Are there any veterans on here? What advice do you give to prepare for a possible attack?

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Awesome Friend
Jan 15, 2024
I talked with one on here and I wanted to ask him a question but I can't remember who it was. Does anyone know what member it is? I'd also like to know if there are others because they have a lot of wisdom about war. I think America is going to be attacked - I know that others think that something big is coming but we're not sure what it is. I don't dwell on it but I don't want to stick my head in the sand either.

I wanted to know what advice that vets give about preparing for the possible eventuality of an attack on us. I wonder if one can defend themselves against bombs being dropped, or drone attacks. I'd like to know if they believe that whoever attacks America will be on foot. I know that they sell tripwires that I thought of getting, along with a dog for multiple reasons.
I don't believe that a war like your talking about (us being attacked on our shores) is possible. The simple fact is that no matter what happened here our response would be devastating for any attacker. On the other hand being destroyed from within is very achievable. Spies infiltration into the country to provide info, people willing to die to destroy key points in our infrastructure, destruction of our currency & making us dependent on foreign fuels that can be cut off. One could also add other side points like dumbing down of our youth & so on & so on. Look around & if you really think about the things going on around you everything I listed is going on now.
Above is a picture of my foreign troop invasion plan . It is a E.M.P. resistant 1946 aircraft for evacuation . My clan sent my grandson to flying school to learn to fly and get his piolet license . Then I sold some timber and bought this aircraft for $ 17,000 and gave it to my grandson . As I type this the aircraft is sitting on a private airport being inspected and readied for what may lay ahead . Even the landing gear " front wheels " have to be cranked up and down into the belly of the aircraft with a manual hand crank . However we are having navigatiopnal equipment installed , instead of having to rely on a compass .
I have been to Walmart on black Friday, so I have seen some ****.

The US is almost too large to occupy by any current standing army and we have too many guns to conquer easily, even if you don't count the military, national guard or police. In any future conflict of that scale there will be less boots on the ground and more attacks on our infrastructure, supply chain and other things that result in deaths from in-fighting, starvation, disease, etc. There will be ariel attacks from manned and unmanned vehicles and certain biological aspects as well. If someone wants the USA, they want the land not the people. That being said, your property should be secure from all manner of invasion, foreign military, criminals, traveling hobos, etc. There is much on that topic throughout this forum.
Above is a picture of my foreign troop invasion plan . It is a E.M.P. resistant 1946 aircraft for evacuation . My clan sent my grandson to flying school to learn to fly and get his piolet license . Then I sold some timber and bought this aircraft for $ 17,000 and gave it to my grandson . As I type this the aircraft is sitting on a private airport being inspected and readied for what may lay ahead . Even the landing gear " front wheels " have to be cranked up and down into the belly of the aircraft with a manual hand crank . However we are having navigatiopnal equipment installed , instead of having to rely on a compass .
May I suggest You should have an Idea as to where it is You will be trying to get and carry Maps and Knowledge of Landmarks easily and memorized their locations so You will bee Educated on one or more 2/3 directions to get there... You May have no fore-knowledge has to what will be there Now, and when You need to know...!!!
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I talked with one on here and I wanted to ask him a question but I can't remember who it was. Does anyone know what member it is? I'd also like to know if there are others because they have a lot of wisdom about war. I think America is going to be attacked - I know that others think that something big is coming but we're not sure what it is. I don't dwell on it but I don't want to stick my head in the sand either.

I wanted to know what advice that vets give about preparing for the possible eventuality of an attack on us. I wonder if one can defend themselves against bombs being dropped, or drone attacks. I'd like to know if they believe that whoever attacks America will be on foot. I know that they sell tripwires that I thought of getting, along with a dog for multiple reasons.
There are many veterans on here. male and female.
Everyone prepares in individual scenarios that fits their needs, skills sets.

You seem to crave choosing individual & unrelated aspect of prepping.
As Mo said, there are many variations in scenarios, and many ways for an individual to try to prepare.

Some will seek solitude away from everyone, others will seek a community of neighbors/friends, still others will decide an armed fortified camp is the only solution.
Look at OODS and begin your thinking and planning....

We all have to decide for ourselves, my advice to you is worthless if we are envisioning different scenarios.

