Boston Tried a Police State and it Failed

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Holey krikey!! If your reading this thread, take the time to watch the two videos on that link. I had no idea they were that aggressive on those house searches. It was like they were busting a crack house, not doing a courtesy sweep to protect the neighbourhood.
Holey krikey!! If your reading this thread, take the time to watch the two videos on that link. I had no idea they were that aggressive on those house searches. It was like they were busting a crack house, not doing a courtesy sweep to protect the neighbourhood.

There is never anything courtesy about a MOUT (Military Operation In Urban Terrain) situation. It is one of the most dangerous environments, and anytime you go into a house you can't assume or take anything for granted. You have to go in fast, and sweep and clear every corner, everytime someone sticks their face into a doorway is a potential for you to die. It is a sucky situation, but there isn't any really good solution to this. If you don't want to be part of this, don't be in the city I suppose.
It's not filled with anything good for people who can think for themselves, Come and Get It. If you aren't content to be spoon fed pap and bologna, then you are an enemy of the government.
There is never anything courtesy about a MOUT (Military Operation In Urban Terrain) situation. It is one of the most dangerous environments, and anytime you go into a house you can't assume or take anything for granted. You have to go in fast, and sweep and clear every corner, everytime someone sticks their face into a doorway is a potential for you to die. It is a sucky situation, but there isn't any really good solution to this. If you don't want to be part of this, don't be in the city I suppose.

Living in suburbia an individual does not expect a Falluja type situation
I have done my share of the canine and equestrian extravaganza of MOUT training
I had got my fill in Third World toilets doing the same

The fourth amendment was trampled upon during that Dick dance
But then I guess it doesn't really matter the Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper
Living in suburbia an individual does not expect a Falluja type situation
I have done my share of the canine and equestrian extravaganza of MOUT training
I had got my fill in Third World toilets doing the same

The fourth amendment was trampled upon during that Dick dance
But then I guess it doesn't really matter the Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper

Well the suspect 2's 5th amendment right is being trampled upon too but I won't shed a tear for him. If they expected a Falluja type event or not, it was thrust upon them. I doubt the people of Fallujah expected their city to be turned into a war zone and it is what it is. I think the people who live in Boston, who lived through the attack would rather have wanted the terrorist removed from their city at all costs. What if they didn't do that, and required a warrant for each home, and one of his 12 cell members harbored him?

None of these are easy questions. Most of the people in the United States probably don't even know what rights they have to be trampled, hence why we have to remind people of their effin Miranda rights each and everytime. So are these really rights if you have to have an officer remind you each time?
This is crazy... Yes cooperate, but don't cheer for them when they leave. Yes the balloon is rising and it will pop, very soon.

Anything else think this was a test run for the future?
I don't know how many of you have LEO for friends or family, but I do. They are normal people doing the best they can providing for their families, and many of them decent people trying to do the right things for people even though they have to deal with the dredges of society each day. Many of them are rotten apples too but not all of them.

They don't wake up each day thinking how they can trample of people's rights, or take over the world, many of them love the 2nd Amendment just as we do and have no desire to see a police state even though they are part of the mechanism.

The question I ask you is when the SHTF, do you want them on your side or theirs? People have morale choices to make, if I was still in the military and the order came to round up weapons I would say no, and be thrown in prison, or be shot for treason, or fight back. There is no reason to turn potential allies against you if you don't need to.

Also a little empathy should be in order for both the police and the people of Boston who had to go through that whole ordeal. You know why they are cheering? Because the police were there doing what they could not, or would not do themselves, take on a terrorist packing explosives. Not everyone grew up around guns, or know what to do when confront with violence. I grew up in a first generation family who had no clue what guns are, or were, and still don't. I had to go get myself the training I needed. These people were prisoners in their own home, with children, I do not blame them for having the police come in and sweep the house, and I don't blame the police for using these tactics. It was safer for both parties if they assumed each house was dangerous.

The day before the MIT police officer was shot in his own vehicle, tensions are high, nerves are frayed and no one wants to get it wrong. The police were in an intense fire fight with grenades thrown at them. It was probably the first time they had experienced that too. They signed up to be peacekeepers, but instead they were thrown into front line combat.

The terrorists brought the war to us. I had no issue with us going to Iraq and I signed up. I told my family "I rather them blow us up and fight us there over seas than have them bring the war to our backyard." Well the crap has been brought.

