Work dream #289 (last night):
Once again, they had conned me into going back to work

I was working on a job and had reached earning the maximum amount and still be able to collect SS, so I was doing this job for free.
I couldn't get the machine to work right and got frustrated.

I returned to my boss's office and told him:
"Since you won't let me retire again, I'm just going to quit".
He replies: "Your going to have to go to the big office and sign some papers".
I follow him to a huge building and we go in the front doors and down a long hallway.
The door at the end doesn't open into an office, but onto a stage with hundreds of people seated in an audience!

He steps up to the microphone, raises my arm, and announces:
"This is <my real name> and he has just reenlisted for another 5 years!!!"
The crowd jumps to their feet, and explodes into cheers and applause!