Are You Ashamed To Be White?

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I am told caucasian is an African term, it also means light skin.
No I am not ashamed of being Caucasian or of voting for Tramp.
I am not ashamed of being a southren farmers son or of the callous on my hands,
nor am I ashamed of my friendship with persons of color, as well as other caucasians.
NOPE, I am proud as hell to be a Southern White Boy [SWB]
I kneel before my God and my wife. And to tie my shoes
I kneel for no other

my family owned slaves, I am neither proud nor ashamed of that fact, It is what it is

Here is a true Story of how the Town Sontag Ms. came to be
3 brothers of the Douglas family.
Ransom Douglas But 3 slaves, 2 field hands and a house slave
The house slave was not happy being seperated from her family and cried, screamed, wailed
constantly. GGgrand Pa Ransom Returned here to the seller, And got his money back
He took that money, and bought the land where the town sits, his brothers started the town with a store and a church, They called te town sontag German for Sunday
That town is still alive and well. The baptist Church has my Family grave yard with kinfolk dating back to the 1700's on the tombstones.
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Like I posted in a meme the other day. No one in America today lived as a slave and no one in America today owned a slave. That is a part of history. We learned from it, we grew as a people, and we moved on. Those who haven't are using it as an excuse for their poor life choices and unwillingness to be more than their circumstances. Or they are using to get rich off of the ignorant.
I saw a water bottle delivery guy at the store the other day. I walked up to him and stuck my hand out. he took it. I shook his hand and held onto it as I said.
black lives matter, I get it, I do not owe you an apology and I am not sorry for ****
Black lives matter.
He grinned and said. i just want to get home to my family every night
I said every body does. all lives matter.
I let his hand go, with both walked away smiling

I can do that because I am a big guy and can get away with it. some of you little fellers may need to rethink what it. he might not have been friendly, thats why i held his paw
Sorry late to the line.... I am not sorry for who I am or how the Lord made me. I think everyone deserves respect, until they prove they don't deserve it...

As for privilege, I do recall being asked by someone if I knew of someone who had a certain racial/sex profile who would be a good fit in a job opening so they could meet their quota… I wasn’t on the list. I personally would prefer that all job applicants should only provide their SSN or phone number along with relevant work history and references.

All people should be judged by their work ethic and quality of character. An ass is an ass regardless of appearance.
I think everyone deserves respect, until they prove they don't deserve it
I have to disagree. People do not deserve respect but do deserve civility.

Respect is something that is earned by your actions.

Because of the state of our education system people often intermix the two of them or just use the terms incorrectly.
Depending on who you ask, I am either white or not white. My skin is light brown, my hair is black, and my eyes are brown. So people see me as hispanic or latino or possibly even mulatto. But I am also genetically European and celebrate my Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Dutch heritage. I have never seen white privilege. I have however seen many other races get a handouts or special benefits that white people were not entitled too.

I can relate to this. I look pretty white with the freckled pale olive-ish skin, brown eyes and red hair (growing out the dyed parts- the natural color is salt and pepper). I can pass for Jewish/Israeli and neither deny or confirm that fact when it comes to work purposes (I use to work in the film industry- Jewish privilege?). BUT I am of Middle Eastern decent. I have a Middle Eastern name and growing up I looked every bit like it. Now, not so much because I avoid public spaces (out side) because I am allergic to stupid people.

My girls on the other hand look whiter than most "pure" anglos. Pale Irish white skin, bright blue eyes and light brown hair that could be blonde with some heavy sun exposure. Roo even has a face full of tiny freckles and Juju is starting to get some high on her cheeks! Even with my "minority" status my girls are treated worse than dirt by the powers that be just based on their aryan looks. I fear what society will be like when they are grown.
I am not racist! I'm caucasian! Lolol. We are all children of God and had no say in how we were born. I regret nothing and think it's all a distraction.
I went "color-blind" decades ago.
I have met wonderful people of every skin tone.
I have met worthless people of every skin tone.
I only hope people will judge me by willingness to help good people, without any regard to their skin tone.

Trust me, if a redneck from Alabama can appreciate and respect people based solely on their character and not their skin tone, it ain't that damn hard!
go crazy.gif

Anyone that considers my skin tone more relevant than the person underneath, in my opinion, has not completed evolution.
I went "color-blind" decades ago.
I have met wonderful people of every skin tone.
I have met worthless people of every skin tone.
I only hope people will judge me by willingness to help good people, without any regard to their skin tone.

Trust me, if a redneck from Alabama can appreciate and respect people based solely on their character and not their skin tone, it ain't that damn hard!View attachment 48000
Anyone that considers my skin tone more relevant than the person underneath, in my opinion, has not completed evolution.

I think we got way off subject as usual,we ALL do it sooner or later.
This thred is not about racism, or how we feel about minotitys ,it is about if we white people should feel quilty for being white and are we previledged.
We should feel blame for other nations not evolving like the white nations did?When whites have always been the true minority far as numbers we are and always have been outnumbered by at least 2 or 3 to one, yet we advanced, invented and produced more than any other naions so we should feel un-worthy for those accomplishments?
Hate ourselves and protect the futurs of otherchildren more so than ours becuse we are so productive and they aren't evne though they had th same resources and capavilities as we did,unless all of you are saying they were too stupid and weak so the evil old white man took advantage.

No this is not true.maybe its religian ,culture or for whatever reasons but not because of causacian people did not advance by abusing anyone else we advanced mainly because of our culture and desire to create,invent and advance.
So why should any white person feel quilty, apologize or reward anyone who didn't take advantage of their chances for success?
We should only apologize to our children who we sacrificed on the alters of paganism PCisms for exposing them to these marxist who took over our schools, media. entertainment ,etc,etc,etc .Which want total control of all of us of all races and theaw MARXIST are rumored or suspected of being white,:dunno: .

I have NEVER hurt or took advantage of any human being no matter skin color,but have helped them when I could.And some have helped me.
We have minoritys as do most in our families a couple good ones and a little more bad which are drug pushers and not welcome the good decent ones are accepted more so than welcomed by ssome and coddled by others who are trying to prove something like how 'tolerent'they are,which os racist to me.
@BadgerLandHunter not agreeing with your choice of belief but I did misrepresent paganism in above post, far as I know about it anyway,mosst are more intoo nature and nothing like the satanist who sacrifice children and animals purely to their gods. Entertainment of full of these kinds. So not to judge you as its not my job. meant satnist not pagans .its late and can't tpr,so excuse please.
I am not prejudice against anyone, of any race. However, I am prejudice against SORRY-NESS.
Sorriness comes in all colors. I judge people by their character, by their behavior.
If you want to complain or protest, then do it as civilized people, not as savages burning and pillaging towns.
The sorry ones should be shot, along with the sorry ones in Washington DC.