Naturally, YMMV.
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We all have to decide for ourselves, my advice to you is worthless if we are envisioning different scenarios.
Likely the greatest FLAW in current prepping
My service was 55 years ago, but some things have not changed.
We have the most powerful military in the world, no country will be able to invade us.

I foresee China using cyber attacks against us. They already have been doing so but our military has been able to stay one step ahead. For now.
The fear among those in the know seems to be that an enemy will do concentrated attacks on the computer controls of our nation wide electrical grid, causing it to fail.
That would possibly kill millions in the first week and bring the country to a halt.

God led my wife and I to a rural area 30 years ago. I'm glad that He did. We will survive.
Above is a picture of my foreign troop invasion plan . It is a E.M.P. resistant 1946 aircraft for evacuation . My clan sent my grandson to flying school to learn to fly and get his piolet license . Then I sold some timber and bought this aircraft for $ 17,000 and gave it to my grandson . As I type this the aircraft is sitting on a private airport being inspected and readied for what may lay ahead . Even the landing gear " front wheels " have to be cranked up and down into the belly of the aircraft with a manual hand crank . However we are having navigatiopnal equipment installed , instead of having to rely on a compass .
I believe an attack is likely. We've all seen the young men coming in through the open border. And how are they getting AR-15's and other guns like the Venezuelan gangs in CO?

You can't fit your entire family on there can you?

You've seen the horrors and realties of war so I knew that you would know how to prepare. I know that America is slated for destruction and I thought of moving out but I would never get my family to move so here I sit on a sinking ship.

I considered buying a used boat with a small cabin but it's so much to consider and I'm no spring chicken. Then you'd have to get to a dock in a hurry and I wasn't sure it was feasible. You'd have to bring food aboard and that will run out.

Being a vet I'm sure that your instincts are likely pretty honed. Do you have any guesses as to when it might happen?
I don't believe that a war like your talking about (us being attacked on our shores) is possible. The simple fact is that no matter what happened here our response would be devastating for any attacker. On the other hand being destroyed from within is very achievable. Spies infiltration into the country to provide info, people willing to die to destroy key points in our infrastructure, destruction of our currency & making us dependent on foreign fuels that can be cut off. One could also add other side points like dumbing down of our youth & so on & so on. Look around & if you really think about the things going on around you everything I listed is going on now.
Yes I see all of what you've stated and it makes me uneasy. The reason why I'm wary of an attack on American soil is that in the "Leave the World Behind" movie they showed America being attacked, with bombs being dropping on NY. I'm sure that you've heard of 'predictive programming' - that's what a number of alert people believe that is coming.

It could be entirely wrong - I don't know. But I recall reading a story about American soldiers going into towns in Vietnam and raping and murdering the young women. They left some kind of Army patch on the women's crotch - which is disgusting. When you see how people act in war then you've seen the worst of human behavior. We all have a sin nature or dark side or whatever you want to call it. Most of the time we dress up nice, smile at folks, and hold the door. But put those same people into a panic situation or a war scenario and it brings out the worst in human behavior. I had something truly evil done to me by a woman who is in a top position of her church. She's the most evil person that I've ever encountered and is fooling a lot of people so I hold no pollyanish views of what people can do.

I could be totally wrong - I don't know. Then of course I might die before seeing any of this!

You put faith in the military - but stay alert to what's happening:
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I have been to Walmart on black Friday, so I have seen some ****.

The US is almost too large to occupy by any current standing army and we have too many guns to conquer easily, even if you don't count the military, national guard or police. In any future conflict of that scale there will be less boots on the ground and more attacks on our infrastructure, supply chain and other things that result in deaths from in-fighting, starvation, disease, etc. There will be ariel attacks from manned and unmanned vehicles and certain biological aspects as well. If someone wants the USA, they want the land not the people. That being said, your property should be secure from all manner of invasion, foreign military, criminals, traveling hobos, etc. There is much on that topic throughout this forum.
That's a good point - that the US is too large to occupy by an army. But we've all seen the young men flooding into the country so I wonder if their population will overcome ours. Now the Venezuelan gangs are taking over in some places of CO and they dropped Haitians in Springfield, gave them drivers licenses, and they're causing mayhem. The military and police have been dying in record numbers though so it seems like we may not have anyone to protect us from an attack - unless the numbers have been exaggerated.

