Ben Affleck Pledges to Live on $1.50 a Day

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Awesome Friend
Feb 22, 2013
Ben Affleck Pledges to Live on $1.50 a Day


so I am in the process of checking email, and this is one of the
"Trending Now" yahoo stories.

So Benifer is going to do what over 50% of the world does,
but for only 5 days.

No mention if he will prepare the food or if he will leave
his mansion and slaves, err servants ?

Nice effort
Ben Affleck Pledges to Live on $1.50 a Day


so I am in the process of checking email, and this is one of the
"Trending Now" yahoo stories.

So Benifer is going to do what over 50% of the world does,
but for only 5 days.

No mention if he will prepare the food or if he will leave
his mansion and slaves, err servants ?

Nice effort
He will live on $1.50 a day in his multi million dollar mansion?

$1.50 gets me a meal at Del Taco
Ben Affleck's Diary

Day 1. Dear dairy, I went slummy with my boys today at a local dive bar and got a PBR for a buck and gorged myself on the free bar snacks. I felt like a jerk not tipping the guy so one of my entourage handled it for me. All that junk food made me feel like crap so we stop by Whole Foods on the way back and I had a Fair Trade Organic Apple. This is so easy.

Day 2. I was at a meeting discussing with my agent about directing an anti-gun video with other celebrities. I was so hungry I could just shoot someone. I called it quites early so I could hit the spa to take my mind off the hunger. For dinner I had a box of Kraft Mac and Cheese and a chopped up hotdog. I miss my personal chef.

Day 3. This morning driving to the studio I saw an old McDonald's french fry in my car, I had no idea how long it had been there but it tasted delicious. I tried to hit the local soup kitchen wearing a hoodie and sunglasses but the paparazzi was everywhere so I couldn't get in. That french fry made me crave McDonalds so I went there instead. I ordered a cheeseburger from the dollar menu but they charged me a 1.29! I almost jumped over the counter to pummel the cashier but my bodyguards pulled me back. It's okay, when I left, I got my 29 cents worth by grabbing fistfuls of ketchup packets and sugar! I saved 21 cents, I am proud of that, I will make it.

Day 4. I am so tired and hungry... I think I am dying..I drove to the Starbucks to pick up some coffee and a bum asked me for some change. I cursed him out asking him if he knew how hard I had it. He had more money in his cup than I had for food the entire day. If the paparazzi was not there I would have kicked him...I boiled some plain pasta and mixed it the ketchup and sugar from McDonalds and with my last 50 cents sprinkled on some Parmigano Reggiano. The good stuff from Italy, even I am not hungry enough to eat that canned stuff from the super market.

Day 5. I am so hungry I could cry. This morning I walked over to my fish tank and unplugged it and called my personal chef. By the time he got here the fish were dead so he turned it into sashimi for me. I asked if he could make it Nobu style, so he sauteed up some hot oil and poured it over the fish with organic spices and wild herbs he found out on the interstate.

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