Bedsheets - how to pick the most comfortable?

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Dec 25, 2020
Hi team,

Sorry, I am not sure if this actually relates to Homesteading. I just can't find any good home economics forums. I assumed that home steading probably involves some aspect of home economics...

I am a bit confused with bedsheets. Different sources are saying different things about Percale/Sateen and thread counts. Not only that, but apparently "Egyptian cotton" can be a very misleading label as only long staple egyptian cotton is high quality.

I wanted to buy good quality sheets for my girlfriend. But I can't figure out if I should be going for percale (because I read it is cooler on the body than sateen) or Sateen (because the fancy sheet store and my mother said that the best sheets are Sateen). Then there is the confusing situation of thread count... with some sources saying low thread count is better while the store person took me to the high thread count section for the high quality sheets...

Any advice?

Does anyone know of a good Home Economics forum on the internet that has a large online community?
No I don't. But I prefer cotton with a very high thread count. Just bought some expensive bamboo sheets and I am not impressed.

So welcome to the forum.
Yeah, they don't look very comfortable.

High thread count cotton is the best value. Don't get caught up in the Egyptian cotton or other cotton marketing bs.
All I know about bed sheets is we need Full size, and they come from Target, Kohls or Walmart. Flannel for winter, cotton for the other 3 seasons.
Different sheets are ideal for different weather conditions. Some are good for colder weather and others good for hot weather. Some are more absorbent of sweat and others stay soaked and get uncomfortable. Higher thread count is usually softer, but ultimately it comes down to what feels good to the touch. My favorite sheets are some jersey knit ones I got on clearance at Bed Bath and Beyond. They are thin enough that they don't get too hot in summer but they are warm enough to keep me comfortable when it's cool. They also act as a barrier between the fuzzy blankets so I don't sweat as much. My cats really like them too. So, maybe have your girlfriend touch different sheets and see what she likes the feel of.
Myself, the best I've found is brushed microfiber.
Here is what I have/use. Over 176,000 ratings giving it a 4.5 (out of 5.0).
Go to Amazon and look up Mellanni bed sheets.
My only complaint is the elastic wears out on the fitted sheet after a year or 2 but that's on my tilt bed that gets tilted up and down a few times each day.
All I know about bed sheets is we need Full size, and they come from Target, Kohls or Walmart. Flannel for winter, cotton for the other 3 seasons.

Exactly what we do I like flannel for winter and percale or corron high thread count eummer or warmer season.

Here is flannel page,just to give you an idea,but like everything else all according to price range.

We just got those tilt beds a few days ago, so all the store had for the split king sheets were the bamboo and the microfiber. I've never used either, so I got one of each. What I really wanted was a couple sets of high thread count cotton white split king sheets. But what I got was pricey, so I'll wait a while. I give the new sets an ok, but not my favorite. Silk sheets are overrated.
A year ago august I got a new bed & bought 2 sets of high thread count cotton sheets, love them. I was in and out of the hospital at the time and didn't have time to go back and buy more. At christmas last year someone bought me another 2 sets of sheets. I hate them, let me rephrase that... I hate them passionately. I dream about the day they end up in the rag box.

In fact I recently got around to looking at their tags... polyester! They are slippery, the top sheet always gets lost somewhere on the bed that I'm not. And its impossible to find unless I get up/turn on the light and search for it.

I planned one purchase during this years after christmas sales... more high thread count cotton sheets.

Oh! as someone who spent most of my early life in cotton fields... The only differences in cotton is how its processed. It's like claiming the taste of beef depends on the color of the cow... (black angus). R-i-g-h-t!
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A year ago august I got a new bed & bought 2 sets of high thread count cotton sheets, love them. I was in and out of the hospital at the time and didn't have time to go back and buy more. At christmas last year someone bought me another 2 sets of sheets. I hate them, let me rephrase that... I hate them passionately. I day dream about the day they end up in the rag box.

In fact I recently got around to looking at their tags... polyester! They are slippery, the top sheet always gets lost somewhere on the bed that I'm not. And its impossible to find unless I get up/turn on the light and search for it.

I planned one purchase during this years after christmas sales... more high thread count cotton sheets.

Oh! as someone who spent most of my early life in cotton fields... The only differences in cotton is how its processed. It's like claiming the taste of beef depends on the color of the cow... (black angus). R-i-g-h-t!

So true! They can call it cotton all day but that won't make it cotton.
From my personal experience sateen feels nice but I would rather use it to make clothing than sheets. Most of my sheets are sateen. When K and I bought our mattress 10 years ago I bought a bunch of high thread count sateen sheets. They lasted a long time and I still have most of the sets. I have noticed over the years that while sateen is nice the higher the thread count the better I like the sheets. I now just get high thread count sheets when they are on sale or clearance in January (white sales).

And yes, I buy sateen sheets on clearance just for the fabric. My girls have dresses I made out of sateen sheets. They look much nicer than just 100% cotton (which they are) and have a heavier drape too! Look at that sheen!

This is some really good feedback. Thanks team.

Curious to know if many people have had the chance to compare Percale with Sateen? I was left with the impression that both percale and sateen are top quality but that Percale is better for summer.

I am trying to find summer sheets but all the high-end sheets are sateen...
Different sheets are ideal for different weather conditions. Some are good for colder weather and others good for hot weather. Some are more absorbent of sweat and others stay soaked and get uncomfortable. Higher thread count is usually softer, but ultimately it comes down to what feels good to the touch. My favorite sheets are some jersey knit ones I got on clearance at Bed Bath and Beyond. They are thin enough that they don't get too hot in summer but they are warm enough to keep me comfortable when it's cool. They also act as a barrier between the fuzzy blankets so I don't sweat as much. My cats really like them too. So, maybe have your girlfriend touch different sheets and see what she likes the feel of.
Bingo! In winter I love flannel sheets because even when the house is 58 they don't feel cold. In summer I get some cheap mid grade sheets. I visited family who had "fancy" silk sheets but my skin on my feet and hands were so ruff it felt like velcro and kept grabbing at the sheets.

I don't buy into premium sheets for a premium sleep BS. If it's normal sheets you won't be kept awake by them. Now a quality pillow and mattress I do agree with. You put organic unbleached 1K count sheets over a rock slab and still have a horrible night sleep.

Sorry can't help you more....
Bingo! In winter I love flannel sheets because even when the house is 58 they don't feel cold. In summer I get some cheap mid grade sheets. I visited family who had "fancy" silk sheets but my skin on my feet and hands were so ruff it felt like velcro and kept grabbing at the sheets.

I don't buy into premium sheets for a premium sleep BS. If it's normal sheets you won't be kept awake by them. Now a quality pillow and mattress I do agree with. You put organic unbleached 1K count sheets over a rock slab and still have a horrible night sleep.

Sorry can't help you more....

Microfiber BS fabric they have been using for sheets are the worst! I can feel the calluses on my feet grab the fibers! Velcro is the right term. Cheap fabric.

I will say that if this is for a woman get some REAL SILK pillowcases. They really do make a difference in your hair and skin care. I sleep with silk pillowcases even in winter and my hair is no longer as frizzy.

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