AR15 Not an Assault Weapon

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I really get tired of the news calling an AR15 an assault weapon
Here's the truth.
The term "assault weapon" is an undefined sound-alike term that the media made up after having their ass handed to them numerous times for referring to semi-auto rifles as "assault rifles" which are select-fire machine guns. They have been carefully using it instead of the incorrect 'assault rifle' term lately.
The nice thing about an undefined made-up term is you can use it to refer to anything and be correct:
"A suspected terrorist appeared at the shooting range with a high-capacity-magazine-fed Ruger Mini-14 assault weapon, prepared to shoot as many targets as he could".
This would be a typically accurate media view of my version of this event:
"My friend Bill brought his Mini-14 to the range".

Neither statement is false.
Welcome to Fake News!
It ain't only the so called "news" that lies to the uninformed sheep about.. well everything.
Hollywood is in league with them and any group that is dead set against individual freedoms.
The AR15 (and all guns) are just a good starting point.
Oh my goodness.....I never ever thought this! I always believed they were assault weapons!!!:rolleyes::eek: What do we do now???
You guys don't need to tell other people on this (or any other) gun forum. We know this stuff. Put on your flak jackets, go out there and tell the ignorant.
Regardless of what we call it, sadly the AR 15 has become the poster child for anti-gun propaganda.
No it is NOT, an assault weapon !...............
That's the beauty of a made-up term, even the people that made it up can't agree on what it means, so anything can be one.
Here's my go-to 'assault weapon' shown with "high-capacity magazine" (another made-up term that they can't agree on what it means).
Holds 50 rounds:

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