Any failings for us letting a police state occur is squarely in our court as United States Citizens. If we lose the ability to differentiate between a emergency actions, and a real hostile take over then we deserve what we get. The cities will be the first to fall and that is why I am getting out. I have no desire to be here when the "sheep" gets herded up, but I won't be quick to judge this as a hoax, or a false flag when there is so much more evidence pointing to Al Qaeda than our own government. If I was a Al Qaeda operative I would be drooling if they could turn their own citizens against each other.
I don't know how many of you have LEO for friends or family, but I do. They are normal people doing the best they can providing for their families, and many of them decent people trying to do the right things for people even though they have to deal with the dredges of society each day. Many of them are rotten apples too but not all of them.

They don't wake up each day thinking how they can trample of people's rights, or take over the world, many of them love the 2nd Amendment just as we do and have no desire to see a police state even though they are part of the mechanism.

The question I ask you is when the SHTF, do you want them on your side or theirs? People have morale choices to make, if I was still in the military and the order came to round up weapons I would say no, and be thrown in prison, or be shot for treason, or fight back. There is no reason to turn potential allies against you if you don't need to.

Also a little empathy should be in order for both the police and the people of Boston who had to go through that whole ordeal. You know why they are cheering? Because the police were there doing what they could not, or would not do themselves, take on a terrorist packing explosives. Not everyone grew up around guns, or know what to do when confront with violence. I grew up in a first generation family who had no clue what guns are, or were, and still don't. I had to go get myself the training I needed. These people were prisoners in their own home, with children, I do not blame them for having the police come in and sweep the house, and I don't blame the police for using these tactics. It was safer for both parties if they assumed each house was dangerous.

The day before the MIT police officer was shot in his own vehicle, tensions are high, nerves are frayed and no one wants to get it wrong. The police were in an intense fire fight with grenades thrown at them. It was probably the first time they had experienced that too. They signed up to be peacekeepers, but instead they were thrown into front line combat.

The terrorists brought the war to us. I had no issue with us going to Iraq and I signed up. I told my family "I rather them blow us up and fight us there over seas than have them bring the war to our backyard." Well the crap has been brought.

Any failings for us letting a police state occur is squarely in our court as United States Citizens. If we lose the ability to differentiate between a emergency actions, and a real hostile take over then we deserve what we get. The cities will be the first to fall and that is why I am getting out. I have no desire to be here when the "sheep" gets herded up, but I won't be quick to judge this as a hoax, or a false flag when there is so much more evidence pointing to Al Qaeda than our own government. If I was a Al Qaeda operative I would be drooling if they could turn their own citizens against each other.

Every word you said makes perfect sense and is 100% reasonable, and thus we end up sliding down the slippery slope. Where is the line drawn, how do we get all citizens to decide to draw it in the same place, and how do we peacefully tell the men with bullet proof SWAT vests and automatic weapons that they have crossed it?

Liberties were traded for safety. Both are really important, so how do you decide how to balance this? Is what happened okay? Does it matter what we think anyway?
Where are the dash cam videos of alleged
Grenades and other things that go boom?

I can understand that those may not be release for a while, though I would really like to see them. The thing that gets me is that I would assume the grenades did some damage to the roads. It seems like any journalist would make getting footage and photos of that damaged street a priority and yet there have been none. are those roads still closed off??
I can understand that those may not be release for a while, though I would really like to see them. The thing that gets me is that I would assume the grenades did some damage to the roads. It seems like any journalist would make getting footage and photos of that damaged street a priority and yet there have been none. are those roads still closed off??

I have no idea what kind of "grenades" they were throwing, if they were home-made which is more likely or military fragmentation ones. I don't think the military fragmentation ones will mar the road that badly, with chips and blast marks, and very little of the grenade left.

These things will be released slowly, and won't be covered up unlike Benghazi.

Oh by the way, Hillary lied about Benghazi, surprise surprise.
I have no idea what kind of "grenades" they were throwing, if they were home-made which is more likely or military fragmentation ones. I don't think the military fragmentation ones will mar the road that badly, with chips and blast marks, and very little of the grenade left.

These things will be released slowly, and won't be covered up unlike Benghazi.

Oh by the way, Hillary lied about Benghazi, surprise surprise.

I found something.

"I could see the two shooters behind the SUV shooting on, down Laurel Street," said Kitzenberg, who immediately ran upstairs to his bedroom on the third floor, jumped on his bed, laid on his stomach, and tried to stay below the window.
"I got my camera right up against the window and the glass, continuing to take photos of the shooters and what was happening right in front of my bedroom window," Kitzenberg said.
The way I see it LE is damned if they do and damned if they don't. Many here criticize how everyone's rights are trampled but if LE did not respond the way the did and were not aggressive and more people were bombed and killed then they all are incompetent. Sorry to say it folks but the vast majority of this country do not have your mindset. They want others to protect them at all costs as long as they don't have to be involved. This includes jury duty.

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