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Spc. Alan

Oct 4, 2013
Has anyone seen this biolite stove. Weighs about 2lbs and you can do quite a bit of stuff with it to include charging electronics, cooking, ect. Check it out and let me know what you guys think. Cost is around 120. Not sure how well it would hold up though. If any of you currently have one or have had one let me know what you think of it. Just google biolite to find the website.
Has anyone seen this biolite stove. Weighs about 2lbs and you can do quite a bit of stuff with it to include charging electronics, cooking, ect. Check it out and let me know what you guys think. Cost is around 120. Not sure how well it would hold up though. If any of you currently have one or have had one let me know what you think of it. Just google biolite to find the website.

To heavy for me, I go with a canteen cup and stove with esbit fuel tablets.


What about a solar panel that you can put on your pack so it can charge while you are hiking.
Has anyone seen this biolite stove. Weighs about 2lbs and you can do quite a bit of stuff with it to include charging electronics, cooking, ect. Check it out and let me know what you guys think. Cost is around 120. Not sure how well it would hold up though. If any of you currently have one or have had one let me know what you think of it. Just google biolite to find the website.
No sorry I have not heard of one, but I will look into it, and get back with you.
To heavy for me, I go with a canteen cup and stove with esbit fuel tablets.


What about a solar panel that you can put on your pack so it can charge while you are hiking.
Now this one I am familiar with, and have used!
yea check it out and let me know what you think. I guess what this boils down to, and you can help me here since I am just getting into this, but is it better to just stick with the more basic option on everything since its already been proven time and again or should I give new things/technology a try?
yea check it out and let me know what you think. I guess what this boils down to, and you can help me here since I am just getting into this, but is it better to just stick with the more basic option on everything since its already been proven time and again or should I give new things/technology a try?

I am all for new tech, but make damn sure you field test your gear time and time again. Last thing you want is SHTF and your gear is worthless. Go simple
A friend of mine has the Biolite stove. I've used it a couple of times, and it works surprisingly well. It's easy to get going, and feed. Once the heat is going, the generator does a credible job of charging electronics. So far, I've only tried charging my phone from it, but it seemed to get the job done.

I see they now have a kettle and grill you can add on. I've been considering getting one, but so far I'm happy with the little stove I made from a quart paint can + soup can + tuna fish can. It gets the job done, is light, and really cheap. Of course that doesn't have a neat generator.
I am all for new tech, but make damn sure you field test your gear time and time again. Last thing you want is SHTF and your gear is worthless. Go simple

agree with that when it comes to shtf situation and buging out and haveing to useing the bug home might prove to vauable to keep it quiek n simple.cook what you gotta.clean it up n put it away..then your ready to move on when needed..

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