I had wondered for years what the reactions from the populace would be when S.H.T,F. . Now at this early phase I see what it is . Preppers always knew only a few would actually be prepared to face a serious S.H.T.F. scenario . It is sad to see the unprepared losing ,their homes and having to sleeping under bridges , drinking contaminated water from polluted streams and such . But even this is mild to what preppers are likely about to see happening in the very near future . Most striking to me is the folks that can not even face the likely Nuclear War that is looming . Sad to see those that didn't prepare simply declare , I, am, going to die and everyone else is going to die along with me as though to say I was right everyone will die so, there was no need for me to try to prepare to survive a nuclear war . -- Whether someone is afraid to die or not is drastically shortsighted as all the preppers that I know on a personal eye to eye level main concern is not " their own survival "but the survival of their families such as their descendants . That is their main prepper focus . --- When things take that worser turn , I will have a clear conscious that I tried over and over to get people to prepare for what was coming .