Are YOU a target?

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Awesome Friend
Feb 4, 2013
Part of Prepping is learning to live off the grid. Part of it is keeping your mouth shut about what you have, and what you plan to do.

It's all a bit cloak and dagger.
It's on the radar for a number of ominous reasons.

Have you registered firearms?
shopped at army surplus stores?
google search for prepper info/products?
Posted on this and other forums?

My hubs and I have this conversation often. We've decided that I've most likely got a bull's eye big enough to be seen from space on my behind.

Seriously, if 'they' come to get me, it gives my hubs and girls a chance to run and I'm okay with that. I really am.
My hubs and I have this conversation often. We've decided that I've most likely got a bull's eye big enough to be seen from space on my behind.

Seriously, if 'they' come to get me, it gives my hubs and girls a chance to run and I'm okay with that. I really am.
I feel the same as you old-anorak. Good afternoon my sister. We're getting rain like the cow on the flat rock. I went to work on the church this morning. Framed out for the AC and was going to paint the trim but with the rain, I would have had runs all over and it wouldn't cure right. After all it's Gods house and I want everything PERFECT. They delivered the carpet this morning. I want to get all the painting done by Wed. so I can install the carpet. We're hoping to have the first service in two weeks. Like you, I have my footprints all over. If they want me, well, I won't be hard to find. But to protect my family I'm like Moses(Chaleston Heston that is) FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS. I was shot twice while bounty hunting, so I guess the third time is a charm. Like what was said in Rambo First Blood, If they come , one thing they better not forget LOTS OF BODY BAGS.
I understand about wanting the work on the church to be done right. I'm looking out the window right now while the pumpkin bread is baking and I'm watching the snow clouds moving in.
Mine has stars and bars too. Just a little different configuration and more red.HEHEHEHE.
I have a 40 ft flag that is in my front yard. It flies the American flag along with the Texas, Marine and Army flags and is locacted right under a county airstrip that crop dusters fly out of. I half staffed the day Obama got re-elected. Just try to come and get me or my family, we can put up a hell of a fight.
And TEXAS stands PROUD and TRUE!
Thank You Danil54grl.
You are a Yellow Rose!
Bless you Sister.
According to the headlines in the LA times around march 11 white gun owners are the biggest terrorist threat at this time. These anti gun people are just gonna keep pushing until something breaks. Not looking forward to a civil war. Really was hoping for a zombie apocalypse but you can't pick your doomsday ya know.
That is so wrong. That is just a load if liberal crap. They know that they are poking the bear and they just keep using a sharper stick. Eventually the bear will retaliate. Bear vs. Liberal?
My money is on the Bear.
I know I am on the list but I am okay with that... at least they will know that I am not an easy target like the rest of them.
just like every one else,yeah i am a target.even if my answers were no to thos still a target simply because people will know that i have food water or some thing else that they need.
I m about like yall. I dont even care anymore. Me and my wife talk about it all the time. Ill give them a map to my house pictures if they need it. It wouldnt work out that well for them I dont think. It would probably convert 50000 people to preppers
wow, no offence intended, but the replies are really aggressive IMO. If a police officer knocks on your door with a warrant claiming they have evidence you have illegal weapons on the premises you'll come out guns blazing? really? For real really?

what's the risk reward ratio in that? pretty low.

I'll wager my presence is more valuable to my family than a few canned goods.
I used to be a peaceful person. Now I'm an angry person. I feel like my rights have been **** on and I'm sick and tired of it and quite frankly the first person who screws with me is the one who is going to get the brunt of my anger. Is that the person who deserves it? No, most likely it isn't, but unfortunately it's like what happens when you poke a badger one time too many with a stick, someone is going to get ****** up. If the officer is friendly and not an asshat things will go smoothly, but if the officer is some hot air filled blowhard in love with the power, then things will get ugly. Will it come down to a shoot out? I hope not, but it would most likely involve tazers, mace, and some physical altercations. I am very serious when I say I would rather toss a match on what I own rather than let the government take it. It's mine by God and damn it, the ashes will be mine too.

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