World War Three

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We're in such a broken culture now that I constantly read and re-read my posts to ensure I'm not offending anyone. God I miss the old America.
That's a worldwide thing now, taking offence. People fail to listen to the tone as well as the content, instead judge the person speaking by social standing/colour/gender, instead of considering their experience or opinion.
That's a worldwide thing now, taking offence. People fail to listen to the tone as well as the content, instead judge the person speaking by social standing/colour/gender, instead of considering their experience or opinion.
Yes and it's causing us all to be anxious so that we are afraid to speak.
I had wondered for years what the reactions from the populace would be when S.H.T,F. . Now at this early phase I see what it is . Preppers always knew only a few would actually be prepared to face a serious S.H.T.F. scenario . It is sad to see the unprepared losing ,their homes and having to sleeping under bridges , drinking contaminated water from polluted streams and such . But even this is mild to what preppers are likely about to see happening in the very near future . Most striking to me is the folks that can not even face the likely Nuclear War that is looming . Sad to see those that didn't prepare simply declare , I, am, going to die and everyone else is going to die along with me as though to say I was right everyone will die so, there was no need for me to try to prepare to survive a nuclear war . -- Whether someone is afraid to die or not is drastically shortsighted as all the preppers that I know on a personal eye to eye level main concern is not " their own survival "but the survival of their families such as their descendants . That is their main prepper focus . --- When things take that worser turn , I will have a clear conscious that I tried over and over to get people to prepare for what was coming .
Forgive me if I asked this already - I'm experiencing some memory issues - but how can an average person even protect themselves from nuclear bombs? And those directed energy weapons?
At this point , I don't expect to convince anyone . I suppose that was just a frustrated rant on my part . I think my work on this forum is done .
I don't believe that it is. Some of us are listening. You should know that at least some on here are seniors (speaking for myself) and have likely early-stage dementia. When my brain works it works good but then it's as if my memory is wiped out. It's either the smart meter or WIFI or something else.
That advise is (80+) EIGHTY Plus years old. It PRE-dates internet by decades.

I am NOT trying to be disrespectful to you. However, what you are doing is destructive to your stated GOAL.

Revelation 12:6

King James Version​

6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

Revelation 18:4

King James Version

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
One good thing about dementia is that I forget the barbs that people sometimes throw ;)

I have not seen anyone throw "barbs' at you on this forum. A lot of people/members here have gone to great lengths to help you. But I admit it is not working. We can't save you. We can help you understand what you need to do to save yourself.
Yes - and look at all the billionaires building bunkers. Personally, I'm going to be concerned once Zuck's bunker is completed. They know something big is coming.
They can build all the bunkers they want but they'll be dead in a year. None us us could live like we were in the 19th or 18 century. After the holocausts that a full blown nuclear war would bring we would have to live more like cavemen. None of us would even know how to survive. Imagine people having to live without their Smart Phones attached to them the withdrawal would kill the survivors.

On a serious note there was one of the reality TV shows we had here in Montana. I never saw the show but I read about it. Seems the show was based on living in the late 1880s in Montana on a ranch or farm. The show didn't last to long because the people doing the reenactment almost died from starvation and a lack of survival skills. Doctors were called and on site and medical attention had to be provided to save their lives. What started out as an experiment and excitement almost ended in tragedy. The show was cancelled after only a few episodes.

Now if people with modern equipment and medical staff standing by almost die just imagine how few of us could survive cataclysmic catastrophe such as world wide nuclear war. We would be like Gaza and there would be no humanitarian aid coming for us.

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