Bug Out Bag, Bug out to where?

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Bugging out means leaving most of your supplies behind, carrying whatever you can on your back and starting again.
if your unfortunate enough to have to live in a big city when everything goes tits up then you might have no option, in that case plans need to be made well in advance of anything that will cause you to bug out.
if you live where I do bugging in makes sense, I bugged out of a city 20 years ago!
Most people that would like to "Bug Out" will never find a place that is as good as my place to "Bug In".
I think it always depends the situation you're in. If there's enough land for a lil bit farming, an family with kids and more or less secure area then isn't an big reason for an bug out.
It looks different if you're living somewhere you don't have any chance to grow your own food in an crisis. And if you're single or maybe with an partner then it may would be an good idea to look at an bug out.
There's just none general roule if an bug in or an bug out is the better idea.
Myself, i don't have an bug out bag. I have only an INCH - bag, because when i need to leave my place then i will be sure to survive longer if i really can't go back. And if i never need this thing the everything was fine in my life.
Well the idea of a BOB is being able to get the hell out of town within minutes...for whatever reason(s). The idea of an INCH bag is you car broke down in the middle of nowhere and you want to get back home without any big hunger, cold or thirst. The idea of an EDC is to have all the little things with you every day and every minute if you get caught in a stupid situation where you need to make a fire, get some water, fix a broken little gadget, do a little first aid or help another person to do the same things...some of us with a gun too.
I think my EDC/INCH/BOB bags are all set up to do the same thing no mattert what the situation, weather, crisis or personal distance from or to home I happen to be in...
On top of all these ideas, I try to watch the weather reports, TV and radio reports and the constantly changing situation around me with the amount of people, the sounds of life, danger or any sign of a sudden change of the situation (awareness). No matter what I have with me, I also keep my eyes open to the availability of the things I could use if needed and my bag/s are not "nearby enough"...improvising!
Getting caught with NOTHING is your own fault and everybody having to put their lives on the line to find and save you is not the idea of prepping...
live free, Gary

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