I am simply going to keep this short. So you just joined DPF or some other prepper website. You want to be that illusive prepper who doesn't want to share his or her ideas about prepping because you think by doing so, this limits you off the Fed's watch list. You think you are so invisible by being so cute, but think again, everyone has an IP address, the minute you hit the Bing, Google, and Yahoo or any other search engine, presto magico, you are idenfitied. Everything and I mean everyone is watched today.
Google Watching (see forum), is the latest to admit they are gathering data and do you really think you are safe from the big guys tasked with surveillance, well then I have this lovely piece of property you can buy for cheap. It has all the dead space you need to prep away. You are a nobody to them, they aren't going to knock on your door and grab you like some Stormtrooper at night. You say, well crap Silent Bob, if I remain off from posting ****, I reduce my chances...well then you'd better think twice, because you just logged your IP address to a ton of search engines, blog sites, and prepper websites. They have you, so live a bit and quit thinking like your some movie star, if they want you, they know.
So why am I stating this entire post, simply, why be so afraid to not comment on the sites. Unless you've got the money, tech and know how, pretty much those guys that work or are sub-contracted out, already know who you are, your bank accounts, what weapons you have (yeah and don't give me that crap, you have a bunch of weapons that you bought under false names or such and such are off the map). Heck, they even know how much ammo you have and even Walmart knows how many cans of beans you stocked in your pantry.
If your a multi-millionaire, which last gathering, I don't think most of are not, then its fatalistic to think that the simple steps you adopted are going to make you immune to a determined effort by agencies. Millionaires might have the ability to drop off the face of the earth, granted it also require some serious cash to be spent, but doable. Last time I checked did a simple screen on myself, I glowed light a candlestick and that include my driver license. Oh yeah, unless your breaking the law..they got you there too. So take a chance and place your god given brains to expressing yourself, better to ask and receive, rather than live in darkness of ignorance.
Good preps to you all.
Google Watching (see forum), is the latest to admit they are gathering data and do you really think you are safe from the big guys tasked with surveillance, well then I have this lovely piece of property you can buy for cheap. It has all the dead space you need to prep away. You are a nobody to them, they aren't going to knock on your door and grab you like some Stormtrooper at night. You say, well crap Silent Bob, if I remain off from posting ****, I reduce my chances...well then you'd better think twice, because you just logged your IP address to a ton of search engines, blog sites, and prepper websites. They have you, so live a bit and quit thinking like your some movie star, if they want you, they know.
So why am I stating this entire post, simply, why be so afraid to not comment on the sites. Unless you've got the money, tech and know how, pretty much those guys that work or are sub-contracted out, already know who you are, your bank accounts, what weapons you have (yeah and don't give me that crap, you have a bunch of weapons that you bought under false names or such and such are off the map). Heck, they even know how much ammo you have and even Walmart knows how many cans of beans you stocked in your pantry.
If your a multi-millionaire, which last gathering, I don't think most of are not, then its fatalistic to think that the simple steps you adopted are going to make you immune to a determined effort by agencies. Millionaires might have the ability to drop off the face of the earth, granted it also require some serious cash to be spent, but doable. Last time I checked did a simple screen on myself, I glowed light a candlestick and that include my driver license. Oh yeah, unless your breaking the law..they got you there too. So take a chance and place your god given brains to expressing yourself, better to ask and receive, rather than live in darkness of ignorance.
Good preps to you all.