World War Three

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I think the biggest fantasy people have is that the Empire has not fallen, and is now if the NWO has their choice going to be replaced with a new empire.
I realized that I'm actually guilty of 'normalcy bias.' We drive to the store, buy our groceries, come back and chat with our neighbors, get our mail...and it feels normal. I don't watch too much news, and I know that it's mostly all scripted. Then I saw the chaos in Springfield, and then in Sylacauga and it opened my eyes to what was going on right under our noses. I now believe that we are in WWIII.

Those young men appear that they could be soldiers if we face it squarely. Their modus operandi appears to be this: they surreptitiously drop the group of men in one town only, so that citizens' across the country don't get suspicious that we're under siege. The residents of that town are worn down trying to stand against the onslaught, and for the most part, no other citizens speak up. There's no unity; I don't know why. It would be good to hear others' opinions about why.

Then they drop another group of soldiers in another town some distance away. It will probably continue until there are enough soldiers to overtake us. No one will sound the alarm because it's done by stealth. Even if they did sound the alarm many will stay in their 'normalcy bias' because the truth is too scary. My family is in 'normalcy bias.'

I don't know - this is guesswork, but this appears to be what's happening.

I like reading comments beneath articles, and someone pointed out that there was a man at the town hall in Sylacauga who stood to speak, who was 'allegedly' a resident of Sylacauga. Oddly enough though, he didn't have a southern accent. Anyone who passes through Sylacauga knows that the people who live there usually have a thick southern accent. He acted like he was there to complain about the chaos that the Haitians were causing, but then came the punch to the gut: He said: "the man who stated that if the town council refused to act, that the residents would, should be investigated." Think about the chilling effect that this would have on the residents. You can draw your own conclusions.

I would never advocate for violence, unless there was a threat to your or a loved one's life. I didn't take that guy's comments as a real threat - it was just talk - bravado. Unless there was a chance that one of his loved ones could be harmed: raped, or killed. He likely heard the stories of a young boy being killed in Springfield, and migrants raping women in various countries. Anyone with a basic understanding of psychology or just common sense knows that he was expressing his frustration and fear that the community's very real concerns were being ignored. For the other gentleman to paint him as a dangerous individual seemed suspicious. Then, if threatening to 'investigate' him didn't work, they'd pull out their other bag of tricks. We all know what they are.

Anyway, that commenter opened my eyes to a little bit more of what's going on. These residents are ANGRY and who can blame them? I was disappointed that the others at the meeting didn't give the woman who spoke out, thunderous applause.

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Yes.....there is overconfidence on the part of some folks (mostly those outside the military)......but inside Western Militaries right now, morale is quite low.

Commanders are telling troops to expect to go into peer on peer conflict soon......they are saying that with a straight face.

There is also the view that most of the West's militaries are poorly prepared for the new type of warfare being waged in Ukraine.....they will need new weapon systems and skills to fight that sort of war......that will take time to establish.

Militaries always prepare to fight the last war......and get punched in the face by the reality of the next.

In 1939, the French had what most considered, the most powerful army in Europe.....but by late 1940, the Germans were sleeping in their chateaus and hotels.

But the other side of the coin is that, the performance of the Russians in Ukraine has been terrible and much poorer than just about anyone (inside the West's Military) expected.

A few years ago no one would have predicted that the Russians would have fought for a few years and spent the treasure and meat they have, to control only 26% of Ukraine.

The big question is "What is the capability of the Chinese?"

Unlike for the Russians, we can only guess what the capability of the PLA might be.
Like everyone else, I'm trying to figure out what's happening. I do believe that China and possibly Korea will attack us. I believe that these alleged migrants could be soldiers.
Like everyone else, I'm trying to figure out what's happening. I do believe that China and possibly Korea will attack us. I believe that these alleged migrants could be soldiers.
Most of these migrants are soldiers and the Border Patrol has said so. The few women and children with them are not families for the most part but sex slaves.

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