Though I did indeed prepare to live independently from society and could survive indefinitely regardless as to what happens with the trade wars , did make a few last ditch arrangements today . 1- bought enough chicken feed to last until the bugs are plentiful for the chickens come next spring . 2- Stockpiling even more on coffee . Enough for a year or two without having to skimp . 3 - Buying more canned tomatoes , so I will not have to plant so many this coming year or have to use propane or wood to can them up in jars . They will be good in gumbo , wild game meat stews or tomatoes gravy sopped up with a biscuit . -- Foreseeing S.H.T.F. , I payed my property taxes early and months ago , so I will not have to worry about that for a while . -- When the wife returns from the coffee and canned tomatoes run , it will be interesting to see how advanced the shopping frenzy has reached and perhaps there is no shopping frenzy at all " yet " .