What Was Your Favorite Toy as a Kid?

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Formerly known as Supervisor42
HCL Supporter
Dec 16, 2017
I checked the forum and couldn't believe we didn't have a thread on this. :(
For me it was obvious, being a gear-head since age-6, The Erector Set. :)
Everything I built used the motor and moved.
Only tool needed, was imagination! :D

How about you?
Oh yeah, I had Lincoln logs too. We played Huck Fynn and tried to make raft to float in the irrigation ditch, climbed trees, rode our bikes. Those aren’t really toys, but that’s how we played. I loved anything art. I got a spiralgraph one year and loved it.
Oh yeah, I had Lincoln logs too. We played Huck Fynn and tried to make raft to float in the irrigation ditch, climbed trees, rode our bikes. Those aren’t really toys, but that’s how we played. I loved anything art. I got a spiralgraph one year and loved it.
I forgot about the Spriograph, That was fun too
This was it.

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Actually I had a two gun set, one was an M1A1 and the other was a 1911. I played war for hundreds of hours with those toy guns. At the end of their life they were covered in both electrical tape and duct tape to hold them together.
Every boy should have a bazooka growing up.
This was it.

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Actually I had a two gun set, one was an M1A1 and the other was a 1911. I played war for hundreds of hours with those toy guns. At the end of their life they were covered in both electrical tape and duct tape to hold them together.
Sure, we had sticks :p
I had a white kitty that squeaked when you squeezed it. First toy I remember and cherished for a few years.
Little kiddles, they were baby sisters of Barbie. I thought Barbie was weird.
A small stuffed bear on a leash that I got at Skyline Drive when I was 7.
Yes, bike riding, running around outside, going down into the woods across the road, swampy, scary. Lol
Also makes me wonder if the low military enlistments have anything to do with that. My toy rifle said US Army on the stock and I knew from that day on I was going to be a soldier.
Well, you triggered me (pun). :D
Who else had corkball guns?
Put a greenie-stick'em cap on the striker plate, drive a corkball down the barrel with the ramrod, and POW you could shoot your brother!
They had a vent-hole drilled in the side of the barrel near the breach because they knew it wouldn't take long for us to figure out 2 or 3 caps piled up worked much better than 1.:p
We just pulled the barrel out and turned it around to get rid of the vent hole. :thumbs:
Our weapon of choice:

When we got to be teenagers, we figured out by adding a little black powder, you could shoot more than corkballs.

(Yes, we were smart enough not to shoot them at each other, but tin cans were not safe.:p)
Yeah the Daisy lever action was a lot of fun too
BB-guns? "You'll shoot yer eye out!" :oops:
Also forbidden today. :(
No wonder we have so many boys today that want to wear dresses :mad:.
I had a white kitty that squeaked when you squeezed it. First toy I remember and cherished for a few years.
Little kiddles, they were baby sisters of Barbie. I thought Barbie was weird.
A small stuffed bear on a leash that I got at Skyline Drive when I was 7.
Yes, bike riding, running around outside, going down into the woods across the road, swampy, scary. Lol
I really liked kiddles, too. I'd make them a little house out of an empty shoe box. I'd ride my bike everywhere, too, it had a banana seat with big flowers on it.