Baby Chicks

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Dec 24, 2017
I have only two new little ones that have hatched out. I traded some little cochin eggs for four larger hen eggs from a neighbor and only two hatched, but they are so cute...
Adorable little peeps....the story is always told in our family about my uncle Don who was a bus driver. Seems a lady got on his bus, years ago, with a box full of little peeps.....along the route, some got out of the box and ran to the back of the bus. When she leaned over to retrieve the chicks, she expelled a large amount of flatus, to which my uncle said....."Catch it or shoot it, Lady".....and yes, he did get fired, but I laugh every time I see baby chicks remembering by handsome uncle Don.

I have only two new little ones that have hatched out. I traded some little cochin eggs for four larger hen eggs from a neighbor and only two hatched, but they are so cute...
Adorable little peeps....the story is always told in our family about my uncle Don who was a bus driver. Seems a lady got on his bus, years ago, with a box full of little peeps.....along the route, some got out of the box and ran to the back of the bus. When she leaned over to retrieve the chicks, she expelled a large amount of flatus, to which my uncle said....."Catch it or shoot it, Lady".....and yes, he did get fired, but I laugh every time I see baby chicks remembering by handsome uncle Don.


We just got some new peeps and now setting back up brooder for them.
Hubby thought he was going back to work on boat' SURPRISE', ain't gonna happen till the chicks are set up. Not been used fro over 4 years so it was a mess when I cleaned it our.
I want to get more as my current bunch are getting older. But, must wait until after I'm out of my boot. Hubbys back is not going to let him do much until his surgery and recoup passes.
I forget about the peeps here in the room with me.
So I keep thinking somebody is knocking on the door!:ghostly:I know thats not possible with gate locked and dogs. Its call or blow the horn best to call since we don't always hear the horn.

Barred Rocks, 3 weeks old.


Rhode Island reds about a week old.
Will you put them together in the brooder right off? I would imagine at this age it won't take them too long to become friends.

We are putting them in this one under lights. It is divided in the middle with chicken wire,so they can see each other but not attack .
This brooder is about 15 years old and has been through lots of storms plus we took the roof off to use on dog house. So it is patched up for these new peeps. Right in front of our porch. If it gets real cold we can still bring them inside. But the poop is gettign to be too much work.

We are putting them in this one under lights. It is divided in the middle with chicken wire,so they can see each other but not attack .
This brooder is about 15 years old and has been through lots of storms plus we took the roof off to use on dog house. So it is patched up for these new peeps. Right in front of our porch. If it gets real cold we can still bring them inside. But the poop is gettign to be too much work.

Have you seen the mother hen heating pad idea? The chicks would probably love that especially since it prevents drafts at night (and let's them feel safe and snuggely).

Just a heating pad over wire (to hold a cave like shape) and some insulation on top. Though a dimmer cord or something is likely needed to maintain the correct temp. I have started using a heating pad instead of a heat lamp when I need to keep chicks warm, though outdoors a heat lamp would probably be needed as well.


Have you seen the mother hen heating pad idea? The chicks would probably love that especially since it prevents drafts at night (and let's them feel safe and snuggely).

Just a heating pad over wire (to hold a cave like shape) and some insulation on top. Though a dimmer cord or something is likely needed to maintain the correct temp. I have started using a heating pad instead of a heat lamp when I need to keep chicks warm, though outdoors a heat lamp would probably be needed as well.



Thanks Sonya, very good idea. I'm not going to expense for heating pad but I have a great alternative thanks to you for reminding me.
I have a string of outside xmas lights that we used for heating pad for seedling trays.
I'll just cover the good with some kind of vynal or cloth and use those to keep them warm.

Our camera is no longer taking good pics,so this is best we can get.

One week old R.I. Reds

One month old Barred Rocks. We are keeping them separated till RIRs get older.


Here is a pic today. They are back inside again. Storm and cooler weather for next day or so, may just leave them in for awhile.

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So I just settled the chicks in under the hens, they are in the spare bedroom for the night so I can hear any problems/peeps, I don't feel like going out to the henhouse 2-3 times to check. Tomorrow they go outside.

Got 3 Americanas and 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte. They are really nice calm chicks, they were in a cage all afternoon and were truly little gluttons eating/drinking for what seemed like hours (and throwing bits of egg everywhere). I really like their calm friendly demeanor, hope they stay that way.

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So both broodies have been in the hen house with the chicks. It was rainy today, will let them outside the hen house tomorrow. The setup doesn't look too pretty but it works for now, when they start going outside of the hen house then they can eat the game bird food out of the feeders, though they will be locked up in a cat carrier every night for at least 2 months just in case a snake gets in the hen house.

Very pleased with the first time broody's mothering skills. She is a very sweet and gentle mother, plus she doesn't mind me messing with and holding her chicks. She has been a low ranking little hen in the flock and while I care about all of my birds her excellent mothering skills certainly make me value her much more.

