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Just a guy
Mar 6, 2021
Somewhere west of the equator.
Prior to my wife’s passing last year, we created a trust. Our original intention was to leave our entire estate to the ASPCA. After some investigation, this is what I found…

ASPCA President
Annual salary and compensation package, about $1,250,000.00.

Annual salary and compensation package, about $1,000,000.00

I don’t think either of those organizations will see a penny of our estate.
HSUS, Humane Society of the United States, is an ultra liberal organization that believes people should not even keep pets.

My wife and I are dog rescuers. For over 50 years we have rescued them from the side of the road, from the county shelter, and even two from death row on the very morning they were scheduled to die.

We have had as many as 8 at one time, currently we are self limiting to 4. That’s all we can afford.
Our local county shelter is now a certified “no kill” due to a lot of wonderful people.

If anyone truly wants to help animals, donate to your local shelter.
Not everyone can donate, not everyone can adopt. But you can volunteer to be a dog walker or cat cuddler for a few hours a week.
When you get a little extra money, donate a bag of dog or cat food.

Please help those animals who are locked up because humans let them down.

My Facebook friends know how strongly I feel about this.
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It seems that any charity that tugs at the heart strings gets corrupted, Find a deserving person that you know and make their life easier when you pass, based on merit not bloodlines etc
There are very few .orgs that aren't in it to get rich, verrrry few. Even then ones that the internet will tell you are highly trusted are actually horribly crooked. I would personally never give anything to a big organization for that very reason. I would distribute it to smaller local charities with people you can actually look at face to face.
Our local shelter is run by our county.
But their budget is so slim most of the workers are volunteers.
They can not even afford to have a veterinarian on staff.

As old retired folks living on Social Security, what we have done is to foster dogs with heart worms for them. They provide the medication and testing, when the dogs are free and clear the adoption fees are waived.
We got our last three that way. Our only criteria is they be at least 10 years old.
The old, the sick, the lame are always welcome at our farm.
Prior to my wife’s passing last year, we created a trust. Our original intention was to leave our entire estate to the ASPCA. After some investigation, this is what I found…

ASPCA President
Annual salary and compensation package, about $1,250,000.00.

Annual salary and compensation package, about $1,000,000.00

I don’t think either of those organizations will see a penny of our estate.
Best bet is a county/local shelter. In Clinton County Oh it's this one:
Prior to my wife’s passing last year, we created a trust. Our original intention was to leave our entire estate to the ASPCA. After some investigation, this is what I found…

ASPCA President
Annual salary and compensation package, about $1,250,000.00.

Annual salary and compensation package, about $1,000,000.00

I don’t think either of those organizations will see a penny of our estate.
How about dividing it between smaller nonprofit organizations?

I live near 6 acres of homeless dogs. The owner of the rescue always needs help. There are several feral trap and release type rescues in my area too. There is probably something similar in your area.
How about dividing it between smaller nonprofit organizations?
That is what I’ve finally settled on doing. I want to give small independent rescuers with an occasional gift of 2-3 thousand. I worry that if I gave all of it to a small rescuer, they would suddenly buy vacation homes, world cruises, diamond encrusted Coffey mugs, etc., etc. It will be a huge job to distribute. so I’m leaving that task for our trust.
Personally I would try to arrange to make the gifts be tangible, IE food, sleeping pads, litter basic care supplies. instead of money. Or fund research into what has been added to food or the environment to create the ridicules number of heat cycles that pets go through
I think it would be great to donate to your local animal shelter or maybe even a few local shelters. Most are run on fundraising and a very limited city budget. Hubby and I volunteer at our local animal shelter. With a huge donation, we could be well on our way to a very updated shelter.
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The Humane Society isn't as bad as the Humane Society of the USA. That is a group of nut jobs that are aginst any animal use; hunting, fishing, trapping, etc.
Two separate entities. HSUS are the nut jobs.
Our county Humane Society has an adoption shelter just like our county animal services. they have zero affiliation with HSUS.
That is what I’ve finally settled on doing. I want to give small independent rescuers with an occasional gift of 2-3 thousand. I worry that if I gave all of it to a small rescuer, they would suddenly buy vacation homes, world cruises, diamond encrusted Coffey mugs, etc., etc. It will be a huge job to distribute. so I’m leaving that task for our trust.
Check with your financial advisor or tax person. Gifts to charity can be done with no tax load.

That is what I’ve finally settled on doing. I want to give small independent rescuers...

HIGHLY Recommend considering these Folks: 👍 :cool: Connie (the Owner) is pretty much a 'One Lady Band', and back when we got 'Da Boyz' from her (these were the rescuers of the 'Five abandonds on the 15', there o_O ) man, did she have her hands Over-full, so..

I'm Certain that her small Op would Really benefit from such a 'Kind benefit', and She was a real Sweetheart / kind ol 'Mother Goose' type. I know (despite them being in Zommiefornia..) We're sure glad we Found Her.. and 'Harry & Lloyd'...

JUST KIDDING! :D That was just one of those 'one in a million shutter-snaps', when they were each enjoying a popsicle-chunk, Lmao!


..Solomon Marshal & Indiana Jones, Father and Son, both 'adopted rescues' from B&B, there.. :cool:

And PS - I have No 'vested interest' in making this recommendation.. Just a Fwiw.. :cool:

Prior to my wife’s passing last year, we created a trust. Our original intention was to leave our entire estate to the ASPCA. After some investigation, this is what I found…

ASPCA President
Annual salary and compensation package, about $1,250,000.00.
Annual salary and compensation package, about $1,000,000.00

I don’t think either of those organizations will see a penny of our estate.
I have to watch their 'heartstring-tug' commercials every day on FOX. :mad:
The only thing worse than seeing how low they will go with fake stuff to make people cry, is knowing that every 30-second spot costs donors $80,000. gaah
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That is what I’ve finally settled on doing. I want to give small independent rescuers with an occasional gift of 2-3 thousand. I worry that if I gave all of it to a small rescuer, they would suddenly buy vacation homes, world cruises, diamond encrusted Coffey mugs, etc., etc. It will be a huge job to distribute. so I’m leaving that task for our trust.
That would probably help the smaller nonprofit rescues. Being nonprofit they have to account for everything that comes in. A large donation would mean they would have to make a large purchase right away. You could also make donations to their veterinary care too. Providing you know who their vet is.
If you decide to make donations in food to multiple shelters you could probably get a deal by contracting to have the manufacturer ship pallet loads to each shelter on a regular basis. This could make your budget go further.

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