The idea has merits, but here's some things to consider:
1. Where do you live? Some climates can be VERY tough on boats. Here in FL, it doesn't take long for mother nature to really do a number on a non-maintained boat.
2. Also with above, this will impact how long the solar panels last (storms, intense sun, etc.).
3. Fresh water or salt water? Fresh water will make replenishable water easier to come by, but increase your chance of discovery.
4. Can you store, grow enough food on your house barge?
5. What kind of defense can you mount? (making the home bulletproof will mean a lot of weight)
6. How do you maneuver if out of fuel? Sail? Just anchor and use a john boat?
7. Will need a lot of measures to keep from sinking (such as from even a small attack, or just bad luck, etc.)
8. Everything is in one, vulnerable place. You can lose all easily.
Not to say there aren't other good points for it, just have to consider the above, your location, and what scenarios you think may cause you to use it. Really, unless you're living there when the SHTF, you also have to keep up the maintenance, and of course GET to the boat!
A barge will be slow moving so take into account defending it from pirates. Because post SHTF that's gonna become real, fast
Great point, and if you're also doing the propane thing, man, that's a lot of fire risk on a boat. First thing you learn about boats....don't blow up the boat! Tanks on a boat seem to be a recipe for disaster. Go solar and just learn how to deal with limited power. Have replacement panels. Don't be anywhere it requires heat.