New broody with chicks:

The older broody is doing great too but that is no surprise, she has raised over 6 clutches so far so she is completely predictable and reliable.
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So the chicks had a big day today; they were officially introduced to the flock and then got to spend time running around outside.

First half hour was a bit chaotic, I let the flock free range in order to give the broodies some space when they took the chicks out, but as soon as the other birds saw the babies half of them headed straight back to the hen house to check things out.

After a little while everyone lost interest in the chicks and the little families were able to run around in peace, scratch for some bugs, have a sun bath etc...

Video of their introduction to the flock below.

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Guess I am the only one posting chick pics. Oh well.

Chicks are 2 weeks old today. So far none have gone MIA, everyone is doing great. The chicks can no longer go between broodies, if they try to "join in" with the wrong family the broody will reject them with screams and pecks.

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As the two forums combined , we had preppers and homesteaders but mostly a mix , being a little of both . Thus the following account , Picking up information from some of the members " which I greatly appreciated " was clued into several particular breeds of chickens that tend to lay more eggs during the winter months . Winter months for the serious prepper that prepares for things such as the aftermath of a Nuclear War will put a perpetual / renewable and sustainable food supply at it's greatest strain point . Thus I took the information provided by the forum members seriously and ordered " Cinnamon Queen " baby chicks . Too my surprise I was placed on a 4 1/2 month waiting list to get those particular breed of chicks . Yesterday was finally the scheduled pick up day . I was so concerned of the health of those chicks that I didn't have them sent in the mail . Nope I drove 150 miles one way to personally pick up those chicks straight from the hatchery . On the drive there and back , on my mind was , if I could get those chicks back to my survival grounds before the Nuking began . Obviously the Nuking hasn't started yet and the baby chicks are now in their nursery and doing fine .
So how many chicks did ya get?
Travel time is worrisome. Especially with turkey chicks, they don't fare as well. We're just hatching our own of everything now, or getting new stuff at our monthly fowl auction.
Eighteen females and two males . Actually only about five would provide all the eggs my household would normally eat and I already have 5 hens from the run of the mill feed store variety . However my focus is not just feeding my household but feeding several households that are on my survival grounds . The main objective is a food supply after S.H.T.F. and either food in stores is unavailable or too expensive . The too expensive scenario we are already seeing .
^^^Pics Please...?!?
I would be glad to send pictures but that is beyond my capability as I don't get on social media platforms are even have a smart phone and perhaps it is only my old school lifestyle leaving me without the knowledge as to how to do such things that keeps me from being able to post pictures . I will say though those baby chicks sure are some pretty little things .
We just hatch lots. I think I have about 70 chickens at the moment. I grow them all out, hens of course, I keep, along with the best couple of roosters. The other roosters I butcher for meat. I just did a bunch of roosters with my neighbor because she needed chicken to can, was out.
Yours aren't going to lay as much in the winter, and after the second year, so the more the merrier.
Gave a dozen to a neighbor last year, and they butchered 3 roosters, kept one. One of the hens they let sit, and their girls were tickled pink that five chicks hatched. They had to show me!
I crossed some factory Azure Standard (blue egg layers), leghorns with chantecler. From the best of that lot I crossed to CX. I am now getting some good sized, good layers and roosters. A bonus has been good winter layers with no heat or lights. Out of 14 hens I got 9 eggs a day all winter and am still getting 10 eggs a day.

I have 14 chick's just hatched out by two broodies and another 32 just hatched in the incubator. I will cull hard for the best traits next spring.
I would be glad to send pictures but that is beyond my capability as I don't get on social media platforms are even have a smart phone and perhaps it is only my old school lifestyle leaving me without the knowledge as to how to do such things that keeps me from being able to post pictures . I will say though those baby chicks sure are some pretty little things .
All the Pics I post are from an old Samsung Phone that is no longer connected to the Service...!!! I charge it, take pics and use the charger cord to connect to me PC and upload them to Me Pictures Folder and forward them to this site...!! Easy Peasy...! :thumbs:
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Guys if any of you notice some wacky appearing and disappearing posts , that is me trying to learn how to post a picture
All the Pics I post are from an old Samsung Phone that is no longer connected to the Service...!!! I charge it, take pics and use the charger cord to connect to me PC and upload them to Me Pictures Folder and forward them to this site...!! Easy Peasy...! :thumbs:


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Wow guys this was my first ever picture to post online . I have much yet to learn . Thanks Snowman without your help this would probably not have happened . However I will give a warning now that I have learned how to convert phone picture to the computer , yaull may have created a monster as I have many things on my survival grounds pictures of would be of great interest to you guys .
just another wee tidbit, I use the date, ie, June132024, so I kin find them easier and categorize them L8r...!!!:lightbulb:

They 🐝 Cute little peepers...!!! :thumbs:

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