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I've got a question for those of you in Australia. As I understand, most of western Australia is basically empty? Is that true? I remember years ago hearing about a fence that ran north-south across the country to keep predators out west away from sheep. But, that was decades ago... so is that true?

The reason I ask is that I've talked about a new nation coming along to pull Americans away to a "new America" with the Constitution as written and without welfare & paganism & such. I had suggested that Western Australia could be split off & used as such. (note, I had also mentioned Mongolia, but that was before I realized it was a frozen tundra and landlocked between China & Russia) So, I know that Australia would hate getting split in half (but so does the US), but is that terrain fairly empty with decent resources? Like a wild-west stage of half of the USA? Curious...
Chirnside Park, VIC.

Ham radio's need a license to operate, however 27MHz CB Radio's don't require a license, I've seen new and used on the Bay of E, I would strongly suggest one with Upper and Lower Sideband if getting one. Also a decent antenna if you want better long distance communications.
I've got a question for those of you in Australia. As I understand, most of western Australia is basically empty? Is that true? I remember years ago hearing about a fence that ran north-south across the country to keep predators out west away from sheep. But, that was decades ago... so is that true?

Re WA, yes low population density, the main problem is lack of water. I don't think WA would be "allowed" to split from the rest of the country, as the remote areas contain most of our mineral wealth, so the Commonwealth Govt. would resist that.
And yes there was a rabbit-proof fence, I don't know if it still exists.
There is the Dog Fence along the SA - NSW border, I went through the gate near Cameron's Corner a few years back.
Lack of water? Perfect! Look at what the Jews have done with the desert called "Israel". Breaking free from an oppressive gov't that has disarmed their citizens... that could be more difficult! Never surrender your weapon. Never ever ever.
No, have you asked on Ausprep?

No, I was only wondering because I have just been reading about him in a new book about prepping that has just come out. I think he runs an aussie prepper forum. He sounds like a very switched on and well prepped guy.

I'm not a member of Ausprep because when I went over to take a look the first two posts I saw were totally Anti British, wont go where I am not wanted :)
I've got a question for those of you in Australia. As I understand, most of western Australia is basically empty? Is that true? I remember years ago hearing about a fence that ran north-south across the country to keep predators out west away from sheep. But, that was decades ago... so is that true?

The reason I ask is that I've talked about a new nation coming along to pull Americans away to a "new America" with the Constitution as written and without welfare & paganism & such. I had suggested that Western Australia could be split off & used as such. (note, I had also mentioned Mongolia, but that was before I realized it was a frozen tundra and landlocked between China & Russia) So, I know that Australia would hate getting split in half (but so does the US), but is that terrain fairly empty with decent resources? Like a wild-west stage of half of the USA? Curious...
The fence you mention is 5600 kilometres long completed in 1885 originally meant to keep the bunny rabbit plague at bay but also to keep dingoes away from livestock as well. The fence is alive and well and continually being upgraded. It stretches from Queensland, New South Wales to South Australia.
Nick Sais seems to be the goto prepper for Australian media. His website and facebook page are defunct. His prepping philosophy is to bury some pvc pipe caches around his location and hope for the best.

I'd be interested in a link to the new book.

Ps: I'm probably responsible for those 'anti british' posts, but I'm not anti british, being born there myself. My uncle was a WO2 in the British army with multiple tours, and the anti-british army comment based on my experience. Sorry if it offended you.
Unfortunately the Govt. disarmed a lot of the people. Bad move.
No they didn't. A small percentage of people gave up their guns. There are more guns in Australia today than there was in 1996, and semi auto and full auto firearms are still available legally if you want to bother with the paperwork.
Nick Sais seems to be the goto prepper for Australian media. His website and facebook page are defunct. His prepping philosophy is to bury some pvc pipe caches around his location and hope for the best.

I'd be interested in a link to the new book.

Ps: I'm probably responsible for those 'anti british' posts, but I'm not anti british, being born there myself. My uncle was a WO2 in the British army with multiple tours, and the anti-british army comment based on my experience. Sorry if it offended you.

OK FB no probs, I used to be in touch with the Aussies original prepping group based out of Narabunda ACT in the late 80s and early 90s ( pre interwebnet) back when preppers ( survivalists) used to communicate by the Letters to the Editor and Small Adds / Contacts section in the back of American Survival Guide and Guns n Ammo . ( when our communities gods were Mel Tappan, Ragnar Benson and Colonel Jeff Cooper)

A great bunch of lads they were, but they went dark years ago so I was pleased to see the new forums come out and link up with the Merkins and Brits.

Right, the book I should have linked it earlier, is basically a very up to date report on the global prepping movement thats not totally biased towards the fruitcakes. its written by an academic prepper who I believe works in Oz as a university lecturer. He addresses the prepping scene esp in the US, UK and Oz but with reference to preppers in Europe and Asia included. Primarily about bunker / redoubt building but quickly morphs into discussing how we choose to bug in or out depending on politics and geographics. He also discusses in depth the different types of preppers and what motivates us. Its quite enlightening even though I disagree with some of his findings. He also hardly touches on the largest group of preppers those who choose to go grey or dark, but cannot blame him as most of that community wont talk to any type of journalist :)

Nick Sais is interviewed in one chapter in the book.

The book is called " BUNKER Building for the end times ",
author is Bradley Garrett,
published by allen lane,
ISBN 978-0-241-33601-4
I got interested in prepping in 1982, bought my first retreat in 1986. There was an aussie publication back then, can't remember it's name, it was just basic typewritten sheets of information photocopied. It had a contact section as well. Networking is so much easier since the internet.

Thanks for the link Bill.
I got interested in prepping in 1982, bought my first retreat in 1986. There was an aussie publication back then, can't remember it's name, it was just basic typewritten sheets of information photocopied. It had a contact section as well. Networking is so much easier since the internet.

Thanks for the link Bill.

Was it Australasion survivor ??

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