World War Three

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It is a GREAT time in the last 80 years of human history, to be close to 80 y/o.
I am very surprised that Russia has not (YET) activated all the anti-American so-called Sleeper Cells, in America.
Alert - This is mainly for those that only seek out government sanctioned news as those that seek real news already know . A day or two ago Ukraine successfully blew up what may be Russia's biggest ammo dump which was several hundred miles deep in motherland Russia . This amo storage facility contained things such as airel attack weaponry as well as ground attack weaponry . It had been touted to be nuclear bomb hardened . The blast was so large it caused a earthquake . Controversy surrounds this attack , some sources claim Ukraine sent in a powerful missile while other claim it was a drone caused explosion while Puttin try's to keep this epic failure of his military defense news away from his citizenry and only claims it was an accidental fire . --- The main point of me pointing this event out is , this no doubt has pis-d Puttin off mightily and is a huge set back for his conventional war going forward . Be aware this could be what will move the conflict from conventional to nuclear . " prepare " don't adopt the ostrich strategy .
Has anyone else been noticing the few countries starting to do more together and behind the scenes??? Russia, China, Iran and North K
I am very surprised that Russia has not (YET) activated all the anti-American so-called Sleeper Cells, in America.
Their disinformation/propaganda resources are working

Fifth column assets would be activated in the hours before a big, multi pronged attack......but doing so risks letting the West Intel services know what is about to happen.
Their disinformation/propaganda resources are working

Fifth column assets would be activated in the hours before a big, multi pronged attack......but doing so risks letting the West Intel services know what is about to happen.
Thank You..........That answers why.

Do you think or suspect The United States Military or possibly the civilians in America, are slightly overconfident that no single country or group of countries could kick Americas ass militarily.

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Do you think or suspect The United States Military or possibly the civilians in America, are slightly overconfident that no single country or group of countries could kick Americas ass militarily.
I wouldnt trust our woke military and current politicians for anything to defend us!

Do you think or suspect The United States Military or possibly the civilians in America, are slightly overconfident that no single country or group of countries could kick Americas ass militarily.

You are totally welcome to decline answering.
Yes.....there is overconfidence on the part of some folks (mostly those outside the military)......but inside Western Militaries right now, morale is quite low.

Commanders are telling troops to expect to go into peer on peer conflict soon......they are saying that with a straight face.

There is also the view that most of the West's militaries are poorly prepared for the new type of warfare being waged in Ukraine.....they will need new weapon systems and skills to fight that sort of war......that will take time to establish.

Militaries always prepare to fight the last war......and get punched in the face by the reality of the next.

In 1939, the French had what most considered, the most powerful army in Europe.....but by late 1940, the Germans were sleeping in their chateaus and hotels.

But the other side of coin is that, the performance of the Russians in Ukraine has been terrible and much poorer than just about anyone (inside the West's Military) expected.

A few years ago no one would have predicted that the Russians would have fought for a few years and spent the treasure and meat they have, to control only 26% of Ukraine.

The big question is "What is the capability of the Chinese?"

Unlike for the Russians, we can only guess what the capability of the PLA might be.
The USA has been sitting back on our BUTTS and downsizing our military since the Clintons were in office, The Obamas bout ruined what was left of our military and BIDEN has done absolutely nothing to strengthen our defense!!! SOMEBODY better wake up and do something to help our military!!
Commanders are telling troops to expect to go into peer on peer conflict soon......they are saying that with a straight face.


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