My little #*$%^# butthead got out twice today. Winter rains have started, chilly, drizzled off and on all day. I got him back up the first time then… must be the day for it because my neighbors cows were out on the highway, half his herd. Spent 2hrs helping him (83yrs old). It was nearly dark when I got back home only to find my little butthead was out again. This time he took out 8ft of fencing. I couldn’t fix the fence in the dark so I blocked the area off.
Tomorrow I’m leaving for an overnight medical apt, possibly 2 nights. If he’s out in the morning I’ll shut him up in the corral. I’ll feed him when I leave but he’ll have nothing but hay until I get back. I’d figured out a way for my dad to give him sweet feed while I was gone. That’s not possible if he’s shut up in the corral. If he wants to be an ass I’ll show him what happens to buttheads! He can’t get out of the corral so he can stand there and bawl till I get back.
Tomorrow I’m leaving for an overnight medical apt, possibly 2 nights. If he’s out in the morning I’ll shut him up in the corral. I’ll feed him when I leave but he’ll have nothing but hay until I get back. I’d figured out a way for my dad to give him sweet feed while I was gone. That’s not possible if he’s shut up in the corral. If he wants to be an ass I’ll show him what happens to buttheads! He can’t get out of the corral so he can stand there and bawl till I get back.