I lived in Louisiana! Well I am about 60 miles from New Orleans! The hurricane Ida's eye came straight into New Orleans and everyone who lived on the East side of Ida experienced the winds of a hurricane like never before! The hurricane Ida created a vortex winds of 150 when it came a shore on the eastern side of Louisiana and the eye just tore whirlwinds all the way up hitting little cities like mine up rooted beautiful oaks that fell on houses and destroyed them! I was without electricity for 14 days! I got electricity back on, but was without phones, computers, and my trusty tablets until yesterday! I did not want to complain because my fellow citizens were in the same boat as I and so many people did not even have a home left to live in! Louisiana has many beautiful oak trees around their homes, but the beauty became the destruction of their life as they once lived! I had a Pen Oak limb fall on the top of my house and did not even know it! I had damage here and there on my house but it is fixable! We are sitting in an apocalypse so many people are still without electricity, phone services, etc! We have became a nation that is so dependent on electronics to pay bills, have a social life inside our homes and keep up with that crazy man and his fellow mad hatters who are occupying the government and do nothing but come against the good citizens of the USA! Just wanted to touch base with you guys, be safe and be blessed!
this reliance on technology especially electronics is going to get a lot of people dead very fast when TEOTWAWKI happens for real.
TEOTWAWKI seems more and more unlikely to me as we move forward with the OWG agenda, but even if it does occur in my lifetime it will probably be a more localized agenda. Like England going tits up, or a limited nuclear war, America collapsing into a Mexico failed state condition. I can imagine a time when that occurs in the US, even while the federals maintain a good standing military and all the assorted weapons of mass destruction they have on hand now.
I would like to know what you mean by "England" going tits up!!
the UK is more than just England and I say that as a patriotic Englishman.
I would like to know what you mean by "England" going tits up!!
the UK is more than just England and I say that as a patriotic Englishman.

I was talking specifically about England, not Scotland or wales or northern island. Every piece of scum from Europe moved there in the 2000's, and then there was the influx of millions of "Asian" refugees added to the mix. You know what I'm talking about, that was what what was really behind brexit if I'm not mistaken. Even the Irish come down and do the double, robbing the economy. Add to that England's reliance on imported Energy and food and you have a power keg.

How dependent is UK on food from the EU?
About 30% of all the food we eat in the UK comes from the European Union, according to the British Retail Consortium (BRC) industry group.
And that's just Fresh food, how much of your staples come from the US and elsewhere? That's why you live off the grid so to speak Paul, you're no idiot, you can see it coming.
Brexit was mostly because we had been lied to about the EU, it originally started as a "Common market" a purely trading agreement but in the 1990s the political crap started appearing, we have our own parliament we dont need laws and rules from Brussels that is why the majority voted to leave.
TBH I have not seen any food in the shops from the US, maybe it dosent get this far south, Britain is 61% self sufficient in food, of the rest half comes from Europe the rest is imported from all over the world.
If and when such a disaster occurs, and it was PREDICTED by someone like NASA or THE WEF...you can bet your last dollar that they might of have been planning it for a while...thinking they can control the weather......
Who the hell knew how strong the magnetic fields of the earth was 3000 years ago?
Who the hell had measurements of then and now strengths.
There has always been earthquakes, volcanos and hurricanes.
We have never known what happened from "way back then" catastrophe situations until someone asked the indigenous indians/eskimos/aborigines/bushmen and they told us about their legends of such things.
But, the bible does predict --wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes in divers places, plagues, disease, starvation and hunger, a great falling away from the faith (as in the days of Noah) in the end times.
We are watching these very prophecies unfold before our eyes today. Look up and pray that you may miss out on the terrible things our God has planned for the evil ones trying to destroy this beautiful planet.
AND NEVER FORGET HOW MANY ""EXPERTS"" have told us the terrible things that will happen in the last decades (Al Gore-AOC- Thunfeld) and how none of it came to be...
PS: I also think and believe that nothing will be like ANYTHING like HOLLYWOOD blockbusters seem to show what it will look like and how bad it will be...
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David Dubyne at Adapt 2030 has information about our magnetic field changing in our solar system starting in September I believe. Very interesting data. And yes, he gets it from NASA and other places. It is due to the coming alignment of the 4 gas giants. That alignment will be complete October of 2024. But it begins to happen next month. This has not occurred since 79 AD.

While I believe, as Gary does, that the evil wanna-be “gods” on our planet are doing truly evil things… David makes it clear THEY KNEW for years now that this 2000 year, very destructive cycle in weather was coming! They are clearly using it to their advantage and blaming us for the fake “human caused“ climate change narrative! It is all part of their evil depopulation agenda!!

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