Are you going to the movies this weekend?

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sorry Tom I'm not a movie goer ,,,,I'm cheap,,,check out putlocker for movies online you just need a good adblocker
Last movie I went to see. . . 10 Ways to Lose a Guy and that was how long ago? Too many projects and way to cheap. If I want entertainment outside the home, I'll go for a nice bonfire with a bottle of wine and my hunny.
Last movie I went to see. . . 10 Ways to Lose a Guy and that was how long ago? Too many projects and way to cheap. If I want entertainment outside the home, I'll go for a nice bonfire with a bottle of wine and my hunny.

Yea that was a while ago! I don't go to many movies but I must say, my interest is high on the spooky looking movie!
I haven't been to the cinema for about 30 years, I wait for it to come on the tv.
Went and saw Lego Batman (in 3D)...that was pretty funny. Not as funny as I hoped, but entertaining enough.

I want to see the Ring sequel and John Wick 2 also. Cure for Wellness, I'll likely just watch at home. Watched Dr. Strange at home over the weekend. That was pretty well done. 60 inch LCD screen and Bose sound system, and the comfort of my own chair...I only go to the theater for things I really want to see on the big screen...(like a 3D movie, or an epic movie, or a horror the audience adds to it).
it's been so long since i've been to a cinema.i dont remember which cinema it was,much less how long ago it was...they've gotten so expensive to go to.i simply stopped going to them,and wait for them come out,on tv..
Watched Gone Girl at home last night... Really hyped up movie...and a HORRIBLE ending that left nothing resolved. Nice little twists though...but because the ending was so open-ended...left you feeling like you watched half a movie..... I honestly can't believe they screen-tested this ending...what the hell? The movie itself, while slow, was pretty decent...but man, they botched the hell out of it.
Watched Gone Girl at home last night... Really hyped up movie...and a HORRIBLE ending that left nothing resolved. Nice little twists though...but because the ending was so open-ended...left you feeling like you watched half a movie..... I honestly can't believe they screen-tested this ending...what the hell? The movie itself, while slow, was pretty decent...but man, they botched the hell out of it.

I thought the ending was fine. It was kinda depressing/icky though. I liked the 2 cops in the movie a lot. or detectives or whatever they were.
I go to the theater about once per year. I'm a sucker for the giant tub of popcorn.
I can hardly stand the movies. 2 hours of just sitting and doing nothing is bad for you, and usually the plot is bad too.
There are some movies that are just better to experience in a theater, at least for the first time. For example, you can bet I'll be in there opening night for any new Star Wars movie (and preferably see it in IMAX 3D)...

Horror movies too. I don't want the safety of being able to turn on the lights, pause the movie, etc.

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