I've used craigslist for a long time to find stuff like equipment, cars, even rabbits. Overall I think it's a great tool to use to buy or sell stuff. I have noticed a rash of false posts lately that I really wanted to warn people about. I've been looking for a tractor with a backhoe for a few weeks now. Each day I look at the adds posted and am sure I will find something before long that's a good deal. Well, the adds are flooded with great deals on them, like unbelievably great deals. A common post is a fifteen thousand dollar machine selling for three thousand. They all have a reply to an email, no phone number. Once you reply to the add, they have a story about the father passed recently, or she got it in the divorce settlement, or something similar. But they need to sell it fast.... Of course you can't go see the machine as its in safekeeping by eBay, Amazon, or the newest one is pawn America. They are using these companies to ensure that you, the buyer, are protected during the transaction. So all you have to do is send the money electronically and they will ship the machine to you. Of course it comes with a thirty day no questions asked warranty. First off, none of these companies offer such a service. Second, if you send anyone your money without seeing and taking possession of the said product, you will never see your money again. I just saw on the news that some of these phone scams are netting a quarter million dollars a day from Americans. Craigslist is just another form of scam added to the list. I just hope everyone is wary and wise to deals that are too good to be true. The backhoes are just one item they try to rip people off with, but cars, trailers, and anything else you can think of is being listed now. Just remember, if someone is asking you to send money first, drop the transaction.