All the same **** and rhetoric I seen from the Black Panthers of the 60s, it's not new.
Follow up
You would think this was today given the twist in the media, even communist media propaganda.
Keep in mind that several members of the Nation of Islam were the assassins, all were black. Malcolm broke off with the Nation of Islam and switched to sunni muslim teachings, the nation of islam is heterodox in it's teachings, Malcolm death had nothing to do with skin color, fighting for freedom, equal rights but an internal muslim ideology, the NOI feared Malcolm would pull members away from NOI.
Writer James Baldwin, He responded with indignation towards the reporters interviewing him, shouting, "You did it! It is because of you—the men that created this white supremacy—that this man is dead. You are not guilty, but you did it.… Your mills, your cities, your rape of a continent started all this
China's People's Daily described Malcolm X as a martyr killed by "ruling circles and racists" in the United States; his assassination, the paper wrote, demonstrated that "in dealing with imperialist oppressors, violence must be met with violence."
The Guangming Daily, also published in Beijing, stated that "Malcolm was murdered because he fought for freedom and equal rights."
In Cuba, El Mundo described the assassination as "another racist crime to eradicate by violence the struggle against discrimination