I am concerned about property invasion and have to go through the threads on this forum.
As Mo said, there are many variations in scenarios, and many ways for an individual to try to prepare.

Some will seek solitude away from everyone, others will seek a community of neighbors/friends, still others will decide an armed fortified camp is the only solution.
Look at OODS and begin your thinking and planning....

We all have to decide for ourselves, my advice to you is worthless if we are envisioning different scenarios.

Naturally, YMMV.
Thanks for the link - I'll read it.

It's hard deciding what you think may be ahead - all the old wisdom may no longer apply. I'm still trying to adjust to these new realities and am trying to learn from other informed people.
My service was 55 years ago, but some things have not changed.
We have the most powerful military in the world, no country will be able to invade us.

I foresee China using cyber attacks against us. They already have been doing so but our military has been able to stay one step ahead. For now.
The fear among those in the know seems to be that an enemy will do concentrated attacks on the computer controls of our nation wide electrical grid, causing it to fail.
That would possibly kill millions in the first week and bring the country to a halt.

God led my wife and I to a rural area 30 years ago. I'm glad that He did. We will survive.
Look at the link I posted above. Yes China is buying up America's farmland so they may try to get rid of us by attacks on the grid.
I have often thought driveway alarms placed a mile away or so could be helpful. Cameras even wifi trail cameras. Of course all this only works with wifi. Back in the day gas stations had those hose across the driveway, those dinged a bell inside. I have read that in South Africa many fence the yard and run a couple big dogs out there and then a small dog in the house. Some sleep in rape cages as well.
I have often thought driveway alarms placed a mile away or so could be helpful. Cameras even wifi trail cameras. Of course all this only works with wifi. Back in the day gas stations had those hose across the driveway, those dinged a bell inside. I have read that in South Africa many fence the yard and run a couple big dogs out there and then a small dog in the house. Some sleep in rape cages as well.
Good idea. I wonder if you can hardwire an alarm.
I guess you can think what you want but I do believe that an attack on foot or by air is likely. Just trying to read the tea leaves...
You totally missed my point. Which is OK. Just know that prepping is not choosing three or four random things to prepare for and praying the other fifty-three don't bite you fatally. The odds are not in your favor.
Don"t forget to enjoy life,
You know I go back and forth with this - the planner in me wants to plan and the live-in-the-moment me wants to say "the heck with all this, stay in the city, enjoy stores being close, splurge on a hot tub and just accept that I only have so many days left anyway so I may as well enjoy what time I have left. I'm leaning more towards staying in the city. However, I keep going back and forth. I have a sense of something big coming.
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accept that I only have so many days left anyway so I may as well enjoy what time I have left. I'm leaning more towards staying in the city.
That is currently the widely encouraged course of action. What some call, "Flawed but Fun".
Thanks for the link - I'll read it.

It's hard deciding what you think may be ahead - all the old wisdom may no longer apply. I'm still trying to adjust to these new realities and am trying to learn from other informed people.
The other link to read is the "Plan Do Check Act".

No plan survives first contact with the enemy, or with reality.

Above ALL ELSE, be prepared to Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.

Lori and I are moving to a "country/rural/not far from cities house. It's not for survival, but it meets her and my desires for retirement. She loves the house and floorplan, it meets all my wants. BIG cities are 30-40 miles, smaller ones are 10-15 miles. I can drive a golf ball to the Post office and Fire station.

You have to do what you like, and makes you comfortable.
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Ok this is still being talked about. Here's why no country would want to invade the US or any like armed country. They know that if the others side see's that they can't win, there no reason NOT to use nukes. Once nukes start dropping the attacking country is in a no win situation. So if you want to attack a country it's logical to attack from within with the methods that I listed in my first post.

Yesterday 5 asteroid pasted earth. Nasa had a live time feed showing the path. Even a countdown clock.
I saw a few youtube post but nothing of a government warning. My son in another state followed along and we texted back and forth for the 8 hours as the clock ticked down. I totally understand now why the government would Not alert us of impeding doom. I did my chores as normal. Son did his coffee and donut run as usual.
I didn't post to fb. I didn't call the family to say goodbye . That reminded me of the 911 phone calls from the hijacked plains I dont think the pain you would case your loved ones is at all a good thing. My point is dont expect the government to keep you in the loop if a bomb was on its way.

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