trapping minnows easily
you can have MANY such, much deeper/longer, if you wish, on both sides of a stream, and catch quite a few, somewhat larger fish. leave a big clod or stone handy, ready for you to pick up and pitch into the channel of your little trap. Dig the channel in a "j" configuration, to slow the minnow's exit as you sneak up. Dont shake the ground with your steps, crouch low, so that they dont see you, and dont let your shadow fall on the channel. works great! another technique is to tie some notched 6" long sticks across the (notched) 5 ft long sapling. Use this to slap shallow water, blasting minnows out onto the bank. even if the water's a foot deep (freshwater, not salt) you can stun 3" fish if they are close to the surface, and they will float on the surface, long enough for you to scoop them up with your hands or hat and toss them onto the shore.