BLM move over for NFAC

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They look pretty intimidating until the leader told them to line up in eight columns. Pure chaos. It was a terrible look. About 5:10 in this video. Can't follow simple instructions, and they had just rehearsed in the parking lot.

And then the bullhorn incident at 12:20. I felt sorry for the guy, he was on such a roll.
He is a pretty good speaker, but man, he has got some real dangerous ideas. He calls for all black people carry firearms in public. For a highly emotionally charged people, that is a really bad idea. We're going to need a lot of new prisons.

Prisons,,,,,,,,don't you mean body bags,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I've watched a couple of his rant videos. He says if we don't give all the black people their reparations, all the black people are just going to up and leave the country, and we will be so sorry, because we rely on them for our culture. We will just be lost without them. He may be the most delusional person I have ever seen. Can you imagine if they all left? We could close half the prisons, get rid of half the police, cut all social services by two thirds. It would save billions a year. It is not very often you find a narcissist with low IQ, but I think that's what he is. Worth a listen, and you'll get a kick out of the comments also.
Countries in Europe are turning away refugees right now good luck going there i say if they want to relocate go to kalifornia. The U.S can let cali. be its own nation.
California is a **** hole,,,,,,send all the left leaning ******** there I don't care what color or race they are,,,,,,,give them all free passage,,,BLM the queers the bleeding hearts let them go in 5 years California will be a welfare state
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Maybe if we give them Texas they won't demand reparations. After all Texas has already had 6 flags, what's one more? HA HA. I have many friends in Texas. Every one of them is armed. BLM may find that wanting and taking ae 2 different things entirely.
the whole BLM is more about anarchy and bringing down the establishment than anything to do with slavery or blacks being killed by cops, thats just an excuse.

In just Chicago area the black are kiling around 600 of their own each year and wounding many more. BUT if a policeman kills a black criminal then they riot, loot and burn. I find it personally impossible to respect them.

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