You really caught my attention here. I went to a huge party in Central California with some Latino friends of mine and they put a pig in the ground for 3 days prior. They annointed me with Mescal (with the little worm in the bottom) and I never got that receipe nor how the entire process evolved. That was the best tequilla I ever drank and the best baked ham that you could imagine. So my question: is that what you're talking? Tell me yes. And also you're right people should learn to use every part of kill if they can without poisoning themselves. But I remain solid on the fact I won't eat mountain oysters.Hey, I am thinking pit fire! There isn't anything better than a pig in the pit for a family reunion! If not, then the meat gets cured and then the smoke house. Then there is headcheese, souse, scrapple to make out of the head and sausage from the scaps. Use the tongue, brains, liver, snout, ears, heart, lights (lungs), stomach, intestines, feet, tail. skin, and fat. If you kill an animal, even in self-defense, please use all that you can of it. There are many uses and if you are not sure how, then goggle it